Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1081: The Final Battle at the Summit of the Asgard (2)

For Jian Erjiu, he is the most extraordinary swordsmanship genius, and he has a very persistent pursuit of swordsmanship. Seeing an opponent like Ye Han, of course, he is very tempted...

However, what disappointed him was that Ye Han's cultivation was lower. Although his swordsmanship was good, he obviously did not practice it to the extreme. However, he was already the best swordsmanship opponent he had met in so many years...

Ye Han looked at the terrible fighting spirit that burst out from Jian Erjiu. He knew that neither the Red Dragon Girl nor Ning Buhui was wrong. Jian Erjiu's swordsmanship cultivation was indeed extraordinary.

He had never met such a master of swordsmanship.

And Jian Erjiu was also in the Jindan stage. Although he was a Jindan, he was much higher than him in the later stage, but he was not in the Yuanying stage after all.

The sword just now really shocked him. If he didn't have the Qianhuan Tianzhong and the six-door Qiankun armor to block him, he would not be an opponent at all if he only relied on the sword intent of the Shenwu swordsmanship that burst out from his Lian Gu bone sword.

At the same time, although Ye Han was also angry at this time, he had calmed down.

He began to think about what was going on.

In the chaotic spiritual energy of heaven and earth emanating from this place, in addition to the breath of Jian Erjiu, there was also the breath of the fairy magic of Ningyu Fairy...

It is not difficult to guess the general situation.

I don’t know what happened, Jian Erjiu should have arrived at the square in the center of the Ascension Palace before Ye Han and Ningyu Fairy...

Maybe this square is the place where the people of the Tianlong Demon Clan teleported out after the trial of the Ascension Palace...

Jian Erjiu arrived here before them and blocked them here to kill people and rob treasures, otherwise he was ambushed by this guy as soon as he was teleported out?

The reason why there was no continuous ambush should be that Ningyu Fairy arrived here earlier than him...

With the hatred between Ningyu Fairy and Jian Erjiu, how could Ningyu Fairy calm down when she saw Jian Erjiu?

Although Ye Han didn't know what chance or treasure Fairy Ningyu got in Gate No. 6, how much her cultivation and magical powers improved, and what kind of heaven-defying treasure she got...

It's impossible for her cultivation to improve too much, and she has no chance of winning against Sword 29.

That's the scene Ye Han saw, Fairy Ningyu was completely defeated by Sword 29 and was killed on the spot...

And he happened to appear at this time, and Sword 29 didn't take him seriously, just casually attacked with a sword, and failed to kill Ye Han, so he took it seriously.

This process is not complicated, but it is a very effective means.

This damn Sword 29 was invited by the Black Water Old Demon and the Dragon Demon Saint in the Nascent Soul Stage, and they were friends as peers. It's really against the sky!

Listening to what Sword 29 said, this guy didn't continue to attack Ye Han...

Ye Han's face became solemn, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down, not to be distracted and angry because of Fairy Ningyu's situation, this opponent is too powerful.

If something goes wrong, he will fall here.

So, Ye Han said coldly: "Sword 29! I will kill you today!"

Yes, although Sword 29 is so powerful, Ye Han has already had the intention to kill this guy. Fairy Ningyu's life and death are unpredictable now, how can he not be angry?

Sword 29 listened to Ye Han's words and said indifferently: "Oh! Is it just for that naive Ningyu? Such a guy, no matter how talented he is, can't go far on this path of cultivation. It's just right for me to send him to see my sister."

As he said this, he raised his long sword with blue and red spiritual light spinning in his hand and pointed at Ye Han and said: "And you! You will meet them soon! Anyone who stands in my way must die!"

As he spoke coldly and ruthlessly, a yin and yang sword light suddenly burst out from his body, and a strong sense of oppression rushed towards Ye Han.

Ye Han's eyes condensed, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he shouted coldly: "Then try it!!"

As he spoke, the spiritual light on his body trembled, and the six-door Qiankun armor and the Qianhuan Tianzhong were actually put away...

Then the sword intent of the Shenwu sword method burst out with a thunderous explosion, forming a terrible sword intent storm that hit...

Ning Buhui and Fairy Ningyu both told Ye Han that this damn Sword 29 practiced the ruthless sword method, which had reached a very heaven-defying level. Now that he really faced this guy, Ye Han was not sure...

But now he had no choice but to fight desperately, facing For such a genius swordsman, using other treasures would distract him and make him dependent, affecting his speed of drawing the sword and attacking...

Sure enough, when Jian Erjiu saw Ye Han abandon the six-door Qiankun armor and Qianhuan Tianzhong, his eyes showed fanatical excitement and he said, "Not bad! Not bad! You are indeed a worthy opponent for me to take seriously."

While speaking, Jian Erjiu moved his body, and a terrible and suffocating light burst of sword intent burst out from his feet. The long sword was like a rainbow, and the blue and red sword light burst out with yin and yang flames. In an instant...

One sword cuts off the soul of the sky! ! !

As he swung the sword, the sword light surged and turned into a thousand-foot-long sword light, which swirled and rushed towards Ye Han's body. The blue and red yin and yang sword intent cut through the heaven and earth and slashed down at Ye Han...

Ye Han's sword light was like a rainbow, and the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill was running to the extreme. His whole body was covered with dark golden scales. The Eightfold Bone Refining Technique was running to the extreme. The bone sword in his hand burst out a brilliant sword intent storm, and then he swung the sword...

God-enlightened sword technique!

The sword pierces the heaven and earth!!!

Ye Han burst out with a dazzling and boundless golden sword intent, which transformed into a demon spirit divine light, and turned into a thousand-foot-long sword light. In an instant, it blasted towards the Yin-Yang sword intent of Sword Twenty-Nine...

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! Like two fire meteors colliding, thousands of sword lights and sword intents burst out with a deafening sound, and the boundless and terrifying sword intent storm impacted and shook everything...

It formed a vortex of thousands of sword techniques and sword intents, which rushed out in all directions...


Bang, boom, boom! ! ! ! The continuous collision and explosion of sword intents, the golden sword intent and sword light of Ye Han's divine sword technique, were bombarded and annihilated by the terrifying Yin-Yang sword technique and sword intent of Sword Twenty-Nine...

Although Ye Han's sword technique and sword intent were already among the immortal cultivators of the same level, it was hard to find an opponent.

But facing this Sword Twenty-Nine, he was completely unable to take the initiative and was constantly bombarded and annihilated...

Boundless Yin-Yang Sword Intent rushed towards Ye Han's figure, and a thousand feet of radius was filled with a terrifying and suffocating Yin-Yang Sword Intent storm, forming a vortex that crushed Ye Han's figure...

Ye Han gritted his teeth, moved his body, and suddenly rushed towards the boundless Yin-Yang Sword Intent storm!

Is this kid crazy?

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