Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1057 Who wouldn’t be tempted?

After hearing Ye Han's words, the red dragon girl said with a half-smile: "Friend Daoist Ye! It's a good thing that you are so confident, but don't be careless. I also hope that we can work together to deal with the Black God Sea Demon King, the Black Water Old Demon and the others. Woolen cloth!"

Yes, from the perspective of the red dragon girl, she has already thought of many ways to deal with the three-transformation snake, although she knows that Ye Han is a powerful boy, with outstanding resourcefulness and amazing methods that no one else can...

But she didn't believe that she couldn't deal with the three-transformation Soaring Snake after spending more than a month...

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu just arrived. After taking a few glances at the three-transformation snake, do you have any way to deal with that guy?

Most likely this guy was so confident that he thought the three-transformation snake was so easy to deal with.

However, Fairy Ningyu also said from the side: "Junior brother! Don't trust me, Sister Hong! I have been here for so long and I haven't thought of a way to deal with that guy. It's better to be careful!"

This junior brother is good at everything, but he brags after seeing beautiful women and fairies...?

However, who wouldn’t be tempted by such a charming woman like Red Dragon Girl?

Ye Han nodded and said: "Of course the two of you are worried, but I just thought of a way. It is still a bit troublesome to implement it successfully."

After a pause, he asked the Red Dragon Girl: "Friend Red Daoist! You just said that you can only rely on long-range attacks to deal with the three-transformation snake, right? And you have to use those Tianlong archers. Now you have a way to control those Tianlongs." Archer? I think that’s the key.”

After listening to Ye Han's words, the red dragon girl's eyes flashed with surprise, and she sighed: "I now believe you have a way. You hit the key right away. According to my observations and attempts, the key is long-range attack." "Follow the Tianlong Archers!"

Speaking of this, she patted the storage bag, and a flash of light flashed in her hand. There was a fist-sized golden ball in her hand, with countless mysterious and mysterious Tianlong Demon Clan characters swirling inside...

The red dragon girl played with the ball and said, "I found this demon-controlling orb when I came in. Through this demon-controlling orb, I can control the attacks of these Tianlong archers!"

At this point, she frowned and said: "However, I have tried it. Even if I gather all the Tianlong archers and attack with all their strength, they can't deal with the three-transformation Soaring Snake! This guy's defense The attack power is really terrifying! If he hadn't been able to leave the cave, all of these Tianlong archers would have been killed long ago."

"I also tried to use Tianlong Archers to arrange formations to strengthen the attack, but it didn't have much effect! Instead, it angered the three-transformation Soaring Snake, causing huge losses! I was almost killed!"

"Ye Han! What do you think?"

After listening to the description of the red dragon girl, Ye Han's face showed a look of thinking, and Fairy Ningyu on the side said: "Junior brother! I think Sister Hong is right, she has already tried it, so we shouldn't be careless. "

Ye Han nodded at this time and said: "I understand, let me tell you what I think. When we came in, weren't those archers attacking the three-transformation Soaring Snake? That guy's defense is indeed very terrifying, and the Soaring Snake The snake must be highly venomous, and we will be in big trouble if we get close.”

But the red dragon girl said with a mocking look: "I know all this, don't you have a way?"

This brat had been causing so much misfortune to her. Although she had helped her once and resolved her hatred, she had not forgotten the loss she had suffered from this brat. She still felt a sense of schadenfreude when she saw this brat suffer.

Ye Han didn't know what the red dragon girl was thinking, and said with a half-smile: "Actually, my method is not difficult, just use formation to deal with the three-transformation snake!"

After listening to Ye Han's words, the red dragon girl laughed and said: "I thought fellow Taoist had any good ideas! How to use formations to deal with the three-transformation snake? I know that fellow Taoist's formation knowledge is far better than mine! But I have already I have used the formation to deal with the three-transformation Soaring Snake. Even if my fellow Taoist's formation is ten times more powerful, it still can't deal with the three-transformation Soaring Snake!"

Speaking of this, she sighed and said: "That guy's defense is really terrifying. I really don't know how the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan could deal with that guy back then?"

Ye Han said with a smile but not a smile: "If you, fellow Taoist, can look at the mural carefully, you should know how the Tianlong Monster Tribe dealt with the three-transformation Soaring Snake back then!"

After hearing this, the red dragon girl's eyes moved and asked: "Mural? Does it have anything to do with that?"

The more this kid talked, the more mysterious he became, as if he had really missed something?

However, when they entered the Ascension Palace, although they noticed the murals and some of the pictures on the murals, they were all at a glance and did not observe very clearly. They remembered very clearly...

After all, when they came in, they still had to fight with the bones of those monsters and beasts, so their attention was not on the murals.

Fairy Ningyu, on the other hand, followed and said: "Okay! Junior brother, don't be too tight-lipped. Just tell me what you can do! Sister Hong just said that ten times the formation won't work. If you use the formation again, it might not work either. Bar!"

Ye Han glared at Fairy Ningyu, why did this senior sister turn her arms outward?

So, Ye Han said to the red dragon girl: "Fellow Red Daoist! I think I don't know that the formation is different from what you think. My formation is to arrange the formation on the three-transformation snake." ! The formation you are talking about is to let the Tianlong archers set up the formation! That will definitely have a different effect."

After listening to Ye Han's words, Fairy Ningyu and Red Dragon Girl were both surprised and said: "Deploying a formation on the three-transformation snake?"

The red dragon girl frowned and said: "Ye Han! Didn't I just say that? This three-transformation snake cannot be approached. As long as we get within a thousand feet, we will be discovered by him, and we will either be poisoned or attacked by him. He ate it! If we get within a thousand feet of him, we will die! That guy is not an ordinary monster!"

Ye Han said: "So didn't I ask you just now? Can you control those Tianlong archers? The key to our formation is the Tianlong archers!"

At this point, Ye Han said with a half-smile: "And I didn't come up with this method, but the mural reminded me!"

After hearing this, the red dragon girl's face changed and she reacted: "You mean to use Tianlong archers to shoot arrows to form a formation?"

Fairy Ningyu also had a look in her eyes. This was unheard of. How could they use archers to form an array?

However, they all noticed the mural, so why didn't they notice that the mural reminded them to use the formation?

Fairy Ningyu asked curiously: "Junior brother! How did you see that the mural reminded you?"

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