Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1056 I will listen to my junior brother!

As soon as she said this, Fairy Ningyu also looked at the Red Dragon Girl and asked hurriedly: "By the way! Sister Hong! Have you met Jian Twenty-Nine who has been following you in? His cultivation level is now how's it going?"

For Fairy Ningyu, she came to Jinyang just to seek revenge on that damn Jian Twenty-Nine.

Entering the Ascended Immortal Palace was also an important purpose, and that was just because Jian Twenty-Nine also entered this place. However, she had not seen Jian Twenty-Nine for many years. She did not know the specific improvement of this guy's magical power. To what extent.

After all, back then, Jian Twenty-Nine murdered her and her sister because the treasure of chance moved people's hearts, which made Jian Twenty-Nine murderous towards the two of them, and attacked her and her sister...

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu's face moved slightly, she looked at Fairy Ningyu and said: "Sister Ningyu, I heard a thing or two about you and your sister back then, but to deal with Jian Twenty-Nine, you guys You must be careful, I have seen his moves! To be honest, although I have received some opportunities and my cultivation and magical powers have improved a lot, I can feel that I have no chance of winning against Jian Twenty-Nine! No!"

At this point, she looked at Ye Han deeply and said: "If you are not absolutely sure, you must not take action easily. You must know that the Black God Sea Demon Emperor and the Black Water Old Demon are both his equals! His sword skills are really terrifying!”

Listening to the red dragon girl telling the two of them so solemnly about the horror of the twenty-nine swords, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu looked at each other...

Ye Han saw the unwillingness and worry in Fairy Ningyu's eyes. Obviously he was not willing to let Jian Twenty-Nine go like this, and he was worried that Ye Han would take risks because of this...

So, Ye Han said: "Senior sister! If we find a chance, we will always kill him, and he may not always be safe in the Ascension Palace!"

The red dragon girl also reacted and said: "Yes! Sister Ningyu! Now there is a great chance for the three of us to join forces!"

Obviously the Red Dragon Girl also knows Fairy Ningyu very well, knows her character, and cares very much about her fellow sister who she cares about very much...

Fairy Ningyu perked up after listening to their words, and replied: "I know! Junior brother! Sister Hong! I will pay attention! Thank you both for your help, otherwise I would have no chance at all on my own." of."

At this point, her eyes showed a cold light and she said: "It seems that damn Jian Twenty-Nine, he really pretended to be injured before, but he has really improved greatly. No wonder he wanted to attack us back then! "

Yes, Ye Han also heard what she meant, that is, if Jian Twenty-Nine got the opportunity he had back then, he would definitely gain a lot...

But just as he had investigated, Jian Twenty-Nine was in cahoots with the old demon of Black Water, and the so-called injury before was simply the result of the cooperation between the two.

Ye Han did not act rashly, did not let Fairy Ningyu's desire for revenge affect her, and rashly went to seek revenge from Jian Twenty-Nine. He really dodged a disaster...

So Ye Han also said: "Sister! Don't worry, as long as the opportunity is right, there are ways to deal with him! Just listen to me!"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu also smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes! I listen to my junior brother!"

However, after listening to the conversation between the two, the Red Dragon Girl's eyes flashed with suspicion. Why do these two guys seem to have an unusual relationship? Could it be...

Thinking like this, the red dragon girl suddenly felt strange, but she immediately said: "Okay! Now we don't have time to worry about the sword twenty-nine. We are in quite a lot of trouble now!"

Having said this, she walked to the entrance of the cave and looked at the battle between the Tianlong Archers and the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake outside. She said helplessly: "You must have seen that the archers of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan were fighting against the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake." What happened to the snake? You probably remember seeing the mural when you came in."

After hearing this, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu looked at each other, nodded and replied, "Yes!"

Fairy Ningyu said: "Sister Hong! Then do you think what we are seeing now is the illusion in the mural? Then how can we decipher it?"

Ye Han also said: "Fellow Daoist Hong, you just said that this place is a trial place for the Tianlong Monster Clan, so is this also a trial?"

After listening to the words of the two people, the red dragon girl said solemnly: "Yes! This place is one of the trials of the mural. This should not be considered an illusion, but a trial similar to real existence. If we can't pass it, , we can only be trapped here forever.”

Having said this, she frowned and looked at the huge three-transformation snake and said, "Have you all seen that scary guy? Our test is to lead the Tianlong archers to kill that scary guy!"

After hearing this, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu both turned serious. With so many Tianlong archers dealing with the three-transformation snake, even the arrows that could break through the walls of the Ascending Immortal Palace were unable to hurt them. The scaly skin of these three-transformation snakes...

It can be seen from this that how terrifying the defense power of these three-transformation snakes is? In addition, this person is so huge that he has definitely reached the cultivation level of the Yuanying stage monsters. Even with cultivation levels above this Yuanying stage, it would be extremely difficult to kill this guy...

Fairy Ningyu asked: "Sister Hong, you have been here for a while, right? Then if you observe this three-transformation snake, how will you deal with it?"

Ye Han also said, "That's right! Fellow Taoist Red! Just tell me what you think and plan."

The red dragon girl said helplessly: "I have been in this place for more than a month and have been observing it for a long time. For the time being, I have no way to deal with the three-transformation snake, but I understand its characteristics."

After a pause, she continued with a solemn face: "Have you seen it too? The only one in the Tianlong Demon Clan who shoots arrows against that guy is the Tianlong Archer. The reason why they all shoot with bows and arrows is because any close attack is an act of death. Only this bow and arrow, which has a terrifying ability to break defenses, can be of some use!"

"I have tried various ways to attack, whether it is magic weapons, spiritual treasures, various spells, traps, formations, all available methods. Not only is it ineffective, but it will anger the three transformations." Snake, I almost lost my life!”

Having said this, she looked at Ye Han with a smile and said, "Ye Han! Aren't you resourceful? I'll leave this guy to you."

After hearing this, Ye Han said with a half-smile, "Fellow Daoist Hong, are you trying to test me?"

After a pause in his voice, he said confidently: "However, I probably already have a way to deal with the three-transformation snake!"

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