Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1048 Try this stove?

However, Ye Han had also noticed before that this white jade stove didn't look like a treasure...

Moreover, Ye Han took a closer look and found that the white jade stove was integrated with the table on the ground, and it seemed impossible to move it away.

No wonder the elder of the Yin Yang Sword Sect didn't take this thing away.

But he saw the elder of the Yin Yang Sword Sect sitting inside absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth very quickly...

So, Ye Han jumped up with a movement, sat down cross-legged, and started to run the Nine Turns Diamond Art...

Something surprising happened.

When he sat cross-legged in the white jade stove, a very strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged from the stove and began to circulate around him.

At the same time, the entire white jade furnace formed a swirl of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and the incredible spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to surge towards his body...

The reason why it is called the incredible spiritual energy of heaven and earth is because the extremely pure metallic nature of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that poured into his body poured into his body and was immediately absorbed into the golden elixir of his Dantian.

This is amazing. The speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is even more pure than taking pills. It is really extraordinary...

No wonder the elder of the Yin Yang Sword Sect is not leaving, but is sitting here absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This effect is a bit like his Ziding absorbing the elixir and converting it into Ziding's breath, which feeds back his cultivation by absorbing the breath.

Of course, the speed of this cultivation is still not as fast as the cultivation speed of Ziding Qi.

But only Ye Han has a heaven-defying cultivation treasure like the Purple Cauldron. How can ordinary people have such a treasure?

Besides, the speed at which Ziding's cultivation can transform her cultivation level is astonishing, but it requires the consumption of massive amounts of elixirs, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures. Unlike here, you can absorb such astonishing spiritual energy from heaven and earth just by sitting here and practicing...

If I could practice here for ten or eight years, the amount of elixirs, materials, materials and treasures I could save would be very considerable...

However, this thing is still a bit useless to him. After all, after he has the Purple Cauldron Space, the medicine garden can have a continuous supply of elixirs from heaven and earth, and his alchemy skills are enough to refine enough elixirs. Let yourself practice without any shortage of elixirs...

And he felt a little strange. Although he was practicing extremely fast, he always felt that something was not right...

However, this thing is useless to me. For other immortal cultivators, it is a great opportunity. After all, it is very difficult to advance the cultivation level above the golden elixir stage. It requires The number of heavenly materials, earthly treasures and elixirs is astronomical.

This place should be safe. If the elders of the Yin Yang Sword Sect had not met him, they would not have lost their lives...

So, Ye Han said to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior sister! Let's settle down for now...! Huh?"

His consciousness swept across Fairy Ningyu in the Ziding space, and before he finished speaking, he was a little dumbfounded...

Fairy Ningyu didn't know when she changed back into palace clothes and restored her original appearance...

I have to say that Fairy Ningyu was so perfect, like a fairy, that Ye Han felt a little distracted for a moment...

However, Ye Han was distracted for a moment.

Fairy Ningyu said: "Junior brother! Then let me out!"

The purple vortex swirled, and Fairy Ningyu emerged from the passage in the purple tripod space, landed on the ground, glanced around, and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! What is this place?"

Ye Han didn't ask why Fairy Ningyu had regained her appearance. He pointed at the white jade stove and said, "Senior sister! This is a great place! This stove can increase the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth! The speed of cultivation is not ordinary! Senior sister, you Try it!”

Fairy Ningyu glanced strangely, and then looked around. Looking at the formation pillars, her face suddenly turned slightly red, and she flew up without saying anything.

Ye Han didn't notice Fairy Ningyu's expression, but looked towards the formation pillars. It could be seen that the reason why this white jade stove can increase the speed of cultivation of immortals, and why the spiritual energy of heaven and earth changes so quickly, must be because of these The function of the pillar should be a special formation to increase and purify the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, similar to the spiritual energy formation in his previous cave...

Of course, the effects of the two are incomparable.

Fairy Ningyu sat cross-legged and practiced in the white jade furnace, and the amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into her body, as if it had become a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

Yes, this place is a bit useless for Ye Han who has treasures such as the Purple Cauldron, but for Fairy Ningyu, it is a rare place for cultivation.

So, Ye Han said to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior Sister, this is a very good place for cultivation. It should be one of the opportunities to ascend to the Immortal Palace! How about we practice here for a while?"

Although it is very important to seek revenge from Jian Twenty-Nine, such opportunities are rare but cannot be sought...

At the same time, he also hoped that Fairy Ningyu could calm down for a while and not focus on revenge, otherwise something unexpected would happen.

And Ye Han himself also wants to continue to learn and practice the Tianlong Hegemony Kung Fu to make the injury on his right arm better. After all, Jian Twenty-Nine should be difficult to deal with. He has a higher level of cultivation and is more confident. When encountering other dangers, you will be more able to protect yourself...

After listening to Ye Han's words, Fairy Ningyu opened her eyes, flew out from the white jade stove, looked at Ye Han with a strange look, and said: "Junior brother! This place is indeed a good place for cultivation, but you know that this formation is different from What is a stove?"

Ye Han heard that Fairy Ningyu's tone was a little strange, but he really didn't know what this formation and furnace were made of. He just felt that it was a little strange when practicing, as if the white jade furnace and formation were not fully utilized. Although the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was fast, it was not as fast as the purple tripod, so he didn't care. He let Fairy Ningyu practice with this white jade furnace, and he himself comprehended the skills to improve his strength...

Fairy Ningyu looked at Ye Han deeply with her beautiful eyes, and her face suddenly turned red. She seemed to have made up her mind and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! If I'm not mistaken, this is a dual cultivation furnace tripod!"

Ye Han couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "Ah?! Dual cultivation furnace tripod ? There is such a thing? "

Fairy Ningyu didn't dare to look at Ye Han's eyes, and explained: "You should know why the earliest cultivators called each other furnaces when they practiced dual cultivation? In fact... in ancient times, cultivators developed the method of dual cultivation in the furnace."

Ye Han suddenly realized: "So there is such a reason."

Fairy Ningyu suddenly looked at Ye Han and said: "Junior brother! What do you think of senior sister?"

"She is as beautiful as a fairy!"

"Then... let's practice dual cultivation?"

"Ah? ! Senior sister... you are a little scary!"

"Don't you always want to hit me? Are you scared?"

"No... is this really a dual cultivation furnace?"

"Try this furnace and you will know?"

"Try it? !"

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