Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 16: Don’t show off your wealth, don’t show your treasures to others

When Zhang Qingshan saw the technique Ye Han took out, it turned out to be the Qingxuan Technique, his face changed, and his eyes showed a hint of excitement.

When Ye Han saw Zhang Qingshan's eyes, he secretly said in his heart that it was not good, wealth should not be exposed, treasures should not be shown to others.

But fortunately, before he took it out, he said that this Qingxuan Technique was given to him by the Seventh Elder.

In fact, this Qingxuan Technique was picked up and dug out by him in that mysterious cave together with the purple small tripod.

Also present were the Qingxuan Order of twenty taels of silver, and the rag...

The rag had been given to Mr. Lan Qing as a reward.

Mr. Lan Qing did not like this Qingxuan Technique, so he returned it to him, saying that he had no use for this technique at all.

Ye Han took it out as a last resort, and originally planned to let Zhang Qingshan exchange it for spirit stones or exchange it for techniques with others if he could no longer practice it.

But now seeing Zhang Qingshan's expression, he immediately knew that the origin of Qingxuan Gong was not simple, and it was impossible to exchange it for spirit stones or exercises.

So Ye Han said nonchalantly: "Hey, this is given to me by the Seventh Elder, didn't I tell you just now?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han with envy and said: "So it was given to you by the Seventh Elder. This is a technique that can only be practiced by the true disciples of our Qingxuan Sect. It turns out that Junior Brother Ye is already a true disciple."

As he said this, he became more respectful to Ye Han. Look at other people's treatment and look at himself. There is really a world of difference.

He hasn't even started practicing yet, but he already has a cave, the best technique, and has been accepted as a true disciple.

Ye Han didn't know who was a true disciple or not. Anyway, he felt that he had made a big deal out of this matter, so he immediately said mysteriously: "Brother Zhang, you must keep this a secret. The Seventh Elder has repeatedly told me not to tell anyone. Brother Zhang is so good to me. He not only taught me the skills but also gave me food. That's why I told you."

Ye Han is not just a sweet talker. In Qingniu Village, others want to learn to read and write from Mr. Lan Qing, and they have to give him food. It is because of his sweet talk and diligence that he coaxed Mr. Lan Qing to teach him for free.

Sometimes when he couldn't eat, he would sweetly call all the old men and women in the village, and he could get some food.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Han's words, Zhang Qingshan's expression relaxed, and he scratched the back of his head with a smile and said, "Look at what you said, I just helped you a little bit, maybe my senior brother will need you to take care of him in the future."

He was a little embarrassed by what Ye Han said. He obviously helped Ye Han in order to climb the big tree of the Seventh Elder, but he didn't expect Ye Han to be so grateful to him.

It made him feel guilty. Ye Han was just a child, but he was calculating him...

Little did he know that he had been calculated by this child a long time ago.

Ye Han was so smart that he immediately knew Zhang Qingshan's thoughts. Zhang Qingshan was indeed a good person. Such people were often called honest people in the village, and those unruly people in the village liked to bully such honest people.

It seems that the Qingxuan Sect of this immortal cultivation sect is also the same, just likes to bully honest people.

Of course, Ye Han thought that he was not bullying honest people, but he couldn't tell him the truth. Besides, Zhang Qingshan helped him, which was also good for Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan was practicing in his cave. He secretly watched. When Zhang Qingshan was practicing, a visible golden light spot would appear on his body and swirl, flowing into his body...

Zhang Qingshan told him that he was absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and mainly absorbed the spiritual energy of gold, because he practiced the gold-based technique.

But he didn't want to say anything else now. He showed his technique to Zhang Qingshan and said, "Brother Zhang, this is the Qingxuan Gong that the Seventh Elder gave me. Can you help me take a look?"

Looking at the Qingxuan Gong handed over by Ye Han, Zhang Qingshan hesitated and said, "Brother Ye, Qingxuan Gong is the secret of our Qingxuan Sect. If you show it to me, aren't you afraid of being blamed by the Seventh Elder?"

Although he said so, the desire in his eyes could not be concealed.

Ye Han immediately said, "Brother Zhang, if you don't tell me, who would know? Besides, you have been practicing for so many years, but you have made little progress. It must be a problem with your technique. The Seventh Elder is not free to teach me in person. I can't waste my time here, right? Brother Zhang, as long as you help me, I will never tell anyone else. You have to believe me."

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan sincerely.

Ye Han looked harmless, young, and sincere, which made it difficult for Zhang Qingshan to doubt him.

Zhang Qingshan immediately said, "Okay! I'll help you take a look! I may not be able to help you with my limited talent."

After saying that, he took it and looked at it. Zhang Qingshan immediately opened his eyes wide and looked infatuated.

Ye Han himself had read this Qingxuan Gong. Every time he read it, he felt dizzy and couldn't read it at all. Although his literary level was okay and he was recognized by Mr. Lan Qing, he was confused when he read this Qingxuan Gong. He couldn't understand it at all, especially the acupuncture points written on it, communicating with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, etc.

Moreover, after reading it for a long time, his head was very dizzy, which was obviously because he might be a mortal.

Seeing Zhang Qingshan reading it in fascination, Ye Han understood that this method could only be understood by immortal cultivators. He also hoped that Zhang Qingshan would be able to guide him in his practice after reading it.

If this Qingxuan Gong fails, he will have no choice but to think of other ways.

Zhang Qingshan looked at this for several hours, and Ye Han even fell asleep...

He called Ye Han aside and said: "Junior brother Ye, you must keep this skill away. This is a skill that can be practiced to the golden elixir stage! You must not let anyone know that you have this skill. "

After speaking, he said with a disappointed look on his face: "But unfortunately, I can't practice this technique, because this technique is a wood-type technique, and I can only practice gold-type techniques."

Having said this, he said excitedly: "But I borrowed a lot of things from this technique... maybe..."

However, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Forget it, no more words, I will explain the exercises to you now."

He felt that there was nothing in those horoscopes yet, so it would be pointless if he talked too much now, so he might as well help Ye Han explain the techniques.

Under Zhang Qingshan's explanation, Ye Han asked the questions in his mind one by one. There were too many things he didn't understand. Fortunately, Zhang Qingshan had always practiced very seriously and hard, and his understanding was not bad either. Just more honest.

Under his explanation, Ye Han began to understand why he couldn't practice Jin Ling Gong.

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