The Seventh Elder led Ye Han out of the hall and waved his sleeves.

Ye Han immediately felt as if he was held up by an invisible hand, and then he flew up like a cloud. A gust of wind whistled, making it almost impossible for him to open his eyes.

The next moment, he felt his feet pause, and he opened his eyes to find that he had followed the Seventh Elder to a valley with a very pleasant atmosphere and scenery.

Ye Han saw a simple mountain wall gate in front of him, embedded in the mountain wall. It seemed that this was the legendary cave of the immortal cultivator.

"Master, is this the cave you gave me?" Ye Han looked at the gate in surprise.

The Seventh Elder looked at Ye Han expressionlessly and said, "First, you are not my disciple. I am the leader of the Seventh Profound Peak. You cannot call me Master. You can call me Leader. Secondly, this is your cave. You exchanged the Qingxuan Order with me. I did not give it to you. Do you understand?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Ye Han and said, "Give me the Qingxuan Order!"

Ye Han was stunned and handed the Qingxuan Order that the head of Qingxuan had just given him to the Seventh Elder. He thought that the Seventh Elder was a good person...

And the Seventh Elder stared at Ye Han and said, "Finally, I emphasize again that to become a cultivator, you have to rely on yourself. I am here to help you because of this Qingxuan Order. You can do whatever you want."

After speaking, he turned his palm and there was an extra token in his hand. He threw it to Ye Han and said, "This is the forbidden token of the cave."

As he spoke, he uttered an obscure spell, and suddenly a trace of misty light flashed in his hand, and the cave token emitted a trace of strange characters.

These characters made Ye Han feel dizzy.

Then the Seventh Elder handed the cave token to Ye Han and said, "You don't have the magic power yet, so you can't drive the cave token, so I'll change it for you. You just need to set a colloquial phrase for the cave token, and you can enter and exit freely. When you have cultivated enough, you can change it by dripping blood to recognize the master."

After that, he threw the cave token to Ye Han and flew away.

Ye Han stood alone at the door of the cave, holding the cave token in his hand, watching the back of the Seventh Elder flying away, and envied him. This is a real immortal cultivator...

What Mr. Lan Qing said to him was indeed right. Immortal cultivators are not so easy to get along with. They are detached and high above, and they will not be so polite to a mortal.

It is so difficult for an ordinary mortal like me to survive in the world of immortal cultivators.

But after he saw the methods of immortal cultivators, his mind was all on immortal cultivation.

Thinking of how much he valued these secular power and wealth, he never expected that the immortal power of the immortal cultivators had completely fascinated him.

He wanted to have this kind of power, the magical power beyond the superman, and he was full of curiosity and fascination with this world of immortal cultivation.

Now that he had the opportunity to set foot in this world, no matter what difficulties and obstacles he faced, he would try it.

What's more, he didn't believe that there would be a worse life than herding cattle in Qingniu Village.

Thinking of this, Ye Han tightly grasped the cave token in his hand.

The seventh elder told him that he had modified this cave token and set a colloquialism.

How to set the colloquialism?

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "The cow gate is open."

Although he didn't want to have anything to do with cattle, the setting was too simple and might be opened by others, so he said so.

As he spoke, the cave token in his hand surged with runes.

The door of the cave in front of him slowly opened. The door of the cave seemed to be integrated with the mountain wall, but it was extremely smooth when it opened, without a sound.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes showed surprise and walked into the cave.

I saw that it was very spacious inside, about four or five feet wide, with a stone table in the middle, four stone benches, and four small doors around.

As soon as he entered, he felt the breath inside made him feel refreshed and breathing felt very comfortable.

This feeling was really good. It should be what Mr. Lan Qing told me that Qingxuan Ling must change the cave, which is a treatment only for foundation-building cultivators.

However, Mr. Lan Qing also told me that if I want to become a cultivator, I must have a spiritual root for cultivation. Although Ye Han didn't understand it very well, with his intelligence, it is not difficult to know that the so-called spiritual root should be the talent for cultivation.

Although I have talent, looking at the expression of the head of the Qingxuan Sect and the implication of Mr. Lan Qing, my talent should be very poor.

But no matter what, although he was still a mortal, he had already entered the Qingxuan Sect. He could not be driven out by the Qingxuan Sect. He wanted to become an immortal cultivator.

Ye Han walked around this so-called cave. There were four small rooms. One of them was a room. There was a bed and a stool inside, nothing else.

The other one should be a cultivation room. There was a seat and four pillars inside. There were many strange runes on them. There was also a sculpture that looked like a toad on the top of the pillar.

There was a Bagua map on the ground that looked like the charlatan in Qingniu Village. He didn't know what it was.

Anyway, this immortal cultivation world seemed to be another world. He didn't understand many things...

The other two rooms were even stranger. One was also empty and there was some soil on the ground. Could there be something planted?

The last room is easier to spot. It should be a storage room. There are many empty cabinets on the wall, and there are two rows of shelves in the middle.

It's a pity that there is nothing in it.

Ye Han walked around the last room. He didn't know how to use this cave for the time being, but at least he exchanged it for the precious Qingxuan Order.

How to make good use of this cave is very particular.

What's more, he only knows a few elders in Qingxuan Sect now, and they are not interested in him at all.

It's not easy for him to become a cultivator.

He thought that the Seventh Elder would be his master, but he didn't know that the Seventh Elder would leave him here and didn't care about anything.

He was bored staying in the cave, so he put down the bag he brought with him. There was nothing in it, just a few clothes, some silver, and the small tripod that had turned into stone.

After thinking about it, Ye Han took the silver with him and put the small tripod and other things in the storage room.

As for the other things he got, the piece of cloth, Mr. Lan Qing had already taken it away. He said it was equivalent to his reward.

It seems that the piece of cloth is not a simple thing.

Otherwise, Mr. Lan Qing would not have taken a fancy to it.

Ye Han walked out of the cave and decided to walk around the mountain and ask someone how he could become a cultivator?

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