Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1015 Black God Sea Monster King

Listening to Ye Han's sudden words, Fairy Ningyu said strangely: "Didn't she say that Jian Twenty-Nine is coming to the Gray Mist Mountains?"

At this point, her eyes showed a hint of murderous intent and said: "This guy came just in time, let's set up formations and traps to deal with him now!"

Seeing Fairy Ningyu lose her cool immediately, Ye Han frowned and said, "Senior sister, please calm down! Jian Twenty-Nine will not come here again!"

Hearing this, Fairy Ningyu looked at Ye Han suspiciously and said, "Didn't that woman just say that he was coming to the Gray Mist Mountains to help defend the defense line?"

Ye Han said, "Didn't you finish listening? She said that Jian Twenty-Nine took the elder down the mountain and should have arrived!"

"There is a problem. According to the speed at which the Yin Yang Sword Sect arrived at the Gray Mist Mountains, he must have arrived with his people. We came all the way, how could we find anyone else coming?"

"And he brought some golden elixir stage elders with him!"

"And didn't you tell me the news I received from the Red Dragon Girl? The old demon of Black Water is not with her!"

Listening to Ye Han's continuous words, Fairy Ningyu's face softened, but she said doubtfully: "Junior Brother! What do you mean, if Sword Twenty-Nine and the Black Water Old Demon don't come to the Gray Mist Mountains, there will be Other intentions? Where did they go?"

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Split Sky Canyon! Let's go to Split Sky Canyon!"

He said this, determined the direction, and rushed towards the southeast...

Fairy Ningyu was stunned, and immediately followed her, frowning and saying: "Isn't the Split Sky Canyon already occupied by the Black God and Sea Monster Emperor? Damn it! I understand!"

As she said this, she suddenly said with a look of enlightenment: "I have always wondered why the Black God Sea Demon King spent so much effort digging a passage, just to destroy the people in the Yin Yang Sword Sect's defense line? It turns out that this is the purpose! "

After hearing this, Ye Han also said with certainty: "That's right! The Black God Sea Demon Emperor and the others must have known that the Ascending Immortal Palace is coming to the Sky-Splitting Canyon. On the one hand, it is to get rid of the Yin Yang Sword Sect. Obstacles, on the other hand, turn that place into a deep sea. If ordinary cultivators want to get through, they have to pass through the water demon's barrier!"

"The Blackwater Old Demon and Jian Twenty-Nine definitely have no intention of caring about the war in the Gray Mist Mountains. They should have gone to the Split Sky Canyon! The Three God Sect's attack on the Gray Mist Mountains is just a matter of concealment! The real purpose is actually the Split Sky Canyon. !”

Ye Han also received the news from Ning Buhui and didn't see Jian Twenty-Nine coming, so he realized the truth of the matter.

Finally figured it out, the Black Water Old Demon, Sword Twenty-nine, and the Black God Siren King’s goal is the Split Sky Canyon, and they have turned the Split Sky Canyon into a vast ocean and a deep sea. Others want to go to the Split Sky Canyon. , first of all, we have to consider whether we can pass through the obstacles of countless water monsters...

Another reason is that they may have a way to cover up the secret of the Ascended Immortal Palace so that other immortal cultivators cannot know the news...

As for the method, only they themselves know.

However, Ye Han is not too enthusiastic about ascending to the Immortal Palace. After all, it is the Tianlong Demon Clan who is involved in the plan. He still doesn't know what the danger is.

On the contrary, the two of them were targeting Sword Twenty-nine. Now that this guy finally appeared, of course they were going to the Split Sky Canyon to find this guy's whereabouts...

The speed of the two people was extremely astonishing, like a stream of light, flashing and constantly passing over the mountain peaks, heading towards the direction of the Split Sky Canyon...


On a cliff not far from Split Sky Canyon.

The old demon of black water sat on the white jade chair, looking at the endless lake in the distance, and could vaguely see many monsters writhing in it...

This area was originally the Sky-Splitting Canyon, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, but now it has all turned into a deep lake...

Looking at this scene, the old demon Heishui showed a trace of contentment in his eyes.

At this time.


A wave of water rippled, and a figure surrounded by dark blue flames, wearing a purple-red armor, a golden crown on his head, and a pair of fangs. The exposed skin on his body was covered with blue-purple scales. He was tall and tall, with fish on his elbows and arms. The finned demon king flew out...

No! This is not the Demon King! But a demon king!

Black God Siren King!

I saw the Black Sea Demon King transforming into a spiritual light, flying at an astonishing speed over the old demon of Black Water, and said angrily: "Fellow Taoist Black Water! Has the Holy Lord of the Demon Race you mentioned not arrived yet?"

The old demon of Black Water glanced at the Black God Siren Emperor and said: "How could he not come? He will definitely come! I wonder if you are ready!"

After hearing this, the Black God Siren King stared at the Black Water Demon with big eyes and said, "How could it be possible that you are not ready? Just wait until the baby is born!"

Talking time!

Both the Black Water Old Demon and the Black God Siren Emperor seemed to sense something, and turned to look to the right...

The old demon of Blackwater showed a smile and said: "Here! Your old rival is here!"

The Black God Siren King's eyes narrowed, and he said with a mocking look: "Although we have different paths, our goals are the same! What kind of opponent do we have?"

At this moment……

Hoo ho ho! !

Seven rays of escaping light roared towards them, all exuding sharp and suffocating sword intent. With just a few tremors, they landed in front of the Black God Sea Demon King and the Black Water Old Demon...

Jian Twenty-nine looked at the two of them calmly, cupped his hands and said, "The two fellow Taoists came early! But they came down late!"

He was calm and composed, but the six elders of Yin Yang Sword Sect who followed him looked a little unnatural. After all, they were mortal enemies with the Black God Sea Monster King, and the Three God Sect where the Black Water Demon was located was also besieging the defense line of Yin Yang Sword Sect...

Suddenly, facing these two guys was a little unnatural. Fortunately, Jian Twenty-Nine had explained the interests to them. If this succeeded, it would be very helpful for their own cultivation...

Relatively speaking, how could the sect be as important as one's own immortality?

These are old foxes who have practiced for thousands of years. Naturally, they understand the benefits and will not really turn against them...

However, it is unbelievable that Jian Erjiu, who is only in the late Jindan stage, can be on par with these two...

The Black Water Demon glanced at Jian Erjiu and said in surprise: "I haven't seen you for a few years. Your sword skills have improved again. The Yin-Yang Sword Ancestor is not as good as you!"

The Black God Sea Monster King on the other side also said with a smile: "If you advance to the Nascent Soul stage, I can only hide from you!"

Listening to the words of the two, Jian Erjiu said lightly: "No, I am far inferior to you, so don't laugh at me... By the way! That...!"

Before Jian Erjiu finished speaking!


Boom! ! ! The whole earth shook violently, and the lake water in the Sky-Splitting Canyon suddenly trembled violently...

"Is it going to appear?"

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