Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1082: The Final Battle at the Summit of the Fairy Palace (3)

Seeing this scene, Jian Twenty-nine's eyes couldn't help but show a look of astonishment. He had met many swordsman masters. Except for Ming Jing of Qingxuan Sect back then, how could anyone be as good as him in swordsmanship? trick?

This guy really overestimates his abilities. He had no breakthrough in swordsmanship before, but he also broke through a bottleneck in Ascension Palace...

Things are different now.

Even if Mingjing comes, he is sure of victory.

And he got the opportunity. As long as he goes back to practice in seclusion, hundreds of years later, it will be a matter of course for him to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

Ye Han actually rushed over like this? It's simply courting death.


next moment! Jian Twenty-Nine couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him…

See! Ye Han's body turned into countless dark golden scales, and like a metal and steel giant, he rushed into the sword light storm...

kill! ! !

Ye Han roared, and the bone-refining bone sword in his hand burst out with endless sword moves...

These sword moves go against the sky, they are weird and crazy, crazy and filled with divine light, and contain boundless terrifying and suffocating power...

A scene that even Jian Twenty-Nine couldn't believe appeared.

As Ye Han's sword moves from the Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique were blasted out like crazy, the sword intention of the Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique swirled around his body, and the sword moves turned into a bright ball of golden light, growing to a size of a hundred feet. The storm of golden light ripples...

Impacting in the whirlpool of Yin and Yang sword light of Jian Twenty-Nine...

Clang, clang, clang! ! ! ! ! The boundless sword light storm cracked the bomb, and the yin-yang sword intent whirlpool was terrifying and boundless, mercilessly slashing souls down...

But it was indeed blocked by the golden light sword light ball. The storm sword intent continued to disappear and annihilate, and the boundless sword intent storm shattered in the air...

Seeing this scene, Jian Twenty-Nine woke up from his surprise and became excited and said: "Not bad swordsmanship! Not bad sword moves! You kid is really surprising!!"

As he spoke, Sword Twenty-Nine's body trembled, waving the blue and red spinning long sword in his hand, his body turned into a stream of sword intent, shuttled in, and killed Ye Han...

Yes, the divine swordsmanship that Ye Han practiced in the Ascension Palace was learned one by one based on the moves of the dragon demon clan's statue that day...

In the field of swordsmanship, some swordsmanship focuses on the practice of sword intention, which is to focus on the intention, and some swordsmanship focuses on the practice of sword moves, which is to focus on the form!

The sword power of Shenwu Sword Technique is his weak point. To compete with the sword power of Sword Twenty-Nine, he is using his own shortcomings to compare with other people's strengths. How can he compete with them?

Ye Han's own advantage is that his physical body is extremely powerful. Whether it is blood training, Tianlong Hegemony, or eight levels of bone refining, they are all aimed at powerful physical skills...

And he has a purple cauldron that continuously replenishes his mana.

Driven by Ye Han's magical power, the sword moves of the divinely enlightened swordsmanship, the power of the sword moves burst out, withstanding the impact of the yin and yang ruthless sword intent of the twenty-nine swords...

Ye Han struck out with a series of sword moves that could not comprehend the swordsmanship. Countless golden sword light storms and the terrifying and suffocating storm sword light kept clashing, and he broke through the yin-yang sword light storm whirlpool...

And as Ye Han went crazy against this terrifying sword light storm, Ye Han also entered a very ethereal state...

Just as Jian Twenty-Nine said, although Ye Han's swordsmanship is good, he has not practiced it to the extreme. After all, he has never used the divine swordsmanship in actual combat...

After entering this weird ethereal state, his sword moves also gained a lot of insights and improved at this moment...

Jian Twenty-Nine saw this scene and squinted his eyes. What is this guy's background? His swordsmanship talent and ability are no less than that damn Ming Jing?

good! good! Killing this kid fair and square will definitely enable his swordsmanship to go against the will of heaven at this time, break through the current bottleneck, and reach the realm that he dreams of breaking through.

Thinking like this, Jian Twenty-Nine waved his blue and red sword and struck in front of Ye Han...

Isn't this guy going to compete with me in sword fighting?

Anything about swords!

I won’t be afraid of anyone!

Following the terrifying sword intent erupted from Jian Twenty-Nine, the sword moves were swung, turning into countless blue and red sword lights, surrounding countless sword spirit storms, and hitting Ye Han's golden sword light storm...

Suddenly! The two sides changed from the previous crazy sword fighting competition to a hand-to-hand exchange of sword moves...

All of a sudden!

The two swordsmen clashed with each other with a storm of terrifying moves erupted from Cathay High...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! A series of terrifying light explosions exploded, exploding into a boundless terrifying storm. The entire square was filled with terrifying storms that collided and shattered...

The ground of the Immortal Palace, which was difficult for ordinary treasures to destroy, began to crack and explode continuously. Countless bricks and stones exploded in all directions as the two of them violently clashed with each other in a storm of crazy moves.

What's even more terrifying is that this is just the explosion of the sword's storm move...

A real collision of sword moves erupted in an instant!

Bang! ! ! A terrifying shock shook the heavens and the earth, and Ye Han's bone-refining bone sword clashed with Jian Twenty-Nine's yin-yang blue-red sword...

Boom! ! ! ! ! A terrifying and boundless sword light exploded, and the golden sword light, the blue and red sword light followed madly. The ground in all directions was constantly collapsing and impacting at this moment, shaking up hundreds of feet high, and countless huge bricks and stones weighing tens of thousands of pounds were constantly shattered and exploded at this moment...

The huge square with a radius of thousands of feet was shaking and annihilating madly, and the sword light that was constantly crushed hit the surrounding walls, and all of them were impacted with cracked sword marks...

This! It was just the first move of the two people's fight! ! !

It has already caused such powerful damage.

Ye Han felt that he had activated the power of the Heavenly Dragon Tyrant Body Technique and the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique, but was actually suppressed by the power of the sword moves of Jian Erjiu...

However, it was precisely because Ye Han's body was strong enough that the power that burst out made up for the power of the sword moves, and it burst out instantly...

And the power of the sword moves that burst out of Jian Erjiu, the boundless and terrifying sword moves completely exceeded the power of the sword moves of the Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique. Under this terrifying power that defied the heavens, this damn Ye Han could actually resist the power of his sword moves?

However, with Jian Erjiu's understanding of swordsmanship, of course he knew that Ye Han's sword moves were no match for his own sword moves, but this guy's physical strength was too terrifying...

The power of his sword moves was actually blocked?


It's really great! !

Jian Erjiu not only did not show disappointment, but was extremely excited, his eyes showed an extremely excited look...

I must defeat and kill this kid named Ye Han to make my swordsmanship break through! !

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