Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 19 Who is this Ye Han?

Ye Han took out the strange little tripod, which had originally turned into a stone-like little tripod, and had turned back into a crystal-clear purple jade material.

It was not like before, like a stone, and was completely inconspicuous.

Ye Han opened his eyes wide and looked at the purple tripod and said to himself: "What's going on? Why did this tripod suddenly turn back?"

He remembered that when he dug this purple tripod in that strange cave, it was the same color as purple jade.

Later, after alarming the monster, after a strange light, the purple tripod turned into a very inconspicuous stone material in his arms.

He had been keeping it in his arms. When Mr. Lan Qing saw this little tripod before, the little tripod was still like a stone, and he should not have noticed anything wrong with this purple tripod.

Yesterday, when he went to get the secret book of Qingxuan Gong, he put this little tripod in his arms.

He remembered that it was still like a stone yesterday, but now it has turned into purple jade again...

His cultivation has improved so fast, it may really be related to this purple tripod.

However, wealth should not be exposed, and treasures should not be shown to others.

Although he couldn't figure out how to use this thing, the purple tripod was placed together with the Qingxuan Order, Qingxuan Gong, and the magical cloth.

This meant that this thing was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt that it was not safe to keep the purple tripod on him, so he hid it in a corner under the bed in the bedroom.

He would ask Zhang Qingshan later if there was anything in the world of immortal cultivation that could speed up the cultivation of immortal cultivators...

After hiding the purple tripod, Ye Han walked out, and then he sat in the hall, waiting for Zhang Qingshan to come back at ease.

He still had a lot of things to ask Zhang Qingshan, and he also wanted to learn some immortal methods.

After waiting for about half an hour, just when Ye Han was a little impatient.

He suddenly heard a noisy sound coming from outside.

His hearing was much stronger than before, and he immediately heard the sound of Zhang Qingshan talking to several strangers outside.

"Why are you following me?"

"Zhang Qingshan, I see you've been coming here a lot recently. Whose cave is this?"

"This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Why not? Zhang Qingshan, you've finally broken through the bottleneck, so show us a way out."

"What's the way? I can only practice hard."

"You've been coming to this cave these days, don't you want to explain?"

Ye Han listened to the conversation outside, and it was obvious that several people were bullying Zhang Qingshan, an honest man...

"Open the door!"

Ye Han whispered.

The door of the cave was opened directly.

I saw Zhang Qingshan holding some things, and three people were blocking him. One was tall and thin, one was of medium build, and the other was fat. The three were about the same age, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Much younger than Zhang Qingshan, but the tone of his speech to Zhang Qingshan was not polite at all.

Seeing Ye Han coming out, the three people were surprised. They didn't expect that there was a child of ten years old.

He looked harmless and smiling.

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan and said, "Brother Zhang, you are back! Come in."

Then he looked at the others and said, "What are the names of these brothers?"

Zhang Qingshan frowned and introduced, "Brother Ye, these three are disciples of Uncle Liu, Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai!"

Then he pointed at Ye Han and said, "This is...!"

Without waiting for Zhang Qingshan to introduce, Ye Han interrupted him and said, "I am just an ordinary disciple, hello, three brothers!"

After that, he blinked at Zhang Qingshan continuously, as if to help him keep his identity secret.

In fact, Ye Han was also afraid that Zhang Qingshan would be quick to speak and tell him that he had lied to him that he was the disciple of the Seventh Elder.

If he accidentally got to the Seventh Elder's ears, he didn't know how the Seventh Elder would deal with him.

After all, he has no ability to protect himself now, so he has to keep a low profile!

Zhang Qingshan reacted and said, "Oh, Junior Brother Ye, I know! This is Junior Brother Ye Han, the owner of this cave!"

The tone of his voice was obviously different.

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The three of them were disciples of the foundation-building cultivators, and they didn't have a cave to practice. How could this child have a cave?

But they also knew that Zhang Qingshan was an honest man and would not easily deceive them.

Besides, how could a cultivator's cave be given to others casually?

Zhang Shaolei immediately said, "Junior Brother, when did you come up? Why haven't I seen you before?"

His eyes were full of strangeness. He remembered that no one had lived in this cave, and now Zhang Qingshan had broken through the realm and made friends with the young Ye Han.

There was obviously something fishy.

As for who this Ye Han was, they didn't dare to offend him easily. After all, the other party was only ten years old and already had a cave, so he was definitely not an ordinary disciple.

Although it seems that their cultivation level is just at the Qi Refining Stage, you have to know that their cultivation level was just like that at that time.

And they don’t have a cave.

Hearing this, Ye Han said innocently: "I have been here for a few days, you haven't seen me, and I haven't seen you before."

Hearing what Ye Han said, Zhang Sanlei frowned and said enthusiastically: "Junior Brother Ye, is this cave really yours?"

Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai also looked at Ye Han strangely. Zhang Qingshan was so flattering to Ye Han, and he had a cave. This identity must be extraordinary. Of course, they didn't dare to offend such a person easily. They all looked at Ye Han with envy, but envy was mixed with suspicion.

Although Ye Han was young, he could see that the relationship between these three guys and Zhang Qingshan was not a good one. What kind of good relationship could it be when they spoke in a sarcastic tone just now?

So he said: "This is not my cave. The peak master asked me to use it temporarily!"

After that, he said to Zhang Qingshan: "Junior Brother Zhang! I'm hungry, come in."

After that, he took the initiative to pull Zhang Qingshan in.

Zhang Sanlei immediately followed and said: "Junior Brother Ye! We can go into your cave...!"

"No!" Before Zhang Sanlei finished speaking, Ye Han interrupted him coldly.

Then he closed the cave door directly.


Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked at the cave door tightly closed, frowning. This damn Ye Han, he looked down on the three of them so much? He didn't even let them in...

But who is this Ye Han? Why is the honest Zhang Qingshan so flattering to him?

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