Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 12 The Strange Old Man

Ye Han walked out of the cave.

He had just walked a few steps away from the cave when the cave door behind him closed silently.

The method of this immortal cultivator is really magical. Such a big rock door, at least several thousand kilograms, can actually close automatically.

Such a good cave is actually his own. Ye Han couldn't help showing a little excitement. Finally, he has a nest of his own.

After leaving the cave, Ye Han looked outside.

He saw the scenery of Qixuan Peak. The speed when the Seventh Elder brought him here was too fast. He didn't open his eyes to see it clearly. The scenery of Qixuan Peak is really like a fairyland.

There are misty clouds everywhere, high mountains and strange peaks and rocks, with countless light spots flying on them, and magnificent buildings built in them.

This is a fairyland!

There are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants nearby, with the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds. If you can live in such an environment for a lifetime, it would be great.

However, although the Seventh Elder did not tell him that he would be driven down the mountain by Qixuan Peak if he failed to cultivate immortality, Mr. Lan Qing told him that if he could not cultivate immortality, he would be driven away sooner or later.

So no matter from which aspect, Ye Han wanted to enter the immortal cultivation as soon as possible.

But apart from the means of the female immortal and the few words Mr. Lan Qing told him, how could he know what the immortal cultivation was all about...

The Seventh Elder ignored him, a mortal, and abandoned him here without caring about him. Not to mention cultivating immortality, there was basically no food and drink. If he didn't go out to find it, wouldn't he starve to death on the mountain?

However, he was a high-ranking immortal cultivator, and he was a mortal, how could he be in his eyes?

Thinking of this, he wanted to curse, and he had to ask someone about it.

However, Ye Han only took a few steps and fully felt what it meant to go up the mountain easily but go down the mountain hard.

Because the place where he was couldn't walk normally at all. A few steps away was a cliff, which looked at least dozens of feet high.

If he fell from here, a hundred Ye Hans would be smashed into meat patties.

What should he do? Should he climb down by himself?

He remembered that when he brought him here, the guy rode a big bird, and he also wanted a flying mount.

He looked left and right, and found an old vine next to the cliff, which was thicker than his arm and led all the way down.

He had no choice but to climb down.

It was strange to say that after he encountered that terrifying monster that time, he obviously felt that his strength was much greater than before, otherwise he would not have been able to climb such a high mountain before.

Ye Han used his hands and feet to climb down along the vines. Fortunately, he was young, strong, and flexible, so he climbed down quickly.

When he reached the bottom of the mountain, there was a staircase leading down, and he walked forward along the staircase.

It was strange to say that there seemed to be no one on the Qixuan Peak. After walking for hundreds of feet, he did not meet anyone.

On the previous mountain peak, he saw quite a few people...

Finally, Ye Han saw a small building in front of him, and an old man was sitting on the armchair in the building, dozing off...

The old man was hunched, with a thin face, and only wore a single piece of clothing. It looked like half of his foot was about to be buried in the ground.

After walking for a long time, he met such an old man. Ye Han had nothing to pick on. He walked up slowly and greeted him respectfully, saying, "Grandpa! Hello!"

Mr. Lan Qing had told him not to underestimate everyone in the world of immortal cultivation. Although this old man looked very ordinary, he was in the sect after all. What was his background? He didn't know.

Anyway, he was just a mortal who could not afford to offend anyone in the world of immortal cultivation.

Although Ye Han was polite and his voice was not small, the old man did not respond at all and was still sleeping there.

Ye Han showed a helpless look. Could it be that this old man was deaf and didn't hear it?

So Ye Han continued to shout: "Grandpa! Are you asleep?"

But the old man still didn't respond at all.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Ye Han's face. Should he go over and call him? So he stretched out his hand to grab the old man...

Just at this moment.


Ye Han only felt the whistling of the wind, and his body was clamped by a strong arm. He was already dozens of feet away without even opening his eyes.

It felt like he was flying out. Looking carefully, the one who clamped him was a young man with an extremely burly figure, muscles on his body piled like metal, a simple face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The young man looked at the old man in the distance nervously, and lowered his voice to Ye Han and shouted: "You kid, don't you want to die? Dare to disturb Old Liu's sleep! The last guy who disturbed his sleep has been wiped out!"

Listening to the young man's words, Ye Han's face changed. He didn't expect that this inconspicuous old man who was half a foot in the ground was so cruel.

Where did this young man come from?

Fortunately, he saved himself.

So Ye Han immediately said to the young man: "Big brother! Thank you for saving me."

This young man looked simple and honest, and with such a burly figure, he looked like a martial arts hero. Judging from his actions of saving himself and his words of warning, he should be a kind-hearted person.

I just wanted to ask about the matter of Qixuan Peak, and this young man just asked.

The young man put Ye Han down, frowned, looked Ye Han up and down, and said strangely: "Strange! From your appearance, you are just a mortal, how come you came to our Qixuan Peak?"

His eyes were full of curiosity, and he looked at Ye Han strangely, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Ye Han reacted immediately. He remembered that when he arrived in Wutong City, those people looked at him with contempt, because his identity looked like a countryman.

And it should be the same in this world of immortal cultivation. He has not become an immortal cultivator, and he looks like a mortal. It is quite normal to be looked down upon by these immortal cultivators.

But he immediately had an idea and said pretentiously: "I was brought by the Seventh Elder. He said that I have the talent for immortal cultivation and he wants to take me to cultivate immortality! He also gave me a cave, which is very good to me."

He immediately thought that if he said that he was really a mortal and had no backing, the other party would definitely ignore him and leave directly.

Sure enough, after Ye Han said this, the young man's attitude towards Ye Han improved a lot, and he said in surprise: "You were brought by the Seventh Elder? Are you a natural spiritual root? Or a dual spiritual root?"

How could Ye Han know what a natural spiritual root or a dual spiritual root is, but he was not stupid, and followed his words and said: "The Seventh Elder said that this is a secret and cannot be told to others casually."

After hearing this, the young man looked at Ye Han with envy and said: "I really envy you for having such a good talent! You will definitely become a great cultivator in the future. I am different. My talent... Alas...!"

As he said this, the young man looked lonely. It seems that his talent may not be very good...

Ye Han saw it in his eyes and understood in his heart that it seems that the young man is the one he should ask about the immortal cultivators...

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