Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1055 Sister Hong?

Ye Han heard Fairy Ningyu address the Red Dragon Girl so affectionately, and her tone was full of surprise, and couldn't help but say to the two of them: "Wait a minute! Do you know each other?"

It should not be surprising that both of them are Tianlan's golden elixir stage immortal cultivators and know each other. However, the relationship between the two sects is that there is no conflict between good and evil. How could they call each other so intimate?

And judging from Fairy Ningyu's tone, she probably didn't know that the Red Dragon Girl was a cultivator of the Black Water Sect.

Fairy Ningyu also reacted, looking at the Red Dragon Girl in surprise and said: "By the way, Sister Hong! Are you really the Red Dragon Girl of the Black Water Sect?"

As she spoke, her eyes were full of weirdness and became complicated...

But the red dragon girl smiled slightly and said, "What? I am the red dragon girl of the Black Water Sect, and you don't recognize me as my sister?"

After saying that, she said to Ye Han: "You said it was sister Ningyu who came here, so I can catch up with my sister!"

Fairy Ningyu said with a complicated expression: "No... I'm just too surprised that you are from the Black Water Sect!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ye Han became more and more confused and asked, "What's going on with you guys? We've known each other before?"

It sounds like the two of them know each other, but Red Dragon Girl obviously knows that Fairy Ningyu is from the Qingxuan Sect, but Fairy Ningyu doesn't know the origin of Red Dragon Girl...

Fairy Ningyu smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Hong saved me once back then. It's up to you to tell me the details! Sister Hong!"

The red dragon girl shrugged and said directly: "Don't mention the past things. My sister didn't tell you that I am the red dragon girl of the Black Water Sect. It was because I had no choice. I, a crooked immortal cultivator, actually saved people. It would not be nice to tell you. , My sister doesn’t mean to take advantage of you, let the past pass.”

Fairy Ningyu immediately replied: "Where did my sister say it? My sister's life-saving grace will be unforgettable forever. My sister will not tolerate evil spirits! Besides, aren't we also close friends now?"

Ye Han also felt that the two might have crossed paths before. What was it specifically? There is nothing to pursue, but I can meet the Red Dragon Girl here, and I can ask about the Ascension Palace, instead of wandering around now...

So, Ye Han turned to ask: "Fellow Daoist Hong! Why are you here? How are you doing in the Ascension Palace? Did the Black Water Old Demon, Jian Twenty-nine and the others get separated from you?"

Yes, it seems that the relationship between the Red Dragon Girl and Fairy Ningyu is not bad, so there is no need to dwell on this issue, as long as there is no conflict.

But the most important thing now is, where are the other people? Why is the red dragon girl here?

The red dragon girl took a deep look at Ye Han and said, "If I guessed correctly, Fellow Daoist Ye, you must have seen the mark I left at that place, right? Did you take the other downward staircase?"

Ye Han nodded and replied: "That's right! We still need the guidance of fellow Taoists, otherwise we might be in more trouble, right?"

The red dragon girl smiled and said: "I knew you could guess my purpose. Indeed, I took them on a more dangerous path and tried to separate them."

That's right, the aura she left behind when entering the Ascended Immortal Palace was to tell Ye Han to go down another staircase and lead others to take the more dangerous path.

The purpose is to disperse these powerful guys like the Black God Sea Demon King, the Black Water Old Demon, and Jian Twenty-Nine...

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her and Ye Han to be at the Golden Core stage, even with Fairy Ningyu, to deal with these guys.

After hearing this, Ye Han saluted and said, "That requires the cooperation of fellow Taoists, otherwise how can we meet up?"

Saying that, Ye Han asked again: "Now that there is only one Taoist friend here, the Black Water Old Demon and the others have separated, right? That very violent sound at the beginning should have triggered the restriction of the mechanism?"

The red dragon girl nodded and replied: "That's right! Just half a year ago, I deliberately brought them into that restricted space, triggering the Ascension to the Immortal Palace's Immortal Palace Trial, and separated us all."

Speaking of this, she took a deep look at Fairy Ningyu and Ye Han and said, "You should have noticed this when you came here. This Ascension Palace is actually not a trap, but a place of trial for the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan. , the original purpose of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, in fact, the most important purpose is to pass this fairy palace trial and obtain the purpose of ascending back to the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan. There are also deeper purposes, maybe for various inheritances. "

Having said this, the Red Dragon Girl smiled mysteriously and said, "You must have benefited a lot."

After hearing this, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu looked at each other and said with a half-smile, "It's okay, I gained something!"

Then he looked deeply at the Red Dragon Girl and said, "Fellow Taoist's gains should be much more than ours, right?"

Yes, Ye Han has noticed that the red dragon girl's current cultivation aura is much higher than before entering the Ascension Palace. Her cultivation has broken through beyond the perfection of the golden elixir stage, and her aura is full of evil. Full of the aura of the arrogant Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan...

The cultivation strength of this red dragon girl has increased by at least one-third compared to before she came in.

Much older than Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu.

Fairy Ningyu, on the other hand, couldn't help but blush slightly after hearing what Ye Han said about the gains. Although her gains were also very great, they were still based on the opportunity of practicing the formation furnace with Ye Han...

However, she was very happy to get this special opportunity.

Because this is an unprecedented experience, I feel that my life of cultivating immortals has hope and a goal...

After hearing this, the Red Dragon Girl said mysteriously: "Of course! I'm lucky!"

The voice paused, her face became solemn and she said: "But! Have you met other people? I met two guys from the Yin Yang Sword Sect. They have improved their cultivation a lot, and the opportunities are good! I am worried that the Black God Sea Monster King, the Black Water Old Demon, and the Sword Twenty-Nine have obtained more opportunities and benefits than us. It will be troublesome for us to deal with them at that time."

After hearing what the Red Dragon Girl said, Ye Han and Ning Yu Fairy knew that the so-called encounter with the guys from the Yin Yang Sword Sect meant killing those two guys and robbing their opportunities and treasures...

However, the Red Dragon Girl did not know that Ye Han had already killed the Black God Sea Monster King, although Ye Han did not do it himself, it was all thanks to the purple tripod and the mysterious woman in the strange coffin who killed the Black God Sea Monster King...

In addition, there is the elder of the Yin Yang Sword Sect.

Ye Han certainly wouldn't say anything, but said: "We are lucky, we didn't meet anyone other than Daoist Fellow! Oh, right! Daoist Fellow! The people from the Yin Yang Sword Sect you mentioned don't include Sword Twenty-Nine, right?"

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