Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1095: Unwise News

Ye Han flew all the way to Tianlan, his face a little gloomy. When he came here, he had been laughing and joking with Fairy Ningyu. It was a rare relaxing time for him in these years...

On the one hand, it was because he was with Fairy Ningyu. Her gentle and peaceful personality and beautiful and perfect appearance always made him relax.

It must be said that even after years of cultivation, the pursuit of appearance by the immortal cultivators has not become numb or reduced. In fact, this can keep the enlightenment of the state of mind.

If an immortal cultivator is not interested in anything and is as numb as a puppet, then the progress of this immortal cultivator's cultivation will stagnate.

Immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, and having these long lifespans does not allow immortal cultivators to enjoy immortality.

Instead, within a limited lifespan, explore more truths of the laws of heaven and earth, the true meaning of magical powers, comprehend more laws of heaven and earth, cultivate more powerful magical powers, more powerful treasures, and explore the existence of more mysterious places. This is the pursuit of a long lifespan of a cultivator...

If a cultivator is not interested in these things, his cultivation will certainly not make much progress and will stagnate.

Ye Han did not cultivate in the belly of the mountain for a long time. In less than a month, he was ready to leave Jinran and return to Tianlan.

He has passed through two Jinran cities of cultivators. In addition to asking for some information there, he mainly purchased various natural treasures that only exist in Jinran, and sold some of the treasures that he didn't want...

As Ye Han expected, the Ascension Palace was hidden in the lake of the Sky-Splitting Canyon because of the plan of Black Water Old Demon Sword Twenty-Nine and others, and it has not been discovered for several years.

Until half a year ago, a group of high-level immortal cultivators discovered that there were a large number of water monsters gathering near the Ascension Palace in the Sky-Splitting Canyon, and joined many immortal cultivators to kill the monsters...

Unexpectedly, the Ascension Palace in the water was discovered.

Then the news could not be covered up, and immortal cultivators from all over Jinran came here to seek the opportunities and treasures of the Ascension Palace, and clashed with the subordinates of the Black God Sea Monster King...

Later, even Nascent Soul cultivators came...

Just when they were about to break through the obstruction of the Black God Sea Monster King's subordinates, the Ascension Palace exploded...

Many immortal cultivators not only did not get any benefits, but also lost their lives.

For more than a month, it has been a hot topic.

There are all kinds of rumors, such as the Ascension Palace was taken away from the opportunity to ascend to the upper realm, and the Ascension Palace's restrictions were destroyed...

In short, these rumors are groundless and are just random guesses. Only Ye Han knows the truth.

It is worth mentioning that the warships of the immortal cultivators of Yin Yang Sword Sect and Three Gods Sect also went here to seize the opportunity.

As a result, two warships were destroyed because of the explosion of the light column of the Ascension Palace...

Because of the heavy losses, the Three Gods Sect actually withdrew its troops.

The Yin Yang Sword Sect also suffered heavy losses. It is said that many Jindan-stage elders died, but they did not pursue them. No specific details were found.

Ye Han was too lazy to care about these rumors. His gains from coming to Jinran were already amazing enough. The most important goal, killing Sword Twenty-Nine and snatching the Chaos Divine Tree, was also perfectly accomplished.

It's a pity that Fairy Ningyu became a living dead because of this. Ye Han thought about all the information and knowledge he had, and found no magical treasures and natural treasures. The more effective one was Fairy Ningyu's method...

However, Ye Han felt that the woman in the mysterious water spirit coffin in his purple tripod might know a way, but since that time, he asked her to help kill the Black God Sea Monster King.

The mysterious woman fell into a deep sleep. No matter how he transmitted his voice or communicated with his spiritual consciousness, he was shocked out.

It seems that just as the mysterious woman said, she will not come out for a hundred years.

However, after putting Fairy Ningyu into the Shuiling coffin, combined with other arrangements and some medicinal liquids he arranged later, Fairy Ningyu's fatal injuries have begun to slowly recover. The most troublesome thing is actually the shattering of the golden elixir, and the severe damage to the soul of the Yuanshen fell into a coma...

In the past month, he has also been reviewing the period of swordsmanship and sword intent after comprehending the white jade bamboo shoots born from the ten thousand year sword thunder purple lightning bamboo...

It really made him gain a lot. The divine swordsmanship and the big Geng swordsmanship allowed him to break through a level and cultivate several swordsmanship skills...

It's a pity that he can continue to comprehend and practice the swordsmanship at the later levels, but after his summary and practice, he needs too long to continue to make progress. After all, this is Jinran, so he decided to go back to Qingxuanmen to practice in seclusion for a while before talking about it...

Ye Han was flying in the air...


Swoosh! ! ! ! !

A golden bird flew from the horizon in an instant and landed in front of Ye Han...

Ye Han's face changed, and he looked at the golden bird: "Hmm?!"

As Ye Han pointed his finger, Ning Buhui's voice appeared in the air: "Fellow Daoist Han! I have something to ask you! Do you have time to talk?"

Ye Han thought for a while, and then he chanted a spell to release a trace of golden runes, which entered the golden bird. As Ye Han pointed his finger, the golden bird turned into a rune and flew away.

Then Ye Han did not stop, and continued to fly towards Tianlan, and increased his speed...

Ye Han naturally knew what Ning Buhui was looking for, but since he had taken advantage of Ning Buhui back then and not using his real name, he had no intention of seeing Ning Buhui again...

After all, he killed Jian Twenty-nine of the Yin Yang Sword Sect with an elder, so there was no need to see Ning Buhui...

In a huge barren mountain.

Ning Buhui looked at the horizon in the distance with focused eyes...

Sudden! Her eyes lit up, and she saw a golden light flashing and falling in front of her...

A golden bird transformed into a communication talisman appeared in front of her: "Fellow Daoist Ning! I have something to do and have left Jinyang. We will meet again if we are destined. Take care!"

As the golden bird finished speaking, the golden bird turned into a piece of golden runes, dispersed, and disappeared into the air.

Listening to Ye Han's words coming from the golden bird, Ning Buhui's eyes trembled with disappointment: "Are you leaving?"

Then her beautiful face looked so lonely in the sun, and she said to herself: "You must have lied to me, your name is not Han Ye at all!"

With that said, Ning Buhui turned into a cold sword light, suffocating the ice, flew into the sky in an instant, and flew back towards the Yin Yang Sword Sect...

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