Ye Han said: "A dead man! Oh! No! It should be a dead demon!"

As he spoke, Ye Han chanted a mantra, and a vortex of purple runes appeared in the air...

Hoo ho ho! ! The body of the Black God Sea Demon Emperor was released from the vortex...

Seeing Ye Han suddenly release the body of the Black God Sea Demon King, Fairy Ningyu said strangely: "Junior brother! Why did you release this guy? Isn't he already dead?"

Yes, the Black God Sea Demon King died in a very strange way. Fairy Ningyu has not yet figured out what kind of existence those terrifying hands summoned by Ye Han actually killed the Demon King in one fell swoop. Level Black God Sea Demon King.

Now Ye Han suddenly released the body of the Black God Sea Demon King. What was he going to do?

I saw Ye Han point his finger, and several storage bags and two space rings flew out from the body of the Black God Sea Demon Emperor.

Then he used the Puppet Divine Technique and the Pure Heart Technique to drive his spiritual consciousness with all his strength, erasing the remaining aura of the Black God Sea Demon Emperor.

While searching for the Black God Sea Demon Emperor's storage bag and space ring with his consciousness, he said to Fairy Ningyu: "This Black God Sea Demon Emperor should have passed the test, and he should also have immortal palace coins. He just killed this When the Black God Siren King was there, the residual aura of the storage bag and the space ring was still relatively strong, so I couldn’t open it!”

Yes, the Black God Sea Demon Emperor is the Demon Emperor of the Nascent Soul stage. Although it is only the residual aura of "Recognize the Master with Drops of Blood" and a special secret method was used, when Ye Han first got these storage bags, he could not erase the "Recognize the Master with Drops of Blood" on them. breath.

Therefore, it has been kept in the purple cauldron space. As time goes by, the aura of blood dripping on it will be lost with the death of the owner...

Sure enough, Ye Han searched for it and took out an Immortal Palace coin from one of the storage bags. He said in surprise: "Senior sister! It's true!"

Obviously, as Ye Han expected, the Black God Sea Demon Emperor also passed two tests to enter the medicine garden trap place. One of them should have been used like them, and there was still one left.

What also surprised Ye Han was that the Black God Sea Demon Emperor had a lot of good things, especially the water element's natural and earthly treasures. There were so many treasures.

Of course, this is mainly because the Black God Sea ruled by the Black God Sea Demon King is a huge water area with abundant aura of heaven and earth, which is very suitable for the growth and growth of water-type natural materials and earthly treasures.

The Black God Sea Demon Emperor was originally a water demon emperor, and it was normal for him to have many water element treasures, elixirs, materials, elixirs and treasures.

So, after Ye Han took out the immortal palace coins, his magic power surged, and the treasures in several storage bags flew out and gathered into one storage bag.

Then Ye Han handed several storage bags and space rings to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior sister! These are water-type treasures, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as well as water-type exercises, which are more suitable for you to use. Take them. Bar!"

Although Fairy Ningyu had nothing to do with the world, she was happy to see Ye Han like this. Doesn't that mean that Ye Han cared about her? It doesn't matter how many treasures there are, the key is that Ye Han has this intention.

So she happily took it and said, "Okay! Thank you, junior brother!"

Ye Han laughed and said, "What else can we say thanks?"

As he spoke, he used his magic power to drive the purple cauldron space, put away the body of the Black God Sea Demon King, and then put away the remaining storage bag, which contained some treasures that were also very useful to him, such as ancient books. , exercises and the like, but the gains are also great.

It is truly a demon emperor-level storage bag trophy.

Of course, the corpse of the Black God and Sea Demon Emperor also plays a very important role. It is the body of the Demon Emperor, which is a priceless treasure. It can be said that in addition to the Black God and Sea Demon Emperor, the demon infant, the soul of the soul, The most valuable thing.

And the demon soul of the demon infant soul of the Black God Sea Demon Emperor was possessed by the woman in the weird coffin in the purple cauldron.

And it will take a hundred years to absorb it all...

After tidying up, Ye Han looked at the eighteen doors and couldn't decide which door he should enter.

Fairy Ningyu also saw Ye Han's confusion and asked: "Junior brother! How about we open one and take a look? I'll do it first?!"

Ye Han frowned and said: "Senior sister! Don't worry, these eighteen gates are impossible. Each gate has excellent chance treasures. I don't know how to choose now! Let's observe first!"

With that said, Ye Han walked over and tried to get as close to each door as possible to see if Ziding could sense what was going on inside or have any special reaction...

If there is Ziding's guidance, the probability of getting a good treasure will be higher.

As Ye Han said, even if these eighteen gates all have chance treasures, it is impossible for each gate to have the best chance of treasures, and there may also be chance treasures that are not suitable for you...

There are often unknown risks, so Ye Han feels that it is better to be cautious, and he also knows that Fairy Ningyu wants to help him, and even protect him, so he proposes to try it himself first, for fear that Ye Han will go first and be in danger.

Therefore, Fairy Ningyu stopped worrying and started observing around, hoping to find some characteristics of these eighteen rooms.

However, she followed Ye Han for a long time and saw no clues, which made Fairy Ningyu feel helpless. She looked at the statue of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan and complained: "This guy has caused so many troublesome things. Who do you want to pass it on to?"

As she said this, she looked up and down at the statue of the Tianlong demon clan. Suddenly, her eyes moved and she found a clue. She said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! I seem to have found something!"

After listening to Fairy Ningyu's words, Ye Han turned around and said: "Senior sister! What did you find?"

He had been looking there for so long, and had walked through every room several times, but he really didn't find anything. Ziding didn't react at all. Now he heard Fairy Ningyu's words, and he walked over with an idea in his mind...

Fairy Ningyu pointed at the statue of the Tianlong demon clan and said: "Junior brother! Look at this guy, he has six arms and four legs. His toes are pointing to the tenth door, and there is a finger on his arm pointing to the sixth door. Does it mean he can choose two doors?"

After listening to Fairy Ningyu's words, Ye Han observed carefully. He had not connected this door with the statue of the Tianlong demon clan before. Now that Fairy Ningyu said this, he observed carefully. Sure enough, one of the toes of this statue pointed to the tenth door, and the fingers pointed to the six doors.

This action is very subtle, and it really seems to be asking people to choose these two doors!

But! What if this is a trap?

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