Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1023 Green Blood Jade Bud

Sure enough, as the two of them rushed forward quickly, they encountered more and more fallen monster skeletons, all of which were defeated by powerful magical powers, swordsmanship, and demonic energy...

Obviously, the Red Dragon Girl and others who came first had already encountered the barrier of the Ascension Palace...

These monster skeletons have different shapes, all of which are covered with mysterious red runes. However, because they were defeated, the red light was dim, but from the remaining breath, these monster skeletons should have been refined into puppet-like existences by some secret method.

Judging from the breath they exude, these monster skeletons should have combat power close to the Golden Core Stage...

Of course, this combat power is not enough for the Black Water Old Demon and others...

Sure enough, there are a lot of fallen monster skeletons in front, all kinds of monsters, some of which Ye Han doesn’t recognize, but they are all destroyed, which saves Ye Han Ningyu Fairy a lot of energy, and she just needs to run forward.

Soon, the two of them reached the end of the passage, which was a spiral passage, blocked by railings on both sides, with a trace of rune spiritual light.

On the side, there was another spiral staircase heading downwards, and it could be seen that there was a hazy spiritual light flowing below...

Fairy Ning Yu said: "Junior brother! Should we go up or down!"

Ye Han frowned, carefully sensing the mutual sensing rune stone that Red Dragon Girl gave him, and could clearly sense that Red Dragon Girl should be in the position diagonally above...

In theory, it should be the stairs going up.

But Ye Han noticed that on the ground of the stairs going down, there was a scratch that looked like an unconscious attack, and there was still some demonic energy on it, which felt like the breath of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint...

This scratch looked like it was left by a battle with the skeleton of a demon beast, but Ye Han could see that it was left deliberately by Red Dragon Girl, so the meaning was very clear, and asked Ye Han to go down.

Seeing Ye Han not speaking, Fairy Ningyu looked at him strangely and said, "Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Han said in a deep voice, "Let's go down!"

As he said that, he moved forward to the stairs below, and Fairy Ningyu immediately followed him. It seemed that it was a decision that she completely trusted Ye Han...

Seeing this, Ye Han understood in his heart. When he was in the square, he used the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell, a supernatural treasure, to absorb the residual soul of the monster beast, just to test what Fairy Ningyu was thinking...

Found that Fairy Ningyu was only slightly attracted by the supernatural treasure, and she had no interest in it...

Obviously, Fairy Ningyu is not concerned about becoming an immortal now. It can be said that her Tao heart tends to be peaceful. This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that Fairy Ningyu will not have any ideas about treasures...

The bad thing is that Fairy Ningyu's Tao heart is not strong, and she is obsessed with revenge for her sister, and may take extreme measures...

This is not a good thing.

Ye Han knew it very well, but he had reminded Fairy Ningyu many times, but she agreed with her mouth but still had the same idea in her heart...

Why did the Red Dragon Girl guide him down this staircase? Ye Han felt that this might be the right way. She led others up there, maybe to complete the plan they had planned step by step.

As for whether the Red Dragon Girl is trustworthy, Ye Han actually has no idea. After all, the two of them are not only righteous and evil, but also mortal enemies in the past. The basis for cooperation now is not so solid. They are just cooperating for the benefit of both sides...

But Ye Han believes that in the face of the interests of the common enemy, the Red Dragon Girl will at least not turn against him for the time being. After all, the Red Dragon Girl is no match for those old guys, and must rely on his cooperation...

The two of them ran rapidly down the stairs and suddenly reached a turn. Suddenly, they saw a huge space...

This space is a huge garden with countless flower beds on it, emitting amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

It's a pity that although these flower beds are very huge, there is no natural treasure plant on them, only some withered roots of natural treasures...

It's obvious that it has been too long, and the natural treasures planted on these flower beds have withered.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han and Fairy Ning Yu were both disappointed. They should be the first group of people to enter the Ascension Palace. Red Dragon Girl led the others to the upper stairs. If there were any natural treasures in the garden below the stairs, they would be theirs...

But there was nothing?

However, they were both suddenly delighted, looking at a huge flower bed in the middle. This flower bed was dozens of feet wide, and most of the unknown natural treasures on it had withered...

However, there were a few green sapling-like plants in the middle of the flower bed. There were pea-sized buds on the saplings, but they exuded a refreshing spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

The two looked at each other, and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They were very tacitly alert and walked towards the sapling flower bed...

It can be seen that this space should be a casual resting space. Logically, there would not be too many natural treasures...

However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this space is very pure, and the refreshing spiritual energy of heaven and earth exuded by the buds is absolutely extraordinary. Both of them are experienced cultivators, how can they not feel it?

The two walked over and did not find any danger. Ye Han looked at the small buds carefully and said to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior sister, do you know what that is?"

Ningyu Fairy's eyes moved, and she smiled slightly and said: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary emerald blood jade bud! This thing looks like a tender bud, but it is actually mature. It is a good thing to nourish the spirit and increase lifespan!"

Listening to the words of Ningyu Fairy, Ye Han exclaimed: "Senior sister is really knowledgeable. She can recognize such a rare treasure! Junior brother admires it!"

On the contrary, Yulan Fairy smiled bitterly and said: "Junior brother! Although I know this emerald blood jade bud, I don't know how to pick and preserve it. Do you know it?"

Ye Han said lightly: "Simple! It can be preserved with Qiongyu Spirit Liquid!"

Yulan Fairy was stunned and frowned and said: "What do you mean simple? Qiongyu Spiritual Liquid is not an ordinary spiritual liquid. It is very rare. Where can we find it now?"

Ye Han said with a smile: "Junior brother, I have it! Otherwise, how can I say it is simple?"

As he said that, Ye Han pointed his finger and released a circle of purple runes, and then a ball of Qiongyu Spiritual Liquid flew out...

Although Fairy Yulan used some Qiongyu Spiritual Liquid at the beginning, Ye Han found a lot of Qiongyu Spiritual Liquid in other treasure lands, and the part of it that was stored was still available for the Green Blood Jade Bud...

However, Ye Han said: "Although this Green Blood Jade Bud is good, the best treasure is not the Green Blood Jade Bud!"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu looked at Ye Han strangely and said: "What?"

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