Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1094 Obtaining the Chaos Divine Tree

In fact, after killing Jian Twenty-Nine, this understanding disappeared and returned to the previous level...

However, it was not without gain.

Although Zi Ding absorbed the ten thousand year sword thunder purple electric bamboo and gave birth to white jade bamboo shoots, it only made his understanding of sword skills, sword intentions and swordsmanship reach the peak at that moment.

Then he killed Jian Twenty-Nine.

However, it was just a one-time burst of enlightenment for sword skills, sword intentions and swordsmanship, and then disappeared.

However, the white jade bamboo shoots strengthened his thunder spirit by two levels, which was a real increase and did not disappear with the enlightenment of the sword skills.

So his thunder method must have been improved by several levels compared to the past, but it did not play a major role in dealing with Jian Twenty-Nine.

Mainly because Jian Twenty-Nine was neither a demon nor an evil demon, nor a demon cultivator...

It would not play a strong restraining role.

Also, although it was only a moment of enlightenment, the terrifying sword light of the Da Geng Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique burst out and killed Jian Erjiu...

But not all of it disappeared, after all, he had felt the top-level aura of this sword technique, sword intent and sword art...

Ye Han found that his sword art had also advanced to a higher level because of this. Although he was not as good as Jian Erjiu, he was not far behind.

What's more, Ye Han also had a very brief understanding of the sword intent of the Da Geng Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique, the Da Geng Sword Technique, and the Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique, and even reached the ultimate sword aura...

For a cultivator of Ye Han's level, having such an experience will naturally greatly promote his understanding of the Da Geng Sword Technique and the Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique, and he will definitely be able to truly master the Da Geng Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Han used his skills to force the Yin-Yang sword intent in his body to attack his right arm, while recalling and comprehending the true meaning of the Da Geng sword technique and the Shen Wu sword technique that flashed through his mind...

Three days later, as Ye Han expected, using this method to force the Yin-Yang sword intent to consume the injury of the Juehan Divine Sword Creation Immortal Stone in his right hand...

This Yin-Yang sword intent was cleared more than ten times faster than expected, and made the injury on his right hand better, which was really killing two birds with one stone.

However, although he gained some benefits from comprehending the Da Geng sword technique and the Shen Wu sword technique, the time was too short, so he only gained some benefits.

Sword practice is not that easy.

However, Ye Han was no longer threatened by the Yin-Yang sword intent, and his injuries were almost healed.

The reason why he was able to recover so quickly was that the method worked, and that Ye Han's body was strong enough. The bones of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique did not allow the Yin-Yang Sword Intent to really hurt his vitals...

So, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and two long swords, one blue and one red, appeared in his hand. The two long swords were very ordinary in shape. Except for the blue and red runes that were very eye-catching, they did not seem to have much special features on the surface.

However, Ye Han could see that these two inconspicuous long swords were actually Tongtian Lingbao!

No wonder the sword light swung by the 29th Sword was so powerful. Even if he used the Da Geng Sword Technique and the Shen Wu Sword Technique with all his strength, plus the bone refining sword, his strong body, and the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique could not really withstand the sword technique of the 29th Sword!

That's why Ye Han said that the 29th Sword was cheating like himself!

Because it was because of these two Tongtian Lingbao swords that Sword 29 was able to burst out with such terrifying power...

Ye Han carefully played with the blue and red long swords in his hands, and said to himself: "If I remember correctly, this should be the Yin-Yang Sword Sect's treasure, the Yin-Yang Divine Sword!"

However, as Ye Han carefully checked, the Yin-Yang Divine Sword actually had two scars, which reduced the power of the Yin-Yang Divine Sword a lot.

This was left by him using the Da Geng Shen Wu Sword Technique, which actually damaged these two Tongtian Lingbao-level Yin-Yang Divine Swords.

It seems that if I want to use the Yin-Yang Divine Sword in the future, I have to spend a lot of effort to repair these two heaven-defying treasures.

On the other hand, the Yin-Yang Divine Sword had long been recognized as the master by Sword 29's blood, and it was refined to the extreme. If Ye Han wanted to empty the Yin-Yang Divine Sword, he would have to spend a lot of time to erase the remaining Sword 29's aura on the Yin-Yang Divine Sword and refine the Yin-Yang Divine Sword again...

I don't know how much time and process it will take.

On the contrary, the main reason why Ye Han took out the Yin-Yang Sword was that a space ring was hung at the end of one of the long swords of the Yin-Yang Sword.

If you don't pay attention, you might think it was a decoration of the Yin-Yang Sword.

Ye Han didn't forget the reason why Fairy Ningyu persuaded him to come to Jinran to deal with Jian 29...

That is, Jian 29 had a chance to defeat the heavens and got the Chaos Divine Wood, one of the legendary ultimate wood materials!

At first, Ye Han was nervous and worried about the life and death of Fairy Ningyu, and had no intention of looking for the space ring of Jian 29...

This is a green bead ring, and the space is not small.

However, although the aura of Jian 29's consciousness remains on it, Jian 29 is dead...

As long as Ye Han persuades for a few days, he will definitely be able to open it.

Sure enough, it took Ye Han five days to finally eliminate the aura of Jian 29's consciousness on the green bead ring.

The storage ring is opened.

There are not many things in this green bead ring, but there are still four storage bags.

It seems that Jian Twenty-Nine, like him, likes to use the synchronized space feature of the space ring to put the storage bag in it.

However, these storage bags are still sealed by Jian Ershijiu's consciousness, and it still requires consciousness and mana to open them.

However, Ye Han's attention was not on the storage bag, but on the dark red wooden stick in the space ring that was eight feet long, as thick as an egg, and full of green light and vitality.

Seeing the wooden stick, Ye Han said in surprise: "Chaos Divine Wood!"

Yes, the wooden stick was exactly what Ye Han had been looking for, the top wood material needed to refine his life magic weapon, Chaos Divine Wood.

Ye Han slapped the green bead ring with his fingers, and the Chaos Divine Wood appeared in front of him...

Suddenly, a strong and extremely strong breath of life surged out, making Ye Han feel that his blood, flesh, qi and veins were very active and full of life...

It was really a good thing against the sky. Fairy Ningyu did not lie to herself. This Jian Ershijiu really had Chaos Divine Wood!

After Ye Han played with it for a while, he immediately put it away. The aura emitted by the Chaos Divine Tree was too amazing. It was not safe to leave it outside...

After some time, I will refine this thing into a life-saving magic weapon. That would be great.

However, when Ye Han saw the other things, he was also surprised.

This Sword Twenty-Nine has quite a few treasures on him.

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