Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1059 Just wait! I will definitely find a chance to deal with him!

Fairy Ningyu's face also changed, and she exclaimed: "What happened?"

Red Dragon Girl has been in this place for more than a month, but she has never seen the three-change Teng Snake so furious. She immediately moved her consciousness, unlocked the ban, and looked outside...

Fairy Ningyu also immediately approached...

I saw that the huge three-change Teng Snake was shaking violently, and the whole body was emitting a terrifying dark green flame. It madly spit out hundreds of feet of terrifying demonic light balls in one direction, bombarding the sky and the earth...

Boom boom boom! ! The chain of earth-shaking roars continued, and black and blue light pillars thousands of feet long shot up into the sky. The bursting air surged out of the storm, shaking the earth and the mountains, which was very scary...

However, the two people in this cave could not see the situation over there, but they could see that the Tianlong archers who had been attacking the three-change Teng Snake all over the mountains had all withdrawn. It seemed that a lot of Tianlong archers gathered in the direction of the three-change Teng Snake's attack...

What's going on?

Red Dragon Girl looked at the Three-Change Teng Snake strangely...

And Fairy Ning Yu's eyes flashed with blue light, and she suddenly shouted: "The Three-Change Teng Snake seems to be injured! Sister Hong! Look, is the Three-Change Teng Snake's abdomen injured?!"

Hearing this, Red Dragon Girl's eyes suddenly flickered with a spiritual light, and she activated the magical power to increase her vision, and immediately found that one of the scales on the abdomen of the violent Three-Change Teng Snake was injured, and a trace of black and blue flames gushed out, and there was a trace of liquid in it...

It seems that the abdomen of the Three-Change Teng Snake is really injured?

This is impossible.

Red Dragon Girl's face was full of horror. She had been thinking of ways to deal with this Three-Change Teng Snake several times in this place for more than a month, but she had never hurt this Three-Change Teng Snake...

How long has Ye Han been out, and he has already hurt this Three-Change Teng Snake?

It's really annoying to compare with others. This guy is really not bragging. Does he really have a way to deal with this Three-Change Teng Snake?

After the Three-Change Teng Snake madly sprayed a large area of ​​black-blue light balls, a rune aura suddenly burst out from its abdomen...

Puff puff puff!! A golden light flashed, and arrows were blasted out by the demonic energy and magic power...

Ah!! The Three-Change Teng Snake roared and yelled in the direction of the attack...

But it did not continue to spray those black-blue light balls.

As if he had lost his target, he roared and raged furiously, which was really crazy...

Ningyu Fairy saw this scene and asked Hong Longnv: "Sister Hong, should we go out to help?"

Hong Longnv looked at Ningyu Fairy deeply and said: "Why do you care so much about that kid? That stinky boy is very cunning, who would let him suffer? The three-transformation Teng Snake can't move. It should be imprisoned in that place. Only half of its body can come out. That kid will be fine."

As she said this, Hong Longnv looked at Ningyu Fairy strangely. It can be seen that this fairy who is not interested in worldly fireworks really cares about Ye Han!

Tsk! What's so good about that kid?

Such a fairy cares so much?

There must be something wrong with these two guys...

Thinking of this, Red Dragon Girl was a little unhappy. This guy had played tricks on her so many times. Although he had his own reasons, it didn't mean...

So, Red Dragon Girl rolled her eyes and said to Fairy Ningyu in a hypocritical manner: "By the way! Sister Ningyu, does Ye Han have a dual cultivation partner? Do you think I can take that guy down?"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu looked at Red Dragon Girl in surprise and said: "Sister Hong! What are you talking about? Are you... attracted to that guy?"

Isn't Red Dragon Girl a mortal enemy of Ye Han? Has she suffered a great loss from Ye Han? Why does she still want to follow Ye Han?

This...isn't this a mess?

No! What is Sister Hong going to do?

Seeing the ever-changing expression of Fairy Ningyu, she was worried, surprised, and hesitant. Suddenly, Red Dragon Girl covered her stomach and laughed, saying, "Haha! Sister Ningyu! Seeing your nervous look, I was joking with you. How could I like this brat? I will take care of him if I have the chance."

Yes, this brat made me so embarrassed, how could I like him?

Just wait! I will definitely find a chance to take care of him!

Fairy Ningyu heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and hurriedly persuaded: "Senior sister! Although we belong to different sects, there is no need to fight to the death. Aren't we cooperating now? I know that sister is also forced to do so."

When Fairy Ningyu said this, Red Dragon Girl looked at Fairy Ningyu deeply and said: "You still understand sister! I have never told you my true identity, in fact, it is also considering this."

Fairy Ningyu nodded and replied: "I just know it!"

At this time, after the three-change Teng Snake roared for a while, it seemed that it could not find anyone, and shrank back in anger. The whole world roared again...

Red Dragon Girl said to Fairy Ningyu: "That boy will be back soon, let's talk!"

After saying that, she walked back.

The two talked again...

However, it was not as Red Dragon Girl expected. Ye Han came back after seven or eight hours...

Red Dragon Girl and Fairy Ningyu were discussing their cultivation experience when they saw Ye Han coming back.

Fairy Ning Yu's eyes moved, and all she saw was Ye Han.

Red Dragon Girl saw it, and understood it in her heart. She still said it was okay, I don't believe it...

So, Red Dragon Girl asked: "How is Fellow Daoist Ye? Do you have a way to deal with that guy?"

Ye Han glanced at Fairy Ningyu, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand. He took the demon-controlling magic bead in his hand and said to Red Dragon Girl: "I am sure to deal with that guy, but I still need the cooperation of Fellow Daoist and Senior Sister!"

Then he sat down and said: "Let me tell you about my plan first, and then I will set up a formation to deal with the three-change Teng Snake!"

"Okay! You say!"

"When the time comes, for this formation, I need the two of you to constantly attack the three-change Teng Snake to attract his attention and don't let him break up our formation. And I need to practice the position I want to attack...!"

After Ye Han's detailed description, he expressed his thoughts, and the two girls added their opinions.

Then asked Fairy Ningyu and Red Dragon Girl to take action and cooperate with Ye Han, and Ye Han also had to come up with a formation to deal with the three-change Teng Snake.

After clarifying what the three people needed to do, Ye Han studied the formation, and Red Dragon Girl and Fairy Ningyu cooperated to practice the timing of attack, etc...

Seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye.

The three of them left the cave, and Ye Han said to them, "I'll go gather the Tianlong Archers, and you guys make your move, and I'll start controlling the Tianlong Archers!"


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