Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1070 Eighteen Gates

Ye Han immediately told Fairy Ningyu: "Let's go over and take a look! Be careful."

To be honest, even if they were at the Golden Core stage, they were still a little tired after walking in this boring passage for so long.

Sure enough, there was a burst of light in front of them, and the two reached the end of the passage. This time there was no fork in the road, but a huge open space, with a huge statue of the Tianlong Monster Clan in the middle...

This statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan is wearing armor and a crown. It has an extra pair of arms and feet than the average Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan...

And the face of this statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan looks majestic and domineering, definitely not an ordinary Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan!

What's more important is that the face of this Tianlong Demon Clan statue is very similar to the Tianlong Demon Saint that Ye Han killed...

Behind the statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan, there are a series of gates, a total of eighteen, with the text number of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan on them.

This doesn't seem to be what's going on.

Fairy Ningyu also saw it and said to Ye Han in surprise: "Junior brother! Look at this statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan. Is it exactly the same as the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan that Sister Hong turned into?"

When fighting against the three-transformation Soaring Snake, the Red Dragon Girl used the transformation of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint to fight. After all, she now has special magical powers, so although Fairy Ningyu has never seen the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint...

But I had seen the image of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint transformed by the Red Dragon Girl, so I asked Ye Han this question.

Ye Han nodded and said, "That's the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint!"

As he spoke, he said with a look of understanding in his eyes: "And this statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan, I feel, is the owner of the sacred bone in the Three-Transformation Soaring Snake Cave! It is very possible that this guy is the owner of the Ascension Palace! The Dragon Demon Saint looks so similar to this guy that day, and he is most likely a descendant of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan. It’s no wonder that he knows so many secrets of ascending to the Immortal Palace.”

Yes, when I arrived at this place and saw the true appearance of the statue of the Tianlong Demon Clan, some things that Ye Han couldn't figure out finally had a reasonable explanation.

After all, there are so many members of the Tianlong Demon Clan, and it is impossible for just a random member of the clan to know the secret of the Ascension Palace.

The Dragon Demon Saint knows so much today, obviously because of his identity as a descendant!

No wonder this guy dares to use the Ascension to Immortal Palace to plot against the immortal cultivators in the underworld, the old devil Black Water and others.

It's a pity that this guy's luck was so bad that he and the Red Dragon Girl teamed up to kill him before the Ascension Palace appeared.

It can only be said that there is a destiny in the dark, and this Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint deserves to suffer such a disaster.

After listening to Ye Han's analysis and explanation, Fairy Ningyu also reacted and said in surprise: "Then you mean, by walking like this, we have arrived at the key to ascending to the Immortal Palace?"

After hearing this, Ye Han said with some excitement: "That's right! This secret passage is definitely not the established trial and assessment place of the Ascended Immortal Palace! Being able to come here may really be the Tianlong Monster Clan testing the destiny of the people. , Of course, it is also possible that they have established methods of passage, such as treasure tokens and other guidelines!”

Speaking of this, Ye Han said with emotion: "Everything I have done should be prepared for my descendants."

Fairy Ningyu also said with emotion: "Junior brother! You are really amazing! You are right! Although Sister Hong took the lead and passed the test of the three-transformation snake, she missed this greater opportunity!"

Ye Han also smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true, maybe the red dragon girl has better luck?!"

Having said that, Ye Han couldn't help but laugh with some schadenfreude. The Red Dragon Girl obviously didn't get the existence of this secret passage from the body of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, otherwise she wouldn't have let this opportunity go...

However, he turned his eyes to the back of the huge statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan, looked at the eighteen gates, and frowned and said, "I think most of those opportunities are within these eighteen gates!"

That's right, Ye Han has already searched the statue of the Tianlong Demon Clan with his consciousness. This is an ordinary statue. He didn't find any treasure aura or special prohibition mechanism, so he turned his attention to the one behind it. The door is closed.

Fairy Ningyu nodded, walked towards the doors and said, "Junior brother! There are grooves for the coins of the Immortal Palace on that door!"

Ye Han's eyes moved and he looked over. Sure enough, there was a groove on a fairy palace coin next to these doors. Just now, his attention was on the statue of the Tianlong Monster Clan, and then he noticed the groove on the fairy palace coin. groove……

What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that if you want to open the door there, you need to use Asgard coins?

So the two of them walked over quickly, and sure enough, every door had such grooves for fairy palace coins.

Other than that, each door looks exactly the same, except for the number on it.

Therefore, Ye Han sent out his spiritual consciousness to Ziding to see if Ziding could sense it...

After all, if Ziding could sense the inside, then these eighteen doors would be a good choice.

However, Ye Han's inquiry was like a muddy cow entering the sea. Ziding did not respond at all. He gave back and gave no guidance for Ye Han to choose which room...

Obviously, Ziding can't sense what's going on in these rooms. What exactly is inside?

On the contrary, Fairy Ningyu patted the storage bag, and a fairy palace coin appeared in her hand. She handed it to Ye Han and said, "Junior brother! We only have one fairy palace coin, right? Give it to you!"

Yes, the two of them came all the way here, passed two so-called trials and assessments, and obtained two fairy palace coins. One of them was used by Ye Han when he was in the teleportation array.

So now there should be only this one in her hand left, right?

Ye Han reacted and said with a wry smile: "Yes! It seems that we can only enter one room!"

Yes, he also remembered that the two of them only had this coin, and the coin obtained from the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect he killed was a square coin, and it had been used in the room of the white jade furnace, so naturally there could be no second coin.

If the two of them were teleported separately at the beginning, and both coins were used, then there would be none left.

Who would use it then?

Should we use the old method again? Put Fairy Ningyu into the purple tripod space? And then let her out?

But Ye Han intuitively felt that this trick might not work, and maybe he couldn't release Fairy Ningyu after entering.

Suddenly! Ye Han slapped his head and said, "Oh right! How could I have forgotten this? That damn bastard should still have some Fairy Palace coins in his hand!"

After hearing what Ye Han said, Fairy Ning Yu asked in confusion, "Who?"

There are only the two of them here, who else could it be?

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