Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1061 You owe me!

If you look closely, the arrows shot by these Tianlong archers actually have a golden filament. These Tianlong archers pulled these filaments and rushed towards the three-change Teng Snake madly.

And the three-change Teng Snake was full of arrows, and the runes on it were surging, and it actually emitted a force of confinement.

Ao! ! ! The three-change Teng Snake roared loudly, shaking out a terrifying and suffocating blue-black storm, and the half-wings of the fins on its head kept surging out mysterious and profound terrifying runes...


Buzz buzz buzz! ! The arrows on the three-change Teng Snake surged out a golden rune, and they were connected to each other to form a formation of golden light threads, which kept trembling in it, like runes of electric current.

Ao ao! ! The three-change Teng Snake roared in panic, and the scales on its body began to tremble, but its whole body could not move!

Good! This is what Ye Han came up with, the imprisonment formation to imprison the Three-Change Teng Snake, which was modified based on the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation and the Great Mitian Formation.

It directly lost the power of the illusion and sword light, but it completely strengthened the power of imprisonment...

Although the Three-Change Teng Snake roared very shockingly, its body was barely able to move, and the entire canyon ground was shaking...

But it still seemed that it could not be driven.

At this moment...

Whoosh!!! Those Tianlong archers pulled the golden light thread connected to the arrows one by one. Although it was as thin as a hair, it could withstand the body of these Tianlong archers, and rushed towards the three-change Teng Snake with crazy impact...

Ye Han quickly pinched the spell and continuously integrated the spiritual power into the demon-controlling bead. The demon-controlling bead burst out with brilliant demonic aura in an instant and drilled into the bodies of those Tianlong archers...

Those Tianlong archers burst out with terrible destructive power, and the magic power and demonic aura continued to expand, and rushed towards the arrows inserted into the three-change Teng Snake along the golden light thread.

Ningyu Fairy and Red Dragon Girl saw this scene from a distance, and their expressions became a little excited. Is it going to succeed?

The Red Dragon Girl gritted her teeth, suddenly moved, and rushed towards the three-transformation Teng Snake...

Her speed was amazing, and she rushed thousands of feet in a few strokes...

When the Ningyu Fairy saw this, her eyes moved and she shouted: "Sister Hong! It's dangerous, why are you rushing over?"

You have to know that the three-transformation Teng Snake has a poisonous storm, and few cultivators can resist this poison!

Gritting her teeth, Fairy Ningyu also wanted to rush over...

But Red Dragon Girl turned around and glared at Fairy Ningyu and shouted: "Don't come over! Otherwise, don't blame me for turning hostile!"

After these words came out, Fairy Ningyu looked at Fairy Ningyu in surprise, not knowing why she was so excited suddenly...

Fairy Ningyu was naturally peaceful, and Red Dragon Girl had done her a favor. After hearing this, she couldn't help but hesitate and didn't chase after her...

But she gritted her teeth, looked in the direction of Ye Han, and said in a voice transmission: "Junior brother! Sister Hong doesn't know what she is going to do! She rushed over!!"

Ye Han was exerting his spiritual sense to control the demon-controlling divine bead with all his strength. Although this thing can control the Tianlong archers, it can control so many at once, and let them use all their magic power to deal with the three-change Teng Snake...

He heard Fairy Ningyu's voice transmission shouting, his eyes moved, and he looked over there. Sure enough, he saw Red Dragon Girl rushing towards the three-change Teng Snake alone...

Tsk! This abominable guy! She must be trying to snatch the opportunity or treasure...


Ye Han also knew that he could not move at the critical moment of using the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl, unless he gave up killing the Three-Change Teng Snake, neither of them would be able to get the opportunity treasure they wanted...

Damn it! Red Dragon Girl! You owe me! !

Ye Han suddenly gritted his teeth, his eyes became determined, and he quickly pinched the formula and chanted the spell, and his spiritual consciousness and mana drove the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl to the extreme...

The purple cauldron in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness suddenly became purple, and the boundless purple cauldron aura frantically replenished Ye Han's mana, and Ye Han's own mana surged into the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl like a tide...

A very scary scene appeared.

Buzz!!! As Ye Han's terrifying mana consciousness was frantically injected into the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl, the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl burst out with amazing and suffocating divine light, and constantly vibrated out suffocating mana ripples...

Ka Ka Ka Ka!! A burst of cracking sound came from the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl. The Demon Controlling Divine Pearl might not be able to bear it. Ye Han's terrifying magic power actually cracked into countless traces of cracks. The amazing treasure light magic power was transmitted through the gaps of the Demon Controlling Divine Pearl...

And those Tianlong archers who rushed towards the Three-Change Teng Snake, one by one, had the dazzling demonic magic power on their bodies, pulling the golden light and impacting the Three-Change Teng Snake...

Pah, pah, pah! ! ! Those Tianlong archers were like raindrops, overwhelming the three-change Teng Snake, and their bodies actually hit the exposed arrows...

Pu pu pu! ! With a muffled sound, these Tianlong archers were directly pierced by the protruding arrows...

Suddenly! These Tianlong archers kept spurting blood from their bodies, and began to chant something in their mouths, chanting a brutal and mysterious formula.

The mana and demonic aura of these Tianlong archers surged wildly, burning their mana...

Yes! This is Ye Han's real killer move against the three-change Teng Snake, by controlling these Tianlong archers to sacrifice their physical cultivation and life to self-destruct...

You know, there are thousands of these Tianlong archers, so crazy to spit out blood, sacrifice their life span, and spread with the breath...

A terrifying and boundless aura of destruction is connected between countless Tianlong archers...

Ahhh! ! The three-change Teng Snake also noticed this scene, roared in extreme fear, and began to burst out with black and blue terrifying flames, burning out boundless poisonous flames...

But the arrow formation on its body imprisoned its movements, making the three-change Teng Snake completely unable to move, and could only watch this terrifying suffocating and destructive aura soar...

No! ! ! ! I don't want to die! !

The three-change Teng Snake opened his eyes wide and roared unwillingly...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! Those Tianlong archers possessed by it exploded madly...

Like the bright sun, the whole valley was bursting with a dazzling blood-red storm...

Boom! !

The boundless terrifying impact light explosion shook the earth and the sky, and the terrifying light column of tens of thousands of feet hit, and the rocks in the valley within a radius of dozens of miles were instantly blown up...

And in the terrible light explosion, the Red Dragon Girl transformed into the figure of the Tianlong Demon Saint and rushed over madly...

Damn it! What on earth does this Red Dragon Girl want to do?

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