Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1083: The Final Battle at the Summit of the Fairy Palace (4)

If Ye Han is too weak, Jian Twenty-Nine will have no interest in competing with him...

At the same time, he realized that there was a familiar aura in this boy's swordsmanship and sword intent...

That's not wise! The breakthrough in swordsmanship some time ago must be related to this boy.

Then it is obvious that the person who impersonated himself in Jinyang and took action against the Three Gods Sect must be the Ye Han in front of him!

And Ye Han has a relationship with Fairy Ningyu, so Ye Han's purpose of coming was immediately clear. This guy is the helper that Fairy Ningyu has brought to seek revenge on him!

This damn Ye Han could actually block his own sword moves? !

Thinking like this, Jian Twenty-Nine showed a furious look and shouted: "Yes! The swordsmanship is good! But it's far from enough!!!"

Roaring like this, the long sword with blue and red flames swirling in Jian Twenty-nine's hand, the sword moves burst out like all kinds of stars, the long sword stabs, cuts, picks, teases, pulls, shocks, cuts...

Each sword move was like a brilliant sword light storm, overwhelming the sky and the earth, attacking Ye Han's figure crazily...

Ye Han roared angrily: "Then try it!!"

Following Ye Han's roar, the Bone Refining Sword was swung. Each piece contained tens of millions of power. The vast and terrifying power suppressed the sword moves and caused the storm to swirl. The boundless sword light rippled and roared out that shook the world... …

The bodies of the two were like two bolides, constantly colliding with each other. Every time they collided, a terrifying storm of sword energy was erupted, and the vortex of sword energy struck in all directions...

The whole square was constantly roaring with muffled explosions, and bricks and stones flew out...

He swung his sword skills and started to strike. Although Ye Han's divine sword skills were powerful, they were far inferior to Sword Twenty-Nine...

Every time they collide, although Ye Han can block most of the twenty-nine sword moves...

But the sword moves of Sword Twenty-Nine are tricky and weird. They contain the law of swordsmanship, the unity of yin and yang, and complement each other. Every move is used just right, and it is extremely accurate to find the trace of Ye Han's sword technique that is extremely difficult to find, or A momentary flaw.

The yin and yang sword light left a wound on Ye Han's body...

This wound contained a yin and yang aura, and the impact made Ye Han very uncomfortable.

Ye Han's swordsmanship is considered to be the top swordsmanship among immortal cultivators of the same level...

But compared with this heaven-defying Sword Twenty-Nine, it is still far behind. These flaws and gaps are not even flaws.

But the sword twenty-nine found a flaw and used sword skills such as scratching, stabbing, and teasing on Ye Han, leaving a long and thin blood mark...


Ye Han also has his own advantages!

The advantage of Jian Twenty-Nine is that his swordsmanship and swordsmanship are better than Ye Han's, his sword moves are precise, and his swordsmanship level is above Ye Han...

Logically speaking, in the hands of a super kendo master like Jian Twenty-Nine, Ye Han has already been hit. He has so many swords, and the terrifying sword intent and mana follow the wounds of the sword intent and erode Ye Han's body meridians. Among...

Ye Han will definitely not be able to resist the erosion of the sword intent and the magic power of Yin Yang sword energy...

Actually no.

Although Jian Twenty-Nine's sword could leave a sword mark or scar on Ye Han's body every time it collided, Jian Twenty-Nine found that every time his sword crossed Ye Han's figure...

Only a thin white mark was left on his body...

This guy's physical body is too strong, and the dark golden scale defense on his body is comparable to a spiritual treasure...

The yin and yang sword intent that struck Ye Han was actually unable to corrode Ye Han's body, and was constantly driven out by Ye Han's extremely powerful body!


In terms of swordsmanship and swordsmanship, Ye Han is still far away from Jian Twenty-nine...

However, the strength of his physical body, the terrifying defense of the Tianlong Ba body skill, and the increased power of the eighth-level bone refining technique, made Ye Han's physical bones far beyond the average level of the golden elixir stage...

we can even say!

Ye Han's physical strength is not much different from that of the old monster in the Nascent Soul stage...

So every time Ye Han waved the terrifying golden sword light, it constantly collided with the sword twenty-nine, and the sword light storm exploded...

Ye Han's body would have been scratched by the sword twenty-nine, but the sword twenty-nine was not much better. Ye Han's terrifying power, combined with the eight-level bone refining technique, the bone refining sword, was terrifying. The power recoiled with the collision...

The force that came back directly shocked the yin-yang blue-red sword that penetrated Jian Twenty-Nine, and impacted his Jian Twenty-Nine body, making his meridians, arms, mind, and internal organs feel this terrifying force. The impact of power...

If it weren't for Jian Twenty-Nine's extremely powerful physical body, which had been cultivated with countless secret techniques and countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, otherwise just the counterattack of Ye Han's terrifying physical power would have made Jian Twenty-Nine There is no move at all.


What kind of heaven-defying skills did this guy practice? This strength and physical strength are enough to break the magic with force...

What makes Jian Twenty-Nine even more frustrated is that damn Ye Han's swordsmanship understanding is also extremely amazing.

As the number of collisions between the two of them increased, and countless sword moves were displayed, Ye Han was actually still comprehending the true meaning of swordsmanship. As the number of collisions increased...

Based on Jian Erjiu's keen sense of swordsmanship, he clearly discovered that Ye Han had learned a lot from his swordsmanship, and there was a great possibility that he would break through the limits of his swordsmanship in the battle with him...

Damn it! He wanted to use this damn Ye Han as a whetstone to kill him to improve the limits of his swordsmanship practice, but he didn't expect that Ye Han was also using him as a whetstone to constantly learn the true meaning of swordsmanship...

This situation was what Jian Erjiu had always done. In order to practice swordsmanship, he often went around to practice, fought life-and-death duels with swordsmanship practitioners, broke through himself in battle, and defeated opponents stronger than himself again and again.

This kind of practice method is used by many masters who practice swordsmanship and swordsmanship to break through in life-and-death duels...

I didn't expect that he would be used as a magic swordsmanship by Ye Han today? !

As expected!

With the increase of such collision swordsmanship, Ye Han's swordsmanship became more and more sharp, with fewer and fewer flaws, and more accurate and sharp power...

He could even counterattack Jian Erjiu's attack!

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Jian Erjiu to leave scars on him.

You're using me as a sword training target?

You're courting death!!

Jian Erjiu narrowed his eyes, thinking so, and suddenly his sword moves and sword techniques changed, the blue and red long sword in his hand split into two, the blue and red long sword split into a blue Yin sword and a red Yang sword!!

Jian Erjiu roared angrily: "Take it!!"

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