Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1024 Outsiders! Kill without mercy!

She didn’t like to travel while cultivating in Qingxuan Sect. She often read books in the library of Qingxuan Sect. It can be said that she has read all the books in Qingxuan Sect and many other places...

Few people can compare with her in terms of her breadth of knowledge...

In this garden, there is nothing else except the emerald blood jade bud. As for the statues on the flower bed, although they are not ordinary objects, they should be just ordinary rocks. After being tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for too long, they contain a lot of spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

Ye Han saw that Fairy Ningyu showed a strange look and reminded her: "Senior sister, you can make the emerald blood jade bud grow. Do you think the soil on the flower bed is half of it?"

Hearing this, Fairy Ningyu reacted and said: "Yes, yes, yes! The soil on the flower bed should be a kind of spiritual soil, but I can't tell it!"

Ye Han smiled and said: "Let's pick the emerald blood jade bud first!"

As he said, Ye Han activated the Qingxin Gong, and his spiritual consciousness turned into a condensed spiritual consciousness hand, grabbing the emerald blood jade bud on the flower bed.

The hand transformed by the spiritual consciousness grabbed the emerald blood jade buds one by one, pulled them out, and threw the roots into the jade spirit liquid...

The roots of the emerald blood jade buds trembled, and they actually actively spread out in the jade spirit liquid...

After a while, dozens of emerald blood jade buds were picked by Ye Han. With a move of the spiritual consciousness, the pile of emerald blood jade buds was divided into two, and the jade spirit liquid wrapped the emerald blood jade buds in two halves, and one half flew towards Fairy Ningyu...

Ye Han said: "Senior sister! We each have half!"

Fairy Ningyu didn't say anything after hearing this, and replied: "Okay!"

Ye Han's spiritual consciousness moved, and the circles of purple runes in front of him swirled, and the emerald blood jade buds wrapped in the jade spirit liquid were collected into the purple cauldron space. He couldn't use this treasure for the time being...

But the emerald blood jade buds are the main ingredients used to refine several kinds of precious spiritual medicines, and they are also very good when used alone...

Planted in his own medicine garden space, that It can also increase the birth of the spiritual energy of the medicine garden...

Following Ye Han, he said: "Senior sister! I will keep the spiritual soil on the ground for the time being!"

As he said that, Ye Han pointed his finger very roughly, grabbed a big hand of spiritual light, and dug into the soil on the flower bed. Ye Han recognized the spiritual soil in the flower bed. It was the Yubi spiritual soil that was as famous as the Haoling divine soil. This Yubi spiritual soil could also promote the growth of some special natural treasures like the Haoling divine soil...

Although Ye Han had the Haoling divine soil, the area was still not large enough. Adding some Yubi spiritual soil could increase the spiritual energy of the world in his purple tripod space, and planting some special natural treasures could grow faster...

The fairy grass lacked such special spiritual soil, so there was not much growth change, and it could only stay alive...

With this Yubi spiritual soil, the growth rate can be increased.

Ye Han's magical hand continued to dig on the flower bed. The jade-green spiritual soil he grabbed was surrounded by a ray of jade-like light. The soil was also like jade, crystal clear, but it could not be found unless it was dug out...

Fairy Ningyu watched from the side, showing a look of surprise. She didn't even recognize the spiritual soil, but Ye Han recognized it. How many skills does this kid have hidden?

Only such knowledgeable cultivators can better survive in the world of immortal cultivators...

After a while, Ye Han dug out several flower beds. However, the other flower beds were not made of jade green spiritual soil, but fertile green spiritual soil, and there were no natural treasures growing in them. This was strange...

After collecting dozens of feet of jade green spiritual soil and hundreds of feet of fertile green spiritual soil, Ye Han frowned and said to Fairy Ningyu: "Sister! Let's move on, be careful! There may be something wrong with this place!"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu asked: "What's the problem?"

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "In theory, these flower beds are all spiritual soils, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so abundant. In addition to the emerald blood jade buds, more natural treasures and spiritual medicines should be able to grow, and these natural treasures should not wither. But now they are all withered. Do you think there will be monsters or something like that that absorbed the medicinal power of these natural treasures and withered? "

As soon as these words came out, Fairy Ning Yu's heart moved, and she replied: "Well! There is this possibility, we still have to be careful!"

While talking, the two of them quickly turned around this area, and the stairs turned into a long passage thousands of feet long, and continued to move forward...

Walking into the passage, the two of them immediately heard a sound of water, and the air actually contained a very pleasant breath, which felt very comfortable...

The two of them vigilantly guarded the defense light shield, released the defense treasure, and moved forward...

After turning around the passage, they saw a huge pool in front of them, with an aisle in the middle, and faucets on the cave walls on both sides. The spring water gushed out from the faucets and fell into the pool...

Both of them could feel that the water in this pool was not an ordinary spiritual spring, and they both felt a relaxing and comfortable feeling. The treasure that can make the cultivator feel this way must be a good thing.

Fairy Ningyu asked Ye Han: "Junior brother! I don't know what this spiritual spring water is. Do you know what it is?"

Ye Han's eyebrows moved slightly and said: "I don't know it either!"

Fairy Ningyu smiled and said: "I thought you all knew it. Let's go and take a look!"

As she said that, Fairy Ningyu walked towards the spiritual spring water...

Ye Han suddenly grabbed Fairy Ningyu and said: "Wait a minute!"

While speaking, Ye Han stood in front of Fairy Ningyu, and the Nine-turn Vajra Art began to work, and a Vajra figure with a strong energy appeared on his body...

Bang!!! With a thunderous explosion, the Vajra figure on Ye Han's body was hit by an invisible figure...

Thump, thump, thump!! Ye Han's body trembled, and Fairy Ningyu retreated dozens of feet with him. The Vajra figure on his body was suddenly hit and countless cracks burst out...

Seeing this, Fairy Ningyu exclaimed: "What is that?"

At this time...

Hua La La! ! The sound of water splashing broke out, and the water in the spiritual spring pool gathered and turned into a figure several dozen feet tall. The figure had a curvy figure, slender hands, and hair surging like waves. There were no legs under the body, and the swirling water waves supported the figure of the woman...

Suddenly, Ye Han and Fairy Ning Yu felt a very dangerous breath beyond the Jindan stage...

Buzz! ! The figure of the woman transformed by the spiritual spring water suddenly had blue light in her eyes, and circles of mysterious runes surged. She actually spoke in human language: "Outsiders! Kill without mercy!"

As she spoke, the figure transformed by the spiritual spring water suddenly burst into circles of cold murderous aura, and countless mysterious runes suddenly appeared on her body, forming a kind of armor, emitting cold air...

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