Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1058 What loss did you suffer?

Yes, both of them had seen the mural. Why did the mural remind Ye Han? Didn't you remind them? Or did they not see it?

Ye Han smiled and said: "That's because you are not formation masters, and your understanding of the formation method is not that deep! I can see that it is because of the arrows shot by the archers on the mural, and the arrows shot by the three-transformation snake. The arrows have the aura of array formation!”

That's right, when Ye Han entered the Ascension Palace, he noticed that the arrows on the mural had a formation aura. Although it was not very obvious, he could still see it at a glance, so he paid more attention.

After hearing this, Red Dragon Girl and Fairy Ningyu both sighed, and somewhat believed Ye Han's words.

Fairy Ningyu said: "No wonder, junior brother, you have been looking at the mural. It turns out you are looking at the formation! I thought you were looking for some opportunity."

She came in with Ye Han and had been observing the murals. As Ye Han said, she was not a formation master, so it was normal that she did not see any obscure formations...

The red dragon girl also reacted and said: "Hey! Now that I think about it, I have suffered so much from you, so I am not unjust!"

Yes, the Red Dragon Girl has always boasted of being a strategist, far superior to the male monks. She has indeed suffered big losses from Ye Hang several times without taking any advantage at all, so she is convinced.

Fairy Ningyu, on the other hand, heard this and said strangely: "Sister Hong! What loss did you suffer?"

As he spoke, he glared at Ye Han, "Really, this guy dares to provoke a demonic cultivator?"

However, she immediately realized what was happening. Wasn't that about the Qingxuan Sect's Tianchong City Formation?

She knew that Ye Han caused Red Dragon Girl to suffer a big loss, but only now did she know that Sister Hong was Red Dragon Girl...

Ye Han laughed and said, "Yes! You, Sister Hong, have suffered a huge loss from me!!"

Listening to Ye Han's exaggerated words, Red Dragon Girl and Fairy Ningyu were both familiar with it. They immediately understood that this guy was talking nonsense, and they cursed in unison: "Bah! Nothing serious!"

Ye Han shrugged and continued to argue without this topic. He turned to look outside and looked at the Tianlong archer who was madly attacking those three-transformation snakes...

After watching for a while, Ye Han said: "However, it is not that easy to set up the formation. I need to understand the formation that can deal with the three-transformation snake!"

Fairy Ningyu and Red Dragon Girl looked at each other, nodded and replied, "Then give it a try!"

Ye Han suddenly said to the Red Dragon Girl: "Fellow Daoist Red, can you give me your demon-controlling orb?"

After hearing this, the red dragon girl patted her storage bag, and the demon-controlling orb appeared in her hand. She threw it towards Ye Han and said, "Here you go! The formula, the method of control! Listen carefully...!"

With that said, the Red Dragon Girl passed the formula for controlling the demon-controlling beads to Ye Han...

Ye Han held the demon-controlling bead in his hand and listened to the Red Dragon Girl's words with a strange look in his eyes. When the Red Dragon Girl handed this treasure to him so easily without any hesitation, it meant that the Red Dragon Girl was still I really hope to cooperate with you.

At least for now, there is nothing to plot against him. What was said before about the Tianlong Archer transforming into a Soaring Snake is also true.

It cannot be said that Ye Han was too paranoid about this matter. After all, immortal cultivators fought for opportunities at all costs, and Fairy Ningyu's sister was killed in this way.

Ye Han would naturally not let himself fall into such a trap.

So, Ye Han said: "Would you like to go out with me for a visit, or stay here by yourself to catch up on old times?"

The Red Dragon Girl glanced at Fairy Ningyu and said, "Sister Ningyu! Do you want to go out?"

She has been in this place for more than a month and has almost visited the entire place. But there is nothing interesting to see, mainly to see Fairy Ningyu.

Fairy Ningyu took a deep look at the Red Dragon Girl and said, "I won't go out. I'm going to catch up with Sister Hong."

Ye Han nodded and replied, "Then I'll go out and have a look!"

The red dragon girl immediately said: "Go! I will help you unlock the restriction!"

After saying that, with a thought, she kneaded the hand and recited the incantation, unlocking the restriction at the entrance of the cave...

Ye Han moved outside and went out...

Seeing Ye Han go out, Fairy Ningyu couldn't help but tell her, "Junior brother, be careful! I have something to report!"

Ye Han replied casually: "I know!"

As he spoke, his figure flew towards the cliff and disappeared in a few seconds.

Seeing Ye Han's back disappearing, the Red Dragon Girl released the restraint again, looked at Fairy Ningyu up and down with a strange look on her face and said, "Sister Ningyu! You seem to have an extraordinary relationship with Fellow Daoist Ye! Isn't that right?"

Fairy Ningyu heard the ambiguity in her tone, her face turned slightly red, and she hurriedly said, "No! Sister Hong, I and Junior Brother Ye are brothers in the same sect, so we have a good relationship."

But the red dragon girl said: "I don't know you yet? How can you be good with a man with your personality? Besides, Ye Han is a boy who doesn't show off his stomach. If it's not a good relationship, there are many benefits. He Will you help me?”

As she spoke, she asked mysteriously: "Tell me, how is that boy?"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu's face returned to normal, and she immediately said: "What's wrong? Of course it's because of the benefits, but it's you, Sister Hong! Don't you have a grudge against him? How did you reconcile?"

She was alert. Although she had a good relationship with the Red Dragon Girl before, she didn't know that she was the Red Dragon Girl of the Black Water Sect at that time. She only called her Sister Hong...

But her relationship with Ye Han was not something she could talk about casually. She couldn't let the Red Dragon Girl take advantage of her. Protecting Ye Han was also protecting herself.

After hearing this, the Red Dragon Girl showed disappointment on her face and said, "Hey! Sister, I had no choice. This kid had a handle on me."

Fairy Ning Yu heard this and said, "That's right. If this kid doesn't have any benefits, how could he help us?"

The Red Dragon Girl knew Ye Han, but she didn't know him either. After all, she felt that Ye Han was still a very loyal person, not a profit-seeking person.

But there was no need to tell the Red Dragon Girl too much in detail.

After hearing this, the Red Dragon Girl replied, "Yes, yes, yes! This kid is like this!"

At this point, she changed the subject and asked, "What benefit did my sister give to that kid? Why did he help you so hard?"

She really didn't believe that if there was no benefit, Ye Han would help Fairy Ningyu. There must be a big benefit. If she could get it out, then...

Fairy Ningyu said, "It doesn't matter if I tell my sister...!"

Before she finished speaking.

Ah!!! A shocking roar of the Three Transformations Teng Snake came, and the whole cave was shaking violently...

The Red Dragon Girl's face changed, and she shouted, "What did this kid do?"

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