Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1016 This guy is not right...

This sudden shock made everyone present look at the Sky-Splitting Canyon in surprise...


The ground shook violently, everyone felt it, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to stir...

The old demon of Blackwater said in surprise: "It seems to be coming!"

Everyone looked astonished, especially the elders of the Yin Yang Sword Sect brought by Jian Twenty-Nine. Originally, they were dubious about Jian Twenty-Nine's words, but Jian Twenty-Nine's cultivation level was even higher than that of the six of them combined. The opponent didn't dare to offend Jian Twenty-Nine, so he still followed...

The point is, the cultivation of these elders has reached a bottleneck, and they have not made any progress in cultivation for many years. Under the temptation of ascending to the Immortal Palace proposed by Jian Twenty-Nine, he also said that the attack from the Gray Mist Mountains was just a feint. Just made...

Now looking at the movement of the aura of heaven and earth, it does look like a treasure has come out.

I saw that the boundless spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered in the sky, as if an invisible big hand was stirring the heaven and earth. The boundless spiritual energy of heaven and earth swirled, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles gathered towards the sky of the Split Sky Canyon. …

at the same time.

Wow! ! ! ! The water rippled, and the entire lake in Split Sky Canyon also began to oscillate and surge...

Oh ow! ! ! ! With a roar of monsters, countless water monsters began to rush out in all directions...

In the center of the huge lake, a huge vortex began to twist and tremble. Just above the swirling whirlpool of heaven and earth spiritual energy, boundless water ripples were seen. The lake also began to surge continuously, gradually forming a hundred miles. A huge whirlpool of terror...

Countless mysterious runes began to surge out of the vortex. The runes seemed to contain boundless and terrifying power, and they actually began to tear the void apart, opening up a huge and incomparable space crack...


A bright golden rune surged out from the crack, and a huge palace a hundred miles in size slowly emerged from the space crack...

Seeing this scene, the Black God, Sea Demon Emperor, Black Water Old Demon, Jian Twenty-nine and others all opened their eyes in surprise...

The old demon of Black Water said in surprise: "It has appeared! It has indeed appeared! It is the Ascension Palace!"

The Black God Siren Emperor also showed excitement, clenched his fists and said: "Great! It's not in vain that we dug the puddle for so long!"

There was a hint of coldness in Jian Twenty-nine's eyes, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm. It seemed that his chance to advance to the Nascent Soul stage might be here.

Others looked at this scene with surprise...

Boom! ! ! I saw the Ascension Immortal Palace slowly rushing out of the space crack. It was all covered with runes and auras. It was so bright that no one could see the scene clearly. However, I could still see the illusion of thousands of golden lights, gods and immortals flowing in it. endless...

The entire palace was also wrapped in boundless immortal energy, and gradually fell into the lake of Split Sky Canyon...

The huge whirlpool of the entire lake was crushed and dented, boundless water waves hit, and the sky-splitting canyon hit hundreds of feet high water waves...

And the agitation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became more and more astonishing, and it was continuously injected into the Ascension Palace...

Finally, the entire Ascension Palace emerged from the cracks in space and fell into the lake...

Boom! ! ! There was an earth-shaking vibration, the boundless and rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth stirred up in all directions, and the water waves rushed up to a height of thousands of feet...

The fierce wave and storm made Blackwater Old Demon and others who were dozens of miles away feel frightened...

When Blackwater Old Demon and others saw this, they flew up one by one...

Wow! ! Waves of water hit the cliffs and peaks where they were, causing the water to roll...

Of course, they were not afraid of the impact of the violent wind and waves, but they flew into the sky to more easily see the situation of ascending to the Immortal Palace...

At an altitude of several thousand feet, everyone could see clearly that the Ascending Immortal Palace that came out of the space crack had fallen into the deepest part of the Sky Split Canyon. The lake water began to pour back, continuously submerging the Ascending Immortal Palace. .

There are circles of defensive restrictions surrounding the Ascending Immortal Palace, protecting the Ascending Immortal Palace...

But as the lake water continued to pour in, the Ascending Immortal Palace was gradually submerged by the lake water...

Although the lake water is still turbulent and surging, the Ascending Immortal Palace is completely covered by the turbid lake water. The bright spiritual light and the dense mist like fairy energy are all covered up...

An even more amazing scene appeared...

I saw that the originally very turbid lake water actually began to surge into a dense gray light. Gradually, the aura of heaven and earth in the lake water increased rapidly...

Seeing this scene, everyone looked surprised. This is really a treasure. It can actually change the aura of heaven and earth in the lake. This is really amazing...

That's when.

Everyone saw a series of runes vibrating in the water, but they were all covered up by the lake...

The restlessness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the cracks in space also quickly converged at this time, as if such a thing had never happened at all...

Seeing this scene, the old demon of Black Water couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Great! Just as we expected, as long as there is enough lake water in the Sky Split Canyon, it can cover up the aura of the Ascended Immortal Palace!"

The Black God Siren Emperor said even more excitedly: "Everyone, what are we waiting for? Let's get there quickly!"

Yes, the reason why he agreed to join forces with Black Water Old Demon and others was because of the benefits of the Ascension Palace. Now that the Ascension Palace has really appeared, of course he is also very excited...

But Jian Erjiu frowned and said: "Although the Ascension Palace has appeared, how can we go without a fellow demon clan Taoist to lead the way?"

After hearing this, the Black God Sea Demon King reacted and said: "Yes! Where is the Demon Saint? Don't say he didn't come because of something?!"

At this time

A hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded in the distance: "Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Everyone's heart moved, and they all looked in that direction, only to see a group of black and red flames swirling from a distance, and several trembling in front of them...

Seeing the coming Demon Saint, Black Water Old Demon and Black God Sea Demon Emperor Sword 29 and others all breathed a sigh of relief...

Black Water Old Demon said: "Saint Lord, you are finally here, I thought you were delayed by something!"

The Sky Dragon Demon Saint said lightly: "Nothing can delay this matter, everyone, the Ascension Palace has appeared, let's go in and talk!"

As he said, he took the lead and flew towards the Sky Rift Canyon...

And Black Water Old Demon frowned and looked at the back of the Sky Dragon Demon Saint, always feeling... This guy is not right...

Seemingly noticing the expression of Black Water Old Demon, the Sky Dragon Demon Saint turned around and asked: "What's wrong? Fellow Daoist Black Water!"

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