Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1022: The Remnant Soul of the Monster

After hearing what Ye Han said, Fairy Ning Yu asked in surprise: "Aren't these the residual souls of monsters trapped by secret methods? What's good about them?"

Yes, with her experience and knowledge, she had already seen that these rune monsters were the residual souls of monsters that were sucked into these pillars and were refined into these formation pillars by the Tianlong monster clan using secret methods to block enemies from entering the Ascension Palace...

However, it is obvious that these possessed monsters have existed for too long, and the residual souls of these rune monsters have become very weak...

Ye Han was delighted He said in a low voice: "These residual souls of monsters are indeed very weak, but they can be better absorbed by one of my treasures!"

As he said that, Ye Han patted his storage bag, and a misty gray light rune swirled out, and the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell flew out, immediately emitting circles of mysterious and profound gold and silver runes...

When Fairy Ningyu saw the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell released by Ye Han, she took a breath of cold air and was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. The aura emitted by this treasure is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon or spiritual treasure. Could it be the legendary Tongtian Lingbao?

So, Fairy Ningyu couldn't help but say to Ye Han: "Junior brother! Could this treasure of yours be the legendary Tongtian Lingbao?"

Such a treasure, she has practiced for so many years, and she has only seen it a few times. She didn't expect Ye Han to have such a treasure?

Ye Han listened, his eyes moved, and he said with a look of ignorance: "I don't know about this either, it looks like it, but it also looks like it's not!"

He paused, and then he teased: "Sister, you said I would trade this treasure for your people, would you trade?"

Hearing this, Fairy Ning Yu smiled and said: "Exchange! Why not? Junior brother, I will trade with you right away!"

Ye Han said again: "I don't want it!"

While speaking, Ye Han's spiritual consciousness drove the Qianhuan Tianzhong, and he quickly pinched the fingers and chanted the spell, and the magic power surged into the Qianhuan Tianzhong...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! The mysterious gray light of the rune spirit vibrated and surged on the Qianhuan Tianzhong, forming a vortex of mana, and the shadows of the three demon kings' spirits and souls rolled and surged out in it...

Finally, it was the spirit and soul of the Tianlong Demon Saint. The four demon souls spun and formed a gray light vortex. The Qianhuan Tianzhong also continuously emitted agile mana power...

Suddenly, the figures of the demon king and the Tianlong Demon Saint turned into hundreds of feet in size, and they frantically bit and devoured the figures of the rune monsters in the void...

The figures of the rune monsters were caught by the demon soul of the Tianlong Demon Saint, and turned into rune fragments that shattered brilliantly and were constantly swallowed up. ...

The demon souls of the three demon kings were also like this, constantly devouring the figures of the rune demon beasts...

If the figures of these rune demon beasts were still in their prime, the demon souls of Ye Han's Thousand Illusion Sky Bell would not be so easy to deal with...

It's a pity that these rune demon beasts have been around for too long, and their power has been consumed. In addition, when Red Dragon Girl, Black Water Old Demon and others entered first, they had already attacked these rune demon beasts. These rune demon beasts are actually only 1% of their peak strength, and their residual souls are only 1% of the original...

But Ye Han saw that the residual souls of these demon beasts are all above the demon king, and there are a few residual souls of demon emperors that have been refined into rune demon beasts.

These are the remnant souls of the Demon King and Demon Emperor that are hard to come by. As the Qianhuan Tianzhong absorbs them, although only 1% of the remnant souls, they are valuable because of their large number...

As the Qianhuan Tianzhong devours them crazily, the figures of the monsters in the Qianhuan Tianzhong gradually increase, and the aura of the Qianhuan Tianzhong also increases steadily...

Ye Han waved to Fairy Ning Yu and drove the Qianhuan Tianzhong forward. The two of them walked very easily. They didn't need to release sword skills or spear skills at all. Those rune monsters were swallowed by the Qianhuan Tianzhong before they attacked...

The two of them quickly moved towards the main gate of the Ascension Palace. After moving forward for more than ten miles, they finally saw the huge main gate of the Ascension Palace.

In front of the main gate is a huge immortal gate archway, which is a hundred feet high. On the top are two flying monster statues with wings spread. They look like two huge dragons...

It is the appearance of the Tianlong Monster Saint...

Below are the statues of monsters.

At this time, the number of rune monsters attacking the two was getting smaller and smaller. When the two rushed to the bottom of the archway, there were only seven or eight rune monsters left, and Ye Han drove the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell to swallow them all...

Ye Han felt that the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell suddenly had hundreds of monster residual souls. Although they were very weak, the number was large enough. If all were refined, it would at least increase the power of the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell by one third...

This is equivalent to absorbing the souls of four demon kings.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and the Qianhuan Tianzhong began to spin, turning into a beam of spiritual light and entering the storage bag...

Looking at this scene, Fairy Ningyu's eyes flashed with envy, but she also knew that she couldn't drive such a treasure, so she didn't know how much power Ye Han could exert...

In front of her was the giant gate of the Ascension Palace. The giant gate was hundreds of feet wide and as smooth as a mirror. It was impossible to tell what material it was made of, and the giant gate had been opened more than half...

Ye Han said to Fairy Ningyu: "Let's be careful and don't let them find us!"


Fairy Ningyu nodded, indicating that she would be careful.

The two of them then walked into the giant gate. As soon as they entered the giant gate, a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushed out, and the front suddenly became clear, as if they had entered a new world...

This is a huge space, all covered with colorful glazed tiles. The sun shines through, emitting colorful brilliance. The walls are covered with some mysterious rune patterns, and there are huge pictures and statues on them. There are all kinds of things. The people of the Tianlong demon clan are planting flowers and plants, fighting giant human-shaped creatures, fighting huge ancient demon beasts, fighting flying boats, fighting, etc....

It seems to be about Some historical scenes of the Tianlong demon clan...

This passage is so huge that Fairy Ningyu and Ye Han are like tiny ants when they walk in the corridor...

As they walk in the passage, Ye Han feels the direction of the Red Dragon Girl and frowns. He finds that her direction is very strange, as if she is heading in the air...

They run forward for hundreds of feet and find two huge monster skeletons that have fallen down in front of them. There is a lot of mana left on them...

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "They just passed by here, let's catch up!"

As they said, they quickly caught up.

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