Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1098 Ancient Coral Map

Ye Han just looked in that direction.

A golden light flew in front of Ye Han at a few tremors, and called him affectionately: "Junior Brother Ye! Long time no see!"

The man was extremely tall, with well-proportioned muscles all over his body, wearing a blue-black leather armor, full of precious light.

The exposed skin was bronze, with a little starlight, and the aura alone was very extraordinary. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, he was smiling at Ye Han...

Although they had not seen each other for more than a hundred years, Ye Han still recognized the man at a glance and said in surprise: "Senior Brother Zhang! Long time no see!"

Yes, the man was Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan. If you look closely, his aura is already in the Jindan stage. Although he has just entered the Jindan stage not long ago, the aura he exudes makes Ye Han feel very extraordinary, and his strength is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary immortal cultivators.

In fact, Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan had not met for so many years because of bad luck. Every time, either Ye Han was away or Zhang Qingshan was in seclusion for cultivation. Either Ye Han went out or Zhang Qingshan went out. They missed the chance to meet several times.

This time, they finally met each other face to face, and they were both a little emotional.

Not really, because they hadn't met for too long, and they felt strange or something.

Zhang Qingshan laughed and said, "Junior Brother Ye, you are now famous all over the world. When I saw you today, it was really extraordinary and auspicious!!"

Ye Han did not forget Zhang Qingshan's ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune against the sky. Of course, it was extraordinary for him to say so. He immediately replied, "Nothing can be hidden from Senior Brother, Senior Brother Zhang! This is not a place to talk. How about you come to my cave to talk?"

Meeting Zhang Qingshan was of course a very happy thing, and he immediately invited Zhang Qingshan to his cave to reminisce.

Zhang Qingshan nodded immediately and said, "No problem! Junior Brother Ye! Actually, I have something to ask you! Let's talk about it later!"

Ye Han nodded and said, "Okay!"

With that, Ye Han took Zhang Qingshan back to his cave, and the two sat down...

Zhang Qingshan looked at the layout of Ye Han's cave and said with emotion, "Junior Brother Ye! If you hadn't lent me your cave, I wouldn't be here today! However, your cave has changed a lot, and I haven't been here for a long time!"

Yes, the two of them were good friends back then, although they both had their own purposes, but thinking back to when they were still weak, knowing each other, and taking risks to search for treasures, which led to today, of course made Zhang Qingshan very emotional.

After hearing this, Ye Han smiled and said, "Brother, we can have the cultivation we have today, of course, thanks to our first meeting and our confidant relationship. Thinking about it now is a good thing."

Speaking of this, Ye Han said again, "Brother, you just said that you need my help with something? Brother, just tell me. If I can help you, I will definitely help you!"

If it were someone else, Ye Han would never easily agree to anything no matter what it was.

But who called Brother Zhang?

How could I not help him? Besides, Zhang Qingshan has the magical power to avoid danger and seek good fortune, and his cultivation magical power is also top-notch. I feel confident doing anything with him, so Ye Han certainly won't refuse him.

And Zhang Qingshan's character can stand the test. If it is really something dangerous and has no benefit, Zhang Qingshan will not easily trouble him.

Sure enough, Zhang Qingshan scratched the back of his head and said, "I knew that my junior brother would definitely help me! But don't worry, this matter will be of great benefit to both you and me."

As he spoke, Zhang Qingshan slapped his storage bag, and a very peculiar blood-red coral-like thing appeared in his hand. Then he pried his fingers apart, and the coral split into two halves. Countless red runes flew out of the split coral, outlining a mountain-like map in the air, looming and very mysterious.

Seeing this, Ye Han was surprised and said, "Ancient Coral Map? Brother, are you going to find a secret place hidden in ancient times?"

This ancient coral map, Ye Han has seen records in some rare books. When the jade slips were in ancient times and had not yet been widely circulated, the ancient cultivators liked to use this coral as a record of text maps...

Until the jade slips, which are more convenient for recording text maps, appeared, this ancient coral map was gradually no longer used.

In other words, this ancient coral map must have been left over from ancient times. Now there are some maps of mountains and rivers, which is obviously a map of an ancient secret realm.

Zhang Qingshan listened to Ye Han's words and said excitedly: "Junior brother! You are really amazing. You know all these ancient things. Since you know, I don't need to explain so much to you."

His voice paused, and he continued: "This ancient coral map is a map I got in an ancient place. It has a very strong auspicious atmosphere, but it also contains a very terrifying ominous atmosphere!"

Then he looked deeply at Ye Han and said: "In fact, I wanted to ask Senior Sister Han Yuwan for help, but when I saw her, the ominous omen was scary, so I didn't ask her. But when I saw Junior Brother, it was full of auspicious atmosphere. Junior Brother, you and I will go to the Boundless Sea together again, and we will definitely gain a lot!"

After listening to Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han looked at his excited look and understood that although Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was honest, he was not stupid. He must have never told others that he had the magical power to avoid danger and seek good fortune.

Ye Han knew that if Zhang Qingshan could say something with a strong auspicious aura, it meant that there was indeed something good. However, Ye Han frowned and said, "Brother! You just said to go to the Boundless Sea? Isn't it on the mountain according to the map?"

As he said that, he carefully looked at the mountain on the ancient coral map that Zhang Qingshan had released...

Zhang Qingshan shook his head and said, "Brother! You are wrong. This is a structural map of the seabed. You see, the entrance to the secret treasure land should be deep in this trench!"

As he said that, Zhang Qingshan pointed to a deep pit on the map...

After hearing this, Ye Han looked carefully. Although it was difficult to tell whether it was a mountain or the seabed, it was very likely that it was originally in the mountain, and then sank to the bottom of the sea for some unknown reason...

But this is not important. Zhang Qingshan said that the ominous signs increased as soon as he saw Han Yuwan, which made Ye Han very worried. He couldn't help but ask: "By the way! Senior Brother Zhang! You just said that the ominous signs increased as soon as you saw Senior Sister Han Yuwan. What's going on? Will she be in danger?"

In view of the situation of Fairy Ningyu not long ago, Ye Han was a little worried that Han Yuwan would also be in such a situation.

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