It's no wonder that the two of them looked horrified again.

Because as the two of them rushed to the end of the passage, two more forks appeared in the passage...

Fairy Ningyu said: "Junior brother! It's a fork again! Isn't this a maze?"

Yes, in many ancient places and trial places, they like to create labyrinths and other tests to torture the cultivators who come in...

But it's as long as this maze, with only two forks, and it takes so long to walk all the way. It's more like a maze with an illusion?

Ye Han also frowned and said, "This is hard to say!"

Fairy Ningyu said: "Then how should we go now?"

These two bifurcations were exactly the same as the previous bifurcations. There was no end in sight on both sides, there was no big difference in the atmosphere, and there was no sense of danger.

Before Ye Han made a decision, the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness guided Ye Han in the direction to the right. The implication was that Ye Han was told to go to the right...

Ye Han's eyes moved and he said to Fairy Ningyu, "Let's go to the right."

However, after saying this this time, he pointed a finger and a metal puppet was released. His consciousness ordered the metal puppet to walk towards the left passage.

Although Ziding guided him to the right, he decided to go to the right, but he wanted to release the puppet to see if there would be any danger there?

If there is danger, the metal puppet will definitely be killed. He is mentally connected to the metal puppet, and he will definitely know if he is killed and destroyed.

Kaka! The metal puppet followed Ye Han's order and headed in that direction very quickly.

And Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu quickly headed to the right...

However, they only advanced a few thousand feet.

Um? Ye Han felt that the metal puppet that had just been released was directly destroyed, without any chance of resistance...

Seeing the look of shock on Ye Han's face, Fairy Ningyu asked, "What's wrong? Something happened to that puppet?"

When Ye Han released the metal puppet just now, she knew that Ye Han wanted to test which side was dangerous?

Ye Han smiled bitterly and replied: "Yes! The puppet has been destroyed. It seems that we are on the right track this time."

As he spoke, Ye Han suddenly accelerated and ran forward and said, "Let's go faster, maybe we can get in front of the Red Dragon Girl!"

Yes, it can now be confirmed that the direction pointed by Ziding is indeed correct, and the direction they did not go is dangerous...

Although Fairy Ningyu didn't know how Ye Han judged the direction, given her trust in Ye Han, she didn't have any intention of doubting Ye Han and quickly followed him.

However, this time the two of them continued to speed up. There were no traps or the like in the previous passage, so they could speed up boldly.

Sure enough, after running for hundreds of miles, another fork in the road appeared.

These two forks are exactly the same as before.

But this time Ziding guided Ye Han to go to the left!

Ye Han immediately headed to the left! Fairy Ningyu followed.

Ye Han suddenly understood and said, "I understand what's going on!"

Fairy Ningyu saw Ye Han's suddenly enlightened words and asked, "Junior brother, do you know this maze?"

Anyway, after walking with this for so long, she didn't understand whether this was a maze or something else.

However, in her opinion, this bifurcation passage does not seem to be a maze. Every time, you have to run so far to have a bifurcation, and it is a two-choice operation. If it is a maze, it should be more complicated. There should be The difference is that the forks are correct. This may be three forks or four forks, which increases the difficulty of the maze.

Ye Han said: "This situation looks more like a test of the destiny of the cultivators. This should be a secret passage to test the destiny."

Fairy Ningyu was a little confused after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask: "Luck? Is this how the luck is tested? And what can this prove?"

Yes, in her opinion, luck is something that cannot be figured out. Although everyone may encounter good luck, it is not controllable.

Ye Han said, "Senior sister! We are able to come to this place because our luck has exploded!"

As he spoke, he looked deeply at Fairy Ningyu and said: "You think, this secret passage is hidden so deeply. If the Red Dragon Girl had not snatched away the red ball of light, we would have been trapped here and we would not have entered this third transformation." Let’s look at Teng She’s cave. If you’re not angry, we might have missed the key to opening this passage!”

"Oh, it's all because of our luck."

"And the same is true for the current two-choice passage. For each passage, one can be passed if it is a path of luck, and the other one should be fatal."

Speaking of this, Ye Han's expression became solemn. Although Ziding's guidance made Ye Han's choice safe and sound.

Just imagine if you choose this alternative channel based on pure luck.

The probability of making the wrong choice is extremely alarming.

And he is not a one-time choice, but a staged choice. He may be right the first time and he may be right the second time, but he may be wrong the third time.

In such a situation, it is estimated that only Zhang Qingshan's miraculous magical power of seeking good luck and avoiding evil can save people from danger.

He can only turn to someone like Ye Han who has Ziding to guide him on the right path.

Therefore, those who do not know the truth may find it easy to pass through this passage, but the real danger is often unknown...

After hearing what Ye Han said, Fairy Ningyu couldn't help asking: "Junior brother! How did you choose? Did we choose the right one?"

Ye Han shrugged and of course he wouldn't mention the matter of Zi Ding. He said casually: "I chose blindly! Because I believe in our luck."

Fairy Ningyu sneered and said: "Junior brother! Do you think I'm a fool?"

Ye Han laughed and said: "Yes! My silly senior sister!"

Hearing this, Fairy Ningyu was angry: "Looking for death!"

As she said, she suddenly slapped her magic power, and a blue light water wave sword light hit Ye Han...

Ye Han accelerated suddenly and laughed: "You can't hit it!"

Fairy Ningyu followed and chased after him. The two of them really played around heartlessly...

Until the next fork in the road, they stopped.

Ye Han followed Zi Ding's guidance and went to the left...

After walking through dozens of forks in the road, Ye Han was a little suspicious whether he had made a wrong judgment. So many forks in the road tested luck, and no one could withstand this test!

Is this really a maze?

You know, there are many things in the world of immortal cultivation that cannot be judged by common sense...

However, after the two of them had walked through several intersections, they finally saw a burst of spiritual light in front of them.

Fairy Ningyu said in surprise: "Junior brother! It seems that we have reached the end."

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