Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 14 What kind of schemes could such a child have?

Zhang Qingshan did not expect Ye Han to suddenly bring up such a suggestion, and he was immediately moved.

He had been stagnant in his cultivation for a long time, and the main reason was that he did not have many cultivation resources, and he failed to break through the barriers several times.

But wasn't Ye Han a disciple taken back by the Seventh Elder? Why did he have to pass on the method of cultivation himself? What if the teaching was not good and the Seventh Elder blamed him?

Besides, there are disciples in charge of the power transmission who can pass on the power to him.

But if this opportunity is missed, there will be no more, and he can't take him to the power transmission manager...

However, if the Seventh Elder knows about it, he will be in trouble.

What should I do?

Zhang Qingshan's thoughts were chaotic, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Although Ye Han was young, he had a lot of experience and was smart. He saw Zhang Qingshan's mind at once and couldn't make up his mind.

That's right! I have to make good use of my identity as a child.

Ye Han had no choice but to say helplessly: "Brother Zhang, actually, let me tell you, the cave I live in is too high, it is very troublesome for me to go up and down by myself, I want you to help me, as for whether to pass on my skills, and the matter of cultivation, you can decide for yourself."

Zhang Qingshan was stunned, and said strangely: "The cave you live in is too high? What's going on? Didn't the peak master take you to register for entry? That's...!"

He didn't know what was going on with Ye Han, but seeing Ye Han's helpless look, it seemed that there were indeed other reasons. He wanted to ask a few more questions, but he couldn't find out about the elders, so he kept silent...

Ye Han immediately said: "Brother Zhang, you will know if you come with me."

As he said, Ye Han took Zhang Qingshan to the direction of his cave, complaining as he walked: "Seventh Elder is really something, the cave is so high, how can I go up and down?"

Zhang Qingshan followed behind Ye Han, and Ye Han was only as tall as his thigh. What kind of tricks could such a child have?

He was relieved immediately, and began to think in his heart that if he could really help Ye Han, he would be able to climb up the thigh of the Seventh Elder.

At that time, even if he didn't have any credit, he would have worked hard, and the Seventh Elder really couldn't teach Ye Han everything bit by bit.

He was still very clear about some basic cultivation things.

He was so miserable in Qixuan Peak because he didn't have a good backer...

Ye Han asked as he walked: "Brother Zhang, I just heard you say that you are a cultivator in the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage. I wonder how long you have been cultivating to this level?"

This seemingly innocent inquiry was actually testing Zhang Qingshan to see how long it would take to reach his level of cultivation.

After all, although it was just a simple contact, he didn't even see Zhang Qingshan's movements, and he grabbed himself and flew out.

That speed was much stronger than the martial arts masters he had seen. It was no different from crushing an ant to kill him with such a cultivation level.

Of course, he couldn't reveal his flaws, so that Zhang Qingshan would know the truth, which would be embarrassing.

Zhang Qingshan said helplessly: "As for me! I have been practicing for eight years. My fellow disciples who entered the sect with me have died or dispersed. Only Senior Sister Ming has become a foundation-building cultivator."

After hearing his words, Ye Han fell silent. It seems that the world of immortal cultivators is not as beautiful as he thought, and practicing is not that easy.

Of course, if practicing is really easy, immortal cultivators would not be so rare.

However, he has been envious of the methods of immortal cultivators. Since he has entered the world of immortal cultivators, he must do his best to become an immortal cultivator and live forever.

As he was talking, Ye Han brought Zhang Qingshan to the foot of his cave. He pointed to the cave in the cliff and said, "Brother Zhang, you see my cave is up there. It's so hard for me to get up there, so I want to ask Brother Zhang to help me for a while!"

Zhang Qingshan took a look and immediately felt that what Ye Han said made sense. After all, he was a half-grown child. It was still very difficult and dangerous to climb up this cliff that was dozens of feet high to reach his cave. If he fell from such a high place, he would be half dead.

I really don't know why the Seventh Elder would leave Ye Han here like this. Was it a test for Ye Han? Or was it for other reasons? It's not easy for him to go in and out and pass on his skills and take care of things alone.

So, Zhang Qingshan immediately replied, "Leave it to me!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Han's clothes. As soon as his feet moved, Ye Han felt like he was flying in the clouds.

Zhang Qingshan lifted his body up more than ten feet high. Zhang Qingshan stepped on the cliff and took several steps in succession.




Three consecutive explosions, each step lifted him up more than ten feet, and in three steps he reached the door of Ye Han's cave.

Ye Han clapped his hands and said in surprise: "Brother Zhang, you are really amazing, much more amazing than any martial arts master I have ever seen."

In fact, he had never seen any martial arts master.

Zhang Qingshan sneered and said: "What is a martial arts master? Even the most powerful martial arts master is just an ant in the eyes of us cultivators!"

After saying that, he looked at the cave in front of him and said: "Brother Ye, is this really the cave that the Seventh Elder gave you?"

Ye Han patted his chest and said: "It's true! If you don't believe me, I'll take you in!"

As he said that, he walked to the door of the cave and shouted: "Open the door, Niu Men."

As he spoke.


The door of the cave slowly opened.

Seeing Ye Han really open the door of the cave, Zhang Qingshan's eyes were full of envy. When will he be able to have his own cave?

Ye Han walked in directly, waved to Zhang Qingshan and said, "Brother Zhang, come in and sit down! You have helped me so much, I can't help it, thank you."

Zhang Qingshan now has no doubt about Ye Han, and feels that this Ye Han's identity is definitely not simple, otherwise how could he have a cave?

You know, even if a cultivator in the foundation-building period can have his own cave, he still has to open it up and build it by himself. This cave is in the middle of the Seven Profound Peaks. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very rich. Although it is not top-level, it is several times stronger than ordinary places.

It's really enviable.

Maybe Ye Han is really a disciple with excellent talent, which is why he is so valued by the Seventh Elder.

I must be nice to Ye Han, seize this opportunity, and fight for more cultivation resources for myself. If I can be favored by the Seventh Elder, even if I am only accepted as a registered disciple, I can turn things around.

So, Zhang Qingshan walked in and said with a sigh: "What a great place. If you practice here, your progress will be very fast, which is equivalent to taking Qi-training pills every day. Brother Ye! Your luck is really enviable."

Ye Han said indifferently: "What is there to envy, Brother Zhang, you are my only friend in the mountain. As long as you treat me as a friend, you are welcome to practice here."

He has thought it through. Although Zhang Qingshan said that he was just a cultivator of the tenth level of Qi-training, he was still a cultivator, and he was in the inner sect of Qixuan Peak, at least he was an inner sect disciple.

His so-called identity was all fabricated by himself, and he knew nothing about cultivation.

If he didn't tempt Zhang Qingshan with this little benefit, he was afraid that he would not be able to find the way of cultivation at all. As for the place where the cultivators who passed on the skills were, it would be a bit troublesome for him as a mortal to go there.

He believed that with the Seventh Elder as a fictitious backer, Zhang Qingshan would not dare to do anything to him.

Now it depends on whether Zhang Qingshan will agree to help him.

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