Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1062 See you again if we are lucky! Take care!

At the same time, the demon-controlling orb in his hand also collapsed and exploded...

Ye Han saw this scene from a distance and was very angry. This red dragon girl obviously knew something, so she rushed towards the three-transformation snake so crazily...

Otherwise, how could she be so desperate?

However, at the critical moment when Ye Han controlled the demon-controlling bead, if he failed to control the demon-controlling bead, then their plan would be in vain.

There was no way he could kill the three-transformation snake.

The key is that this is the only chance. After all, the number of Tianlong archers is limited. If they don't succeed this time, these guys have already rushed over to the three-transformation Soaring Snake, waiting for his poisonous gas and power to explode...

No Tianlong archer can survive...

Naturally, the only chance to kill the three-transformation Soaring Snake was lost.

I finally figured it out. The red dragon girl had her own plans and was taking risks to seize opportunities or treasures...

hateful! I just can’t believe this demonic woman!

But after Ye Han weighed it up, he still felt that it was more important to kill the three-transformation Soaring Snake and complete this so-called trial...

After all, if he were to fight alone, unless he could get the help of the mysterious woman in the coffin again, he would have no chance of winning against the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake.

Of course, after that mysterious woman dealt with the Black God Sea Demon Emperor, she said she would not do anything for a hundred years, and it was obviously impossible for her to do anything again.

So after weighing the matter, Ye Han decided that it was more important to kill the three-transformation Soaring Snake. As for what the Red Dragon Girl wanted to do, it wouldn't be too late to settle the score with her later!

Boom! ! ! The terrifying and boundless concussive storm struck in all directions, and the boundless rocks were crumbling and shattering...

Ye Han's six-door Qiankun Armor released six doors to protect his body and prevent the terrible storm from washing away his body!

The same goes for Fairy Ningyu on the other side. She cast ice spells and used armor to protect her body, preventing the terrifying explosion storm from washing away the two of them...

Can the Red Dragon Girl stop such a terrifying sacrifice explosion of thousands of Tianlong archers?

Ye Han saw that in the terrifying storm, the body of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint transformed by the red dragon girl was covered with a layer of dense gray light. Such a terrifying power that destroyed the world and destroyed the heaven and earth impacted. Impacting the body of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint transformed into the red dragon girl...

The terrifying and suffocating power of the destructive explosion was actually unable to break through the layer of dense gray light defense. The Red Dragon Girl did not continue to attack, but waited for the storm to pass...

When Ye Han saw this scene, his brows moved. This red dragon girl obviously got some heaven-defying opportunity in this Ascended Immortal Palace, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a terrifying layer of defense.

After all, he is now fully exerting the Tianlong Hegemon Body Kung Fu, and adding the six-door Qiankun Armor, it will also consume quite a lot of mana to attack...

What's more important is that even if he rushes over quickly to fight with the red dragon girl, it's too late...

After all, the location of the red dragon girl is too close to the place where the three-transformation snake exploded...

I saw the boundless terrifying storm impacting the earth and the earth...

The entire body shape of the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake has been blown into nothingness, leaving only a long skeleton in place, with cracks constantly cracking on it...

The canyons and peaks on the ground have disappeared, and a huge bottomless pit is rippled by space cracks.

Boundless storms are surging in all directions...

And this time!

Whoops! The red dragon girl's body moved and she rushed towards the skeleton of the three-transformation snake at an astonishing speed.

Ye Han frowned, moved his figure, and rushed over quickly...

Fairy Ningyu on the other side also rushed over quickly...

But where is the time?

I saw the remaining skeleton of the three-transformation Soaring Snake instantly shattered, and the huge snake head fell from the air...

boom! ! With a heaven-shaking muffled explosion, the snake's head hit the ground, and a bright red ball of light appeared on the head of the three-transformed snake and sprayed out...

It was too far away, and Ye Han didn't even see clearly what the red ball of light was.

The red dragon girl had already rushed to the side of the red ball of light. When she reached out and grabbed it, the red ball of light was already caught in the hand of the red dragon girl.

Something amazing happened. The Red Dragon Girl glanced in the direction of Fairy Ye Hanning and shouted to the two of them: "See you two by fate! Take care!"

As the red dragon girl shouted, a red rune flashed across her body, wrapping her figure...

Whoops! The figure of the red dragon girl rotated with the red light runes, and she suddenly teleported and disappeared into the air!

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu rushed to the head of the huge three-transformation snake. The figure of the red dragon girl had long since disappeared!

Looking at the huge three-transformation snake's head, Ye Han cursed angrily: "Damn it! You let that damn woman fool you!"

Obviously, the red ball of light caught by the red dragon girl is the key to passing this trial. Now that the red dragon girl has caught the red ball of light and teleported away, the two of them may be trapped here. Already...

Fairy Ningyu looked at Ye Han's annoyed look and said apologetically: "Junior brother! It's all my fault... I should have followed her!"

In Fairy Ningyu's view, when the Red Dragon Girl suddenly rushed towards the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake, she should have followed her instead of hesitating after listening to the Red Dragon Girl's words...

If she catches up, she should be able to stop the red dragon girl, right?

Ye Han looked at Fairy Ningyu's annoyance, shook his head and said: "You can't be blamed for this! That dead woman had some conscience and didn't let you rush over with her, otherwise you couldn't withstand the destructive storm of the Tianlong bow and the archer's self-explosion!"

Yes, just as Ye Han said, the Red Dragon Girl was able to withstand the storm, obviously because she had the opportunity to ascend to the Fairy Palace, and her defense was even more terrifying than his...

If Fairy Ningyu rushed over with her, her cultivation and defensive treasures would not be able to stop her at all. Although she would not die, she would definitely be rushed out and injured...

If the Red Dragon Girl still wanted to take the opportunity to poison Fairy Ningyu, it would be a very good opportunity.

So it can be said that the Red Dragon Girl had some conscience...

Fairy Ningyu also understood the consequences of following the Red Dragon Girl.

So, she couldn't help but say: "So, Sister Hong still thinks of our friendship!"

As she said, she didn't care too much.

Ye Han said, "Even if this damn woman has a conscience, it's limited. We are in big trouble now... huh?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Han's face suddenly changed, and the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly...

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