Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 18 The Mysterious Purple Cauldron

Although Ye Han didn't think he was a genius in cultivation, he made such rapid progress overnight. It felt unreal and incredible.

Because he hadn't done anything, he just had a beautiful dream at night.

Even so, Ye Han was concentrating on practicing the technique to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This feeling was really great. He felt that his body functions were constantly changing, his body was full of vitality, and his spirit was greatly boosted.

Sure enough, his progress was obvious. When he was practicing yesterday, he felt dizzy and couldn't hold on for less than an hour.

Today, he practiced for more than two hours before he felt a burst of physical and mental fatigue. He felt a sense of saturation when absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Then he stopped and stood up. He felt that his eyesight and five senses had increased...

This kind of situation with the results of cultivation is really wonderful.

Ye Han originally felt that he had poor talent and it was extremely difficult to become a real cultivator. He really didn't expect that he would feel the sense of qi so quickly, and it seemed that he had successfully practiced the Qingxuan Gong and became a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage.

He was full of joy and felt the changes brought about by the successful practice of the technique.


Buzz! !

There was an amazing vibration outside the door, as if the whole cave shook slightly.

Ye Han's face changed: "What happened?"

He immediately opened the door of the secret room of the training room, only to see Zhang Qingshan's body covered with golden spots, and his body was trembling slightly...

His face was full of excitement. Seeing Ye Han coming out, he took a deep breath, and operated the exercises. The golden spots on his body slowly converged.

He said to Ye Han with an excitement that could not be concealed: "Junior Brother Ye! Do you know? I finally broke through! I broke through to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage! It's great!"

Zhang Qingshan's eyes were a little red when he said this: "It's been more than a year! It's been more than a year at this bottleneck."

Looking at Zhang Qingshan's excitement, Ye Han said sincerely: "Congratulations, Senior Brother Zhang, it's great to see that your cultivation has improved."

On the one hand, he did congratulate Zhang Qingshan, and on the other hand, he also practiced and made obvious progress, and he was in a good mood.

Zhang Qingshan said excitedly: "This is all thanks to Junior Brother Ye's help. If you hadn't shown me the Qingxuan Gong and lent me the cave to practice, I wouldn't have been able to progress so fast..."

As he said this, Zhang Qingshan suddenly looked at Ye Han in surprise and said: "Huh? Junior Brother Ye! You...you are already in the Qi Refining Stage?"

He looked at Ye Han with wide eyes, carefully looking him up and down. Yes, Ye Han was originally a mortal, without a trace of mana.

Now he has mana, although it is very weak, but it is only the first level of the Qi Refining Stage...

But this is enough to surprise him, because from a mortal who has never been exposed to the method of cultivation, even if he has a very good talent, he can comprehend the sense of Qi in just a few days and even enter the first level of the Qi Refining Stage. That is too rare.

This kind of talent is really amazing.

Zhang Qingshan's eyes were full of surprise. It took him more than two months to feel the Qi when he started practicing immortal cultivation, and more than four months to advance to the first level of Qi Refining Stage...

Ye Han actually not only comprehended the Qi, but also advanced to the first level of Qi Refining Stage in just one day...

This talent is really enviable...

So, Zhang Qingshan said to Ye Han with admiration: "Junior Brother Ye, your talent is really amazing. You will improve immediately after finding the right method. No wonder you will be accepted as a true disciple, and no wonder the Seventh Elder values ​​you so much."

In his opinion, Ye Han entered the Seventh Profound Peak at such a young age, and there was a cave given by the Seventh Elder. It must be because of his great talent that he received such good treatment.

This kind of talent cannot be envied. Although he has advanced to the eleventh level of Qi Refining Stage, compared with Ye Han, it is really a world of difference.

It may not take long for Ye Han to surpass him.

After hearing what Zhang Qingshan said, Ye Han said carelessly: "Brother Zhang, you are really too kind. I also suddenly feel that I am practicing very fast. I don't know what the feeling is, or is it because Brother Zhang teaches well."

Said this, in fact, Ye Han was not sure in his heart. He didn't know why he practiced so fast. Was it really because he was too talented?

Absolutely not.

Why do you say that?

Because when Ye Han brought the Qingxuan Order to Qingxuan Sect, the head of Qingxuan Sect and the elders knew his talent.

It was precisely because of his poor talent that those elders didn't think much of him.

To put it bluntly, if his talent was really good, how could those elders and heads of the sect refuse him and not want him to practice on their own mountains?

So Ye Han knew that he practiced so fast, it was definitely not because of his talent, nor could it be because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this cave was sufficient to make him progress so fast.

What was the reason? He couldn't say it for a while.

But he would not take the initiative to tell Zhang Qingshan about this, because Zhang Qingshan now completely believed that he cultivated so fast because of his talent. If he said that, wouldn’t he be exposed?

Thinking of this, Ye Han inadvertently touched his abdomen and suddenly felt a bulging thing in his arms.

With a move in his heart, he suddenly had a thought in his mind. Yes, that strange little tripod...

Could it be that his cultivation progress was so fast, and it was related to this cauldron?

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly felt that his cultivation progress was really fast, and it was probably because of this strange little cauldron...

So, Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan again: "Brother Zhang, I'm a little hungry, please help me find something to eat."

He had eaten a little in the morning and practiced for more than two hours, so he was indeed a little hungry.

Ye Han had no cultivation before, so it was very inconvenient to go up and down the cliff.

During this period, Zhang Qingshan solved all the food and drink.

Another part of the reason was that Ye Han wanted to get Zhang Qingshan away to see if it was because of the cauldron.

Zhang Qingshan didn't think much about it, and immediately said: "Okay! Brother Ye, wait a moment, I'll find you something to eat right away."

After that, he immediately went out of the cave.

Ye Han watched Zhang Qingshan leave, closed the door of the cave, and became more cautious. He went into his room and took out the stone-like little cauldron.

He realized that the reason why his cultivation had improved so quickly was probably because of this magical little tripod.

As expected, as soon as Ye Han took it out, he found that this little tripod was different from before.

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