Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1047 Weird Stove

The elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect seemed to have expected that he would be attacked by someone, and he laid down the killer move of Yin Yang Sword Sect's sword technique on the ground!

However! Something unexpected happened to the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect...

Bang! ! The Yin Yang Sword Light directly hit the person who came, but such a terrible sword hit the opponent's body...

Ye Han's figure trembled violently, and he was not affected by the figure. The Soul Slashing Sword in his hand slashed out a terrible Da Geng Sword Technique, which hit the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect with great sharpness...

The elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect suddenly had a blood rune rushing on his body, and his figure suddenly exploded into a blood rune of sword intent, and instantly disappeared from the spot...

Ye Han's Soul Slashing Sword only cut through a blood rune and missed!

At the same time!

Boom! ! A blood-red sword rune exploded dozens of feet away, and the figure of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder flashed out dozens of feet away, with an extremely ugly face, and angrily cursed: "Who are you? How dare you sneak attack me?!"

It's really hateful!

He finally got lucky and passed the assessment of the Ascension Palace. He accidentally found this place of cultivation. After only three or four days of cultivation, he absorbed an unknown amount of spiritual energy from the heaven and earth, and his cultivation has advanced to a higher level...

But how can he not be angry when he encountered this kid's sneak attack?

As soon as the words fell.

Puff! ! A silent sword light instantly pierced through his figure...

The Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder trembled and looked back in disbelief: "How is it possible?"

I saw another figure of Ye Han behind him, and it was the Soul-Severing Sword that pierced through his figure...

He clearly dodged it! ! How did this guy still hit him?

Thinking of this, a sword light suddenly burst out from the head of the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect, and the soul of the golden elixir Yuanshen escaped from the body, turned into a blood light, and rushed out of a hole in the wall...


Whoosh whoosh!! Gray light runes suddenly appeared, and four skulls with golden fangs rushed out from the hole, turning into several feet in size, biting towards the golden elixir Yuanshen of the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect...

The Yuanshen Jindan suddenly spread out, and the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect shouted anxiously: "Daoyou! Spare my life!!"

As the elder of Yin Yang Sword Sect shouted, a golden sword light burst out from the golden elixir Yuanshen, and the life magic weapon spun around, slashing towards the four skulls with golden fangs...


Clang... Sparks flew from the collision of metal and iron, and the flames of mana exploded. A skull head bit the golden light magic weapon directly...

The other three skull heads bit towards the golden elixir and soul of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder...

Ah!! The Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder screamed, and the golden elixir and soul were bitten out separately, dragging into a skull mirror treasure with gray light runes spinning...

A silver rune flashed, and the gray light evil spirit swirled, and the ghost skull mirror instantly collected the four skull heads...

A golden light ripple flashed, and the ghost skull mirror spit out a golden long sword, which was the life magic weapon of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder.

Seeing this, Ye Han pointed his finger: "Collect!"

The ghost skull mirror spun in the air, turned into a gray light and drilled into Ye Han's storage bag.

Ye Han said to himself with satisfaction: "That damn woman really didn't steal my spoils!"

This elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect is only in the middle stage of the Golden Core. Although he is much stronger than the average middle stage of the Golden Core, the late stage of the Golden Core cultivators are not his opponents, so how can the middle stage of the Golden Core be his opponent?

However, Ye Han did not take it lightly and still used treasures such as the Golden Snake Sword, the Dinglong Bracelet, and the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror...

The strange woman in the coffin before, after absorbing the Yuanying demon soul and soul of the Black God Sea Monster King, said that she would not come out for a hundred years.

Therefore, Ye Han also used the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror to chase the escaped Yuanshen soul of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder to see if the ghost woman would rob it again.

Now it seems that the strange woman is refining and devouring the Yuanying demon soul and soul of the Black God Sea Monster King, and it will take a hundred years to completely refine it.

This made Ye Han breathe a sigh of relief. At least within this hundred years, he and Zi Ding are still safe.

On the other side, the flesh body of the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect, who had lost his soul and golden elixir, was rapidly losing vitality and could not be deader...

This guy's heart was pierced by Ye Han's sword. If his soul and golden elixir did not escape, he would have no choice but to die.

Ye Han slapped his storage bag without hesitation, and the treasure refining furnace flew out. The hot flames surged, and a vortex of flames swirled out, sucking in the body of the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect.

The flames of the treasure refining furnace burst out, and the true fire surged, directly burning the body of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder to ashes...

The treasures in his storage bag sprayed out from the treasure refining furnace...

The Ice Lotus Puppet also came over quickly, holding two long swords in his hands. The two long swords were surging with yin and yang auras. They were two long sword magic weapons with different attributes...

Ye Han pointed his finger and put away the Ice Lotus Puppet and magic weapons. At the same time, he checked the storage bag of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder. There were really a lot of miscellaneous treasures...

But the most were various long swords and flying swords. The sword cultivators of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect still had a special hobby and obsession with swords...

Among them, there was also a fairy palace coin that Ye Han was familiar with, but it was square.

Obviously, the reason why the Yin-Yang Sword Sect elder could come here was that he passed several tests like him and Fairy Ningyu, otherwise there would be no fairy palace coins.

This immortal palace coin is used for teleportation, and may have other uses. Of course, Ye Han took it without hesitation.

However, Ye Han was most interested in the white jade furnace in this secret room...

The elders of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect originally came for the treasure opportunity of the Ascension Immortal Palace...

When he came, he saw the elders of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect practicing in the white jade furnace here, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at a very fast speed, like a bottomless pit.

You should know that the cultivation of immortals to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not that fast, but the range and speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth are different according to the level of cultivation...

However, no matter how high the cultivation level is, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth still needs to be refined by the cultivation method and converted into one's own mana cultivation...

When the elders of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth just now, the speed was extremely amazing, and it didn't seem like they couldn't absorb it.

Although the fight between the two was amazing, it did not cause any damage to this place. It was obvious that these places were still protected by restrictions. It was difficult for Jindan-stage cultivators to be harmed by magic attacks...

Ye Han walked to the side of the white jade furnace and frowned at the furnace. This white jade furnace looked like a furnace, not a treasure for cultivation...

Anyway, it didn't look like a magic weapon, nor an ancient treasure...

What on earth was it?

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