Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 15 Qingxuan Gong

Ye Han was sitting cross-legged in the practice room, with his legs crossed, his hands flat on his knees, his brows slightly furrowed, and he was working hard on the exercises.

After more than an hour, Ye Han opened his eyes with a look of disappointment, and said helplessly to himself: "What's going on? It's been the third day, and I still haven't felt the aura that Zhang Qingshan mentioned. feel!"

Yes, under Ye Han's clever words, Zhang Qingshan had no doubts about his identity, and he knew everything about Ye Han in detail.

As long as Ye Han wanted to know, he would tell Ye Han everything at once.

In just two or three days, Ye Han had already figured out the basic situation of Qingxuan Sect and Qixuan Peak.

However, for him at present, the situation of Qingxuan Sect and Qixuan Peak is not too important. The most important thing for him is to become an immortal cultivator.

Because Zhang Qingshan mentioned an important situation, although Ye Han entered Qixuan Peak as an inner disciple, he was still a mortal and would be despised by immortal cultivators wherever he went.

Even if he was brought back by the Seventh Elder, it would not work, because those who cultivate immortals are respected by the strong. Ye Han is just a mortal, how can he be respected by those who cultivate immortals.

What's more, he really has nothing to do with the Seventh Elder. The Seventh Elder also told him that he can only rely on himself to become an immortal cultivator.

And this is not the outer sect peak. If it is the outer sect peak, there are stewards who teach basic cultivation knowledge and teach the outer sect disciples who have just started.

Ye Han can also go there to log in to the Qingxuan Peak roster and receive some basic skills, but he can't get through the outer peak at all. There are dozens of miles of peaks over there...

So he simply stopped going.

Let Zhang Qingshan teach him some basic cultivation methods.

Of course, his explanation was that he wanted to become an immortal cultivator before the seventh elder met him, so that the seventh elder would have a surprise.

Zhang Qingshan did not doubt Ye Han, so he told him that if he wanted to practice, he must first feel the aura of heaven and earth, which is the so-called sense of Qi.

Only when you feel the existence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can you operate your skills, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to strengthen yourself, drive magic treasures, etc.

Anyway, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and possessing magic power are the entire basis for cultivating immortals.

At the same time, under Ye Han's questioning, Zhang Qingshan also told him many things about immortal cultivators.

For example, if you want to become an immortal, you must have spiritual roots. Without spiritual roots, no matter how smart you are, how good your physique, or your natural abilities, you will not be able to become an immortal.

Because the techniques they practice need to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and only those with a physical body that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can become immortal cultivators.

Ye Han has always been considered by Zhang Qingshan to be extremely talented, otherwise he would not have been brought to Qixuan Peak by the Seventh Elder and given such a good cave.

Every time I talk about Zhang Qingshan, I feel envious and bleeding.

Zhang Qingshan never imagined that he, an adult, would be fooled by a young boy named Ye Han.

However, Ye Han did not dare to reveal the truth to Zhang Qingshan. If he knew that the Seventh Elder simply left him here, he would not bother to pay attention to him.

All in all, in order to become an immortal cultivator, in order to be able to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, and in order to survive in Qixuan Peak, Ye Han had no choice but to do this.

But now Ye Han is also a little anxious. He has been giving Zhang Qingshan the impression that Zhang Qingshan is induced by various words to make him think that he may be an extremely talented immortal cultivator with great potential.

Otherwise, even if he has the temptation of this cave, Zhang Qingshan may not pay attention to him.

Ye Han also wanted to find someone else, but then he thought about it. He was a mortal and lied to Zhang Qingshan. He had leaked too many people and knew too many people, so the chance of being exposed was greater.

And not every immortal cultivator is as enthusiastic and easy to deceive as Zhang Qingshan.

Therefore, Ye Han did not go around and practiced in a low-key manner first.

However, he had been practicing Jin Ling Gong, the basic technique of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and sensing the sense of energy, taught him by Zhang Qingshan for three days, but there was still no progress at all, which made Ye Han very distressed.

If this continues, Zhang Qingshan will find out sooner or later.

Thump thump thump!

A sound of footsteps came from outside, and Zhang Qingshan said outside the door: "Junior Brother Ye! Come out for a moment."

Hearing Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han frowned, stood up and walked out, looked at Zhang Qingshan and said, "Senior Brother Zhang! What's the matter?"

Zhang Qingshan looked Ye Han up and down and said, "Junior brother Ye, have you made no progress yet?"

After saying that, he took out an oil paper bag from his arms, handed him a burned beast's leg and said, "Don't be anxious, you should eat something first!"

Ye Han is a mortal, and eating, drinking, and having sex is a must. Apart from anything else, Zhang Qingshan is really nice to him. He took the initiative to cook three meals for him, and his craftsmanship is just average.

However, Ye Han was not picky. What hardships had he not endured in Qingniu Village?

However, the meat this time was not bad, and Ye Han's mouth was full of oil. He complained: "Senior Brother Zhang! Do you think my talent is fake? Why is there no reaction at all when I practice this technique?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said: "I don't think so. I have told you before. I have golden, wood, and fire spiritual roots. It is just right to practice the golden spiritual power. You may not have golden spiritual roots, so I I feel like you can’t practice this technique! You’d better find a way to change it.”

Yes, Zhang Qingshan told him when he taught him the technique that if he didn't have a gold spiritual root, it would be impossible to succeed in practicing the gold-based technique.

Ye Han was helpless, because Zhang Qingshan had no other basic techniques except the Golden Spirit Technique. If he wanted to get another one, he had to go to the outer sect to buy it.

In this world of immortal cultivators, what they used was not secular gold and silver, but a kind of spiritual stone that contained the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. According to the amount of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone, it was divided into low-grade spiritual stone, medium-grade spiritual stone, high-grade spiritual stone, and top-grade spiritual stone.

And a low-grade spiritual stone was worth thousands of taels of silver, and it might not be exchanged.

Ye Han only had ten taels of silver in his pocket, how could he have a low-grade spiritual stone?

This basic technique required five low-grade spiritual stones. Where did Ye Han get so many spiritual stones?

Zhang Qingshan said that he didn't have any spirit stones either, as he had used them up long ago. He didn't know if he didn't want to or if he really didn't have any...

Ye Han was helpless after hearing what Zhang Qingshan said. If he really didn't choose the right technique, he could only think of other ways.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Ye Han's mind, and he said, "Oh, right! Senior Brother Zhang! The Seventh Elder gave me a technique and asked me to practice it. I'll show it to you."

After that, Ye Han hurried into the storage room. When he first came to the cave, he put all his things in it. He searched for it and took out a cardboard book from his bag.

The three words Qingxuan Gong were written on it.

However, he happened to see the stone-like small tripod there, so he kicked it into his arms and walked out.

Seeing the technique handed over by Ye Han, Zhang Qingshan's face changed drastically and said, "What? Qingxuan Gong! How do you have this?"

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