Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1007 How did you know?

The red dragon girl's expression remained unchanged. She looked at the night in the distance and said lightly: "I'm not as elegant as you. Why are you looking at the moon?"

At this time, Ye Han turned into a ray of light and landed not far from the Red Dragon Girl. He said with a smile: "So you want to be here? I will be lucky to be invited by the Red Fairy for three lifetimes!"

After hearing this, the red dragon girl frowned and said: "Stop talking nonsense to me here, you bastard can really do it. You were not polite at all about the good things that Dragon Demon Saint had on you that day. Take it away! You dare to show up in front of me! You are really blind!"

The red dragon girl got angry when she mentioned this. What this guy said was better than what he sang. He said that the demon elixir and demon soul of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint belonged to him, and his body, flesh, essence, and blood belonged to him. As a result, he sent her away with some wreckage. That was it. There's nothing good about the storage bag, just average stuff, and some disgusting stuff...

However, she only complained a few words, but she didn't really care. After all, being able to kill the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint would have done her a great favor and saved her from danger.

It's just Ye Han's behavior as a bastard that made her very angry...

After hearing this, Ye Han said with an innocent face: "Friend Hong Daoist, you have wronged me. I fought against the Dragon Demon Saint, but I tried my best, but I didn't get much benefit. This guy's demon Dan himself was violent, and he only had a little demon soul, so I suffered even more than you! In order to kill that guy, my sword formation was destroyed, and most of the puppets were damaged, so I suffered even more than you!"

Anyway, the Red Dragon Girl didn’t see him kill the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, and didn’t know that he had taken away the space ring. He would not tell the Red Dragon Girl what good things he got from the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint. Crying about poverty is the best way... …

Listening to Ye Han's complaints, the red dragon girl didn't believe it, but she felt inexplicably comfortable, and even felt a little gloating about his misfortune.

However, the red dragon girl still said angrily: "I don't believe your nonsense! Will you, bastard, suffer?"

Ye Han shrugged and said, "Then there's nothing I can do if you don't believe me."

After saying that, he looked at the Red Dragon Girl up and down and said, "Hey! Fellow Daoist Red, you dress up so beautifully, you didn't come here to complain to me, right?"

It can be seen that the red dragon girl has dressed up in a rare way. She is indeed quite beautiful, especially her figure is simply invincible...

However, it can also be seen that this red dragon girl has digested a lot of the blood demon power of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint during this period, and her cultivation level has actually broken through one level. She is already at the ninth level of the Golden Core stage, and her aura is much stronger. …

No wonder the red dragon girl seems to be in a pretty good mood.

It made Ye Han sure that his judgment was correct. This red dragon girl asked him to come out. She really wanted to cooperate with him for something good...

Listening to Ye Han's words of praise, the red dragon girl glared at him and said, "Yes! Are you tempted?"

Ye Han said with a smile: "It would be a lie to say that I am not tempted, but Fellow Taoist Hong didn't call me out for no reason, right?"

As he spoke, Ye Han straightened his face and said, "Fellow Daoist Hong, if you have anything to say, just say it. There is no need for you and me to beat around the bush."

After hearing this, the red dragon girl nodded and took a deep look at Ye Han. The feeling that Ye Han gave her was still an unfathomable aura. She could also vaguely see that Ye Han's recent cultivation level Or if there is a breakthrough in magical power, even if his cultivation level improves by one level, he will no longer be Ye Han's opponent.

Sensing this situation, the Red Dragon Girl also felt emotional. In just a few hundred years, the guy she was chasing back then was no longer a match for her.

Thinking like this, the red dragon girl said: "Who is beating around the bush with you? You cheated me so much, why can't I say a few words to you?"

After a pause, the red dragon girl continued: "I remember you said that you came to Jinyang to deal with Jian Twenty-Nine?"

Ye Han nodded and said, "That's right!"

The red dragon girl nodded and replied: "I've asked around. You should have nothing to do with Jian Twenty-Nine. You are helping your sect's Ningyu to avenge you, right? The matter of their sisters back then was a big deal in the world of immortal cultivation. No, your Qingxuan Sect and the Yin Yang Sword Sect have been at odds with each other for a while, right? "

Yes, the Red Dragon Girl is an elder of the Three Gods Sect. The story about Jian Twenty-Nine and the Ningyu Fairy sisters was so outrageous back then. Of course, they knew there was something fishy about it. However, for the Blackwater Sect and other sects, it was a welcome news. Of course it will not prevent such a thing from happening...

After hearing this, Ye Han said with a half-smile: "Now that fellow Taoist knows, don't doubt my purpose, but if there is a chance, I don't mind causing some trouble for your Three God Sect!"

Listening to Ye Han's words, the Red Dragon Girl said nonchalantly: "I came to you to discuss our cooperation!"

Speaking of this, she said with a decisive voice: "You are right, I don't blame you for what happened to me, but I blame the sect for abandoning me, so I don't care what happens to this sect in the future. I just want to Become an immortal! For this purpose, I will do anything!”

Ye Han's heart moved and he said: "I admire my fellow Taoist for his determination! However, I also want to advise my fellow Taoist that although it is a good thing to go to extremes, if you go too extreme, you will also hurt yourself!"

The Red Dragon Girl nodded after hearing this and said, "I think you must want to know why our Three Gods Sect suddenly attacked Jinyang?"

Ye Han smiled and replied: "Of course I want to know, but isn't this the purpose of our cooperation?"

When Red Dragon Girl heard Ye Han's tone, she knew that this guy had already noticed something, and continued: "It seems that you have guessed a little, but you don't know the specific situation, right? We in the Three Gods Sect know that the Ascension Palace will soon appear in the Golden Soil. For this reason, we in the Three Gods Sect want to seize the immortal opportunity, occupy the Golden Soil first, and prevent other immortal cultivators from coming!"

Hearing this, Ye Han's face moved. He guessed that the Three Gods Sect must have come to the Golden Soil for a purpose, but he didn't expect it to be related to the legendary Ascension Palace.

So, Ye Han asked in surprise: "Is it really related to the Ascension Palace? Does the Zhuge family know about it?"

You know, the Three Gods Sect was the Black Water Sect, the Green Mountain Sect, and the Thousand Mountain Sect, which were merged under the coordination of the Zhuge family, and the first to take action after the merger was Jinrang...

He had to suspect that the Zhuge family already knew that the Ascension Palace would be born in Jinrang...

However, the Red Dragon Girl sneered and said: "It's strange that they knew. If the Zhuge family knew about this, what would our Three Gods Sect have to do with it? Even in our Three Gods Sect, few people know!"

Ye Han's heart moved, and he asked in surprise: "Then how did you know?"

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