Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 17 Am I a genius in cultivation?

After Zhang Qingshan's explanation, he understood what the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was and what the basics of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots were.

All things in the world are composed of the five elements. In the final analysis, all things in the world are composed of parts of the five elements...

Immortal cultivators absorb the spiritual energy from the five elements of heaven and earth and strengthen part of their own five elements.

In fact, ordinary mortals also have the Five Elements Spiritual Root. The reason why they do not have the Spiritual Root is that the Five Elements attributes in the body are too confusing and disorganized. If there is no particularly prominent Five Elements attribute, it means that there is no Spiritual Root.

And those with spiritual roots have clear and orderly attributes of the five elements in the body. They can enhance the attribute strength of a certain aspect of their spiritual roots by practicing exercises, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, taking heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc. Call it mana or aura.

For example, the Jin Ling Gong currently practiced by Zhang Qingshan is a type of metallic kung fu. When practicing, the metallic mana in his body is enhanced, so that he can cast metallic spells, use magic weapons to defend against attacks, etc...

Of course, this is a relatively shallow basic understanding. To be honest, the specific situation that this cultivator needs to understand is many times more complicated than Ye Han imagined.

Zhang Qingshan did not explain this very clearly, because he only had a basic understanding of it.

Anyway, he knew that he couldn't practice Zhang Qingshan's Golden Spiritual Skill because he didn't have metallic spiritual roots.

Zhang Qingshan cannot practice Qingxuan Gong because Qingxuan Gong is a wood-attribute skill. It is not because he does not have wood attributes but because the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and metal restrains wood attributes.

He was practicing metal-based skills. If he practiced wood-based skills, it would cause conflict between the skills and make it impossible for him to improve his skills.

Therefore, he cannot practice, but he can use the profound cultivation techniques contained in this technique to add to his own practice and improve himself.

Zhang Qingshan was there for the next two days, explaining the exercises to Ye Han, explaining the way of cultivation, and imparting his own cultivation experience.

Not to mention, Zhang Qingshan said, he also had some insights on cultivation.

After explaining it for two days, Zhang Qingshan asked Ye Han one by one about his understanding of Qingxuan Gong. After seeing that Ye Han fully understood it, he asked Ye Han to start practicing.

Zhang Qingshan has also started to practice, because he has learned a lot of practice experience through continuous study of Qingxuan Gong in the past few days, and is ready to try them one by one to see if he can break through the current bottleneck of cultivation.

Ye Han sat cross-legged in the practice room, trying to use the Qingxuan Gong taught to him by Zhang Qingshan.

Because he has never been successful in cultivation, nor has he realized the sense of Qi, he can only try to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with his mind...

Fortunately, the aura of the world and the earth in the cave he was in was abundant enough. Although it was not obvious, he could occasionally feel a relatively comfortable breath entering his body...

This feeling was something he didn't have when he was practicing Jin Ling Gong.

Although he only felt a little bit, it made Ye Han extremely excited. It seemed that he had found a suitable technique for his practice.

It seems that I have wood-attribute spiritual roots, because this feeling should be the sense of Qi I often mentioned, right?

Thinking this way, Ye Han became excited and practiced harder.

But it's strange to say that although he was just meditating and practicing and didn't do any physical work, he only practiced for less than an hour when he felt dizzy and couldn't operate the technique.

Zhang Qingshan told him in this situation that it was because he was young and his meridians had not been baptized by magic power, so he could not continue to practice and had to rest before continuing to practice.

Ye Han felt very exhausted physically and mentally, so he stopped and stood up. He opened the door of the training room and saw Zhang Qingshan sitting cross-legged in the hall.

I saw dots of golden light surrounding Zhang Qingshan, slowly pouring into his body.

Ye Han keenly felt that the golden spots around Zhang Qingshan were a little brighter than what he had seen before...

It seems that just as Zhang Qingshan said, after he understood Qingxuan Gong, it also helped his practice.

Ye Han didn't bother Zhang Qingshan and went directly back to his room to sleep.

Because he had been practicing for more than an hour, his head was already dizzy.

After entering the room, he lay down casually on the stone bed, and soon fell asleep...

Ye Han had a dream. He dreamed that he became a flying immortal, omnipotent, capable of moving mountains and seas. Wearing a suit of mighty and domineering armor, he beat the monster that bullied him last time and fled away, wailing and screaming... …

What he didn't know was that while he was dreaming, traces of purple light were emitting from his arms, flying out constantly, and then burrowed into his body.

When Ye Han woke up, he had endless aftertaste of this sweet dream.

When he went out, he was surprised to find that Zhang Qingshan was still practicing. This time, he had been practicing for longer than him. He had been practicing much longer.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, but Zhang Qingshan mentioned to him that when practicing, it is best not to disturb others, or be disturbed by others, otherwise it will affect the cultivation state of mind, and even go crazy.

Of course, Ye Han would not easily disturb Zhang Qingshan's cultivation. There would be many things for him to help with in the future.

So, Ye Han ate directly, some fruits and some dried meat left over from yesterday, and went to the practice room to practice.

Ye Han sat down and tried to practice Qingxuan Gong.

He was suddenly surprised to find that the effect of his cultivation this time was completely different from yesterday.

He clearly felt that when he was practicing, he could actually feel the wood attribute aura in the aura of heaven and earth very clearly.

This wood attribute aura contains a feeling of life and vitality. When this wood attribute aura of heaven and earth penetrated into his body, he felt that his meridians had a comfortable feeling of vitality.

This feeling was so beautiful, even more wonderful than when he had a beautiful dream last night...

He was completely addicted to this kind of practice, because this feeling was so comfortable, his whole body and mind were bathed in a pleasant feeling.

Zhang Qingshan told him that when cultivators practice, they feel very good, so many cultivators practice in seclusion. It looks very hard, but it is actually very comfortable.

Ye Han felt a little bit of green light that was hard to see with the naked eye slowly pouring into his body...

He suddenly understood that this was what Zhang Qingshan told him, that when practicing, he entered the stage of Qi Refining.

He actually entered the Qi Refining stage so quickly.

Because Zhang Qingshan told him that even if a cultivator had a very good talent, it would take one or two months to enter the Qi Refining Stage from scratch. If one did not have a very good talent, one might not make much progress after practicing for a year or two.

Could he really be a genius in cultivation?

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