Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1080: The Final Battle at the Summit of the Fairy Palace (1)

Ye Han couldn't care about that much anymore. He suddenly moved his body and grabbed the Ningyu Fairy who was penetrated by the huge ice sword...

When Jian Twenty-Nine saw this, his eyes moved and his fingers trembled!

Buzz! ! A large piece of ice spirit sword light burst out in an instant, forming countless sword lights, which flashed in the void and bombarded Ye Han...

Ye Han shouted angrily: "Get out!!!"

As he roared angrily, the bone-refining bone sword in his hand continuously attacked with streaks of sword light...

Clang, clang, clang! ! ! The sword light trembled in the violent wind and rain, and the sword intent collided and exploded. The icy sword intent filled the sky, and the divine enlightenment sword intent shocked and exploded. Rings of light exploded in the void...

Ye Han rushed to the side of Fairy Ningyu who was frozen by the ice. He reached out and grabbed it, and a vortex of purple runes swirled out, covering Fairy Ningyu's figure and freezing Fairy Ningyu's body all of a sudden. The shape has entered the purple tripod space.

He had no time to figure out why Fairy Ningyu was here? How could he be so injured by Sword Twenty-Nine...

He only knew that if no measures were taken, Fairy Ningyu's soul would be destroyed by this terrifying icy sword intent.

Once the soul of the soul is killed, no matter how high Ye Han's cultivation level is or what extraordinary treasures he has, he will never be able to save Fairy Ningyu.

After receiving the moment when Fairy Ningyu's body entered the purple cauldron space, Ye Han ordered Wannian Shuiling to shout: "Wannian Shuiling! Keep her soul and spirit!!!!"

Following Ye Han's words.

Whoops! The frozen Jade Fairy's ice cubes and sword lights went down together towards the lake of Sihai Lingquan...

boom! A piece of water splashed everywhere, and the ten thousand year water spirit swirled out of the lake. He made boundless water splash runes and swirled towards the figure of the Ningyu Fairy...

Suddenly it surrounded the figure of Fairy Ningyu.

Wannian Shui Ling felt the situation of Fairy Ningyu and couldn't help shouting: "Master! This... is too difficult...!"

Ye Han yelled in an angry voice: "Shut up! We must keep it at all costs!!"

Wannian Shuiling had no choice but to reply: "Yes...!!"

Following Wannian Shui Ling's words, it gritted its teeth and transformed into a wave of water runes, drilling into the figure of the Ningyu Fairy...

Buzz! ! ! The boundless spiritual light burst out from Fairy Ningyu...

And the other side.

Jian Twenty-Nine saw Ye Han blocking his attack twice in a row, his eyes showed surprise and said: "Huh? His swordsmanship is good!"

With his swordsmanship, if he could be called a good swordsman, that would be a compliment.

But this kid actually stole the body of Fairy Ningyu? He hasn't had time to search for the trophies on Fairy Ningyu yet.

While speaking, Jian Twenty-Nine's figure trembled, blue and red sword light burst out fiercely on him, and his figure turned into a bright sword energy and disappeared from the place...


Whoops! The sword spirit burst out behind Ye Han, and the figure of Jian Twenty-Nine appeared behind him like a ghost...

Following Jian Twenty-nine, he held a long sword with blue and red runes swirling, and slashed Ye Han's back with one sword...

This sword looked like a very ordinary sword, but it seemed to crush the world. A powerful and boundless sword intent directly suppressed Ye Han's body and arrogance, and bombarded Ye Han's back...

A terrifying breath of death rushed towards Ye Han! ! ! !

Feeling this terrifying aura, Ye Han's expression changed.

when! ! ! ! A earth-shaking bell rang, and the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell trembled with a burst of brilliance and light that went up against the sky. The demon souls of the three demon kings exploded, and the demon souls of the Tianlong Demon Saint shook out, forming a A boundless phantom light blocked the past!


boom! ! ! ! A terrifying and boundless storm of sword intent exploded into the sky, boundless light explosions of demon souls, and the terrifying suffocating light of thousands of heaven-defying phantoms from the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell were all distorted by the impact of this extremely terrifying confining sword intent. The annihilation of...

Boom boom boom! ! ! Even with the continuous impact of the terrifying sword storm, the defensive phantom of the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell was blasted away at this moment...

Six Gates of Heaven and Earth Armor! ! ! All six doors open! ! !

Ye Han's mana burst out crazily, and Ziding's boundless aura suddenly restored his mana...

The six-door Qiankun Armor surged in as his mana crazily surged in. The six doors on the armor vibrated out and turned into six gates blocking Ye Han's back.

Bang! ! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ! Bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

This terrifying and suffocating sword of Sword Twenty-Nine actually broke through the six defensive gates of his six Qiankun Armors in succession, and attacked in two...

The bone-refining sword in Ye Han's hand suddenly burst out with the terrifying sword intention of the divine sword master, and he swung the sword out...

The sword light turned into a terrifying and suffocating golden sword light, which instantly passed by and hit the sword light of Jian Twenty-Nine...

Bang! ! ! ! A vast and boundless sword intent collided and exploded. The two sword intents intertwined and swirled, and a terrifying sword intent light pillar exploded into the sky...

The entire sky was exploded, and storm ripples exploded...

Ye Han then saw that the place where he appeared should be in a huge square in the center of the Ascension Palace. Behind him was the true face of the Ascension Palace. The giant palace buildings thousands of feet high, emitting brilliant fairy light and aura, surrounded the palace like a fairy aura...

Of course.

Ye Han didn't care about these things now, just because of the terrible suffocating sword of Sword 29, his anger over the killing of Fairy Ningyu also calmed down!

This Sword 29 is too terrible!

He is the most terrible one among the opponents he has met!

This guy's swordsmanship and sword intent can actually break his Thousand Illusion Sky Bell and Six Gates Qiankun Armor continuously, and he also needs the suffocating sword intent of his Bone Refining Sword to block this sword!

How did this guy practice swordsmanship?

Fairy Ningyu will be defeated by him, without any surprise.

However, Jian Erjiu was also surprised. When he attacked the enemy, once he decided to launch a fatal attack on the opponent, he had already regarded the opponent as the biggest threat.

This sword technique looked very casual, but it was also one of his unique sword techniques!

It was actually blocked by this kid?

However, Jian Erjiu showed a hint of fanaticism and said: "You can block my sword! You are worthy of my seriousness!"

As he said that, Jian Erjiu burst out with circles of dazzling and terrifying sword intent, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit...

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