Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1097 What you said makes sense, but I don’t believe it!

Ye Han flew over the Qingxuan Mountains, looking at the bustling Qingxuan Sect...

Although the sect had been closed for a hundred years in the past, it was obvious that as the disciples of Qingxuan Sect went out, they showed the strong strength of Qingxuan Sect...

Now Qingxuan Sect is more lively than before.

For example, now is the time to recruit disciples. There are tens of thousands of people coming to the mountain gate to become disciples...

Ye Han took a casual glance and found that there were many young talents with outstanding spiritual roots. With the addition of these talented disciples, Qingxuan Sect will only become stronger and stronger...

It took Ye Han seven or eight months to return to Tianlan from Jinran.

Of course, it wasn't that the journey was long, but on the way back, Ye Han went everywhere to look for mysterious places of opportunity, and went into some cities of immortal cultivators to look for ways to heal Fairy Ningyu...

On the other hand, he also took it as an experience to find materials for refining his life-saving magic weapon, the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop...

Although he didn't find the most important other five elements of the best materials, he also found a lot of auxiliary materials, and natural treasures that can increase the power of the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop...

Naturally, there were other gains, and he also went to some ancient ruins, dangerous places with abundant spiritual energy, etc., but the gains were not great...

Ye Han also knew that although he had good luck in Taoism, he didn't always have great gains.

However, he still didn't find many natural treasures or healing methods that were useful for Fairy Ningyu's healing...

So he decided to return to the sect, on the one hand, he could go back to the sect to see, and on the other hand, he could see if he could ask Old Liu for any solutions.

However, Ye Han flew around the Qingxuan Mountains, and his spiritual sense swept every corner of the sect, but he couldn't find Old Liu.

This old Liu is not on the mountain? Where did he go?

He had no choice but to go to the Qingxuan Peak Hall, find Qingxuan Taoist and tell him about Fairy Ningyu's situation. Qingxuan Taoist had no choice but to ask Ye Han to wait for Old Liu to come back and ask...

The reason for finding Qingxuan Taoist was not only to tell Fairy Ningyu's situation, but also to ask Qingxuan Taoist to arrange another peak master or acting peak master for Qingxiu Peak, the mountain managed by Fairy Ningyu.

After saying a few words, Ye Han went back to his cave in Qixuan Peak...

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Ye Han found a very secret communication talisman left at the entrance of the cave...

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he pointed his finger, and the communication talisman turned into a spiritual light rune and dispersed...

The communication talisman transmitted Han Yuwan's voice: "Junior brother! Where have you been? Come back and tell Senior Sister!"

Hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, and his spiritual sense swept, and this communication talisman should have been left half a year ago.

Then Han Yuwan should be on the mountain now.

He hadn't seen Han Yuwan for a long time, so he pinched his fingers and pointed his finger, and a communication talisman flew out...

Then Ye Han unlocked the cave and entered the cave.

By the way, he also asked Bai Xue if he could come out and practice in his cave...

But how could Bai Xue be willing to leave? After all, the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower is also in the Purple Cauldron Space, and it can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Purple Cauldron Space.

Practicing in it is better than practicing in Ye Han's cave, so of course she doesn't want to come out.

Ye Han didn't care about Bai Xue and entered the cave. Although he hadn't been back for a long time, the restrictions of the cave were intact, exactly the same as when he left.

He felt that no matter how far he went, how much his cultivation improved, and whether he found a better place to practice, he always had a special lingering feeling for this cave in Qixuan Peak...

This is where his immortal cultivation career began. Qingxuan Sect Qixuan Peak is like his home.

What would happen if he couldn't come back one day?

If he continued to practice, he might have a chance to ascend to the upper realm, but he might not be able to come back in the future.


A beam of light fell into the door of his cave...


Han Yuwan shouted in surprise: "Junior brother! You are back?!"

Ye Han looked back and saw Han Yuwan in a red palace dress, as beautiful as a fairy, looking at him with a look of surprise...

Looking at Han Yuwan who was full of joy, Ye Han smiled and said: "Yes! Senior sister! I am back!"

As he said that, he moved and took Han Yuwan's slender hand...

"It's good to be back! Junior brother! Where did you go, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just practiced everywhere!"

"I don't believe it! Come here, I'll check it out!"

"Check what?"

"What do you mean by check?!"

"Huh?! Junior brother! You're a little weird!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why are you so proactive? You used to be very scared of me! Something's wrong with you!"

"Sister! Don't talk nonsense. I just miss you!"

"Bah, I don't believe it. You miss me, but you don't take me out to travel! But I love to hear it!"

"Isn't there something going on with you? I can't bother you!"

"You have a conscience!"


At the entrance of the cave.

"Junior brother! I'm going back to the cave!"

"Can't you practice here with me?"

"I don't want to! You've been acting weird lately! You don't have anyone else, do you?"

"I'm so handsome, it's not strange to have other female cultivators!"

"What you said makes sense, but I don't believe it!"

"Then don't leave, just practice with me!"

"No, my cave is more suitable for me! Junior brother! I won't talk to you anymore! I'm leaving! Take care! By the way! Next time you leave Qingxuan Sect, you must tell me where you are going! Otherwise, I won't let you go!"

"Got it!"

"By the way! The sect wants me to act as the deputy of Qingxiu Peak for a while, and I should not go there during this period! I will just practice in the cave."

"Hmm? Let Master Sister, can I act as your deputy?"

"Yes! Is there a problem?"


Ye Han looked at Han Yuwan flying away, with a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that Taoist Qingxuan would let Han Yuwan act as the head of Qingxiu Peak. It was quite suitable. After all, there should be only three female elders in the Jindan stage in Qingxuan Sect...

In fact, it might be because Fairy Ningyu had an accident, which made Ye Han care more about and cherish the people around him. After all, although the life span of immortal cultivators is long, there are dangers everywhere. If you are unlucky, it will be a farewell forever.

Maybe I shouldn't be sentimental, but if people are ruthless, the immortal way is also ruthless, what is this cultivation?

Oh right! I don't know if Fairy Yulan is back!

Thinking so, Ye Han flew away...

As soon as he flew into the sky, he felt a very familiar breath, flying towards him, which made Ye Han look surprised...

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