Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 20 What is Ye Han’s true situation?

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai were outside the door, looking at each other with ugly faces.

Originally, the three of them were all at the tenth level of Qi Refining, and they would perform a combined attack formation when they joined forces. Although Zhang Qingshan's cultivation was a little higher than theirs, he was not the opponent of the three of them.

But this time when they met Zhang Qingshan, they found that Zhang Qingshan had actually broken through the bottleneck of his cultivation and stepped into the eleventh level of Qi Refining.

You know, it is not too difficult for inner disciples to break through to the tenth level of Qi Refining, but to break through to the eleventh level of Qi Refining, it requires a certain opportunity and talent, as well as the assistance of natural treasures and elixirs. Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to break through.

It can be said that the eleventh level of Qi Refining is one of the bottlenecks that are particularly difficult for Qi Refining cultivators to break through.

On the other hand, if Zhang Qingshan cannot break through to the eleventh level of Qi Refining within two months, he will be driven down the mountain to become an external disciple of Qingxuan Sect.

The so-called external disciples are responsible for some of Qingxuanmen's secular industries or industries related to the cultivation town.

It can be said that if you become an external disciple, it is basically impossible to continue to cultivate and become an immortal.

Because the outside world is not as abundant as the spiritual energy of the inner gate of Qingxuanmen, and there are many cultivation resources and guidance from high-level cultivators.

However, the cultivation resources of Qingxuanmen are limited, and the fittest survive. After leaving the mountain gate of Qingxuanmen, you can only find opportunities to continue your cultivation.

But Zhang Qingshan actually broke through to the eleventh level of cultivation at this juncture. Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai all felt something was wrong.

Because Zhang Qingshan's cultivation resources had been consumed a lot when he had been impacting the eleventh level of Qi Refining several times, and he owed some spiritual stones to the sect.

So Zhang Qingshan didn't have any elixirs or the like to impact the eleventh level of Qi Refining.

So out of curiosity, they followed Zhang Qingshan quietly and found that he was sneaking towards the area of ​​this cave.

Seeing Zhang Qingshan arrive at the entrance of the cave, they couldn't help but stop him.

But Zhang Qingshan didn't say anything, and he met this inconspicuous Ye Han...

They wanted to ask more questions, but Ye Han didn't tell them anything and closed the door of the cave, leaving them cold.

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai stood at the entrance of the cave, their faces were extremely ugly, but they had been in Qingxuan Sect for quite a long time.

They knew that the cultivators who had caves, no matter how they came, could not be ordinary cultivators.

And this Ye Han was so strange and so young...

The main reason was that Zhang Qingshan seemed to be very flattering to Ye Han. After all, Zhang Qingshan was an honest man. It was definitely not simple for him to be so flattering.

The three of them looked at each other and their faces were a little ugly.

Zhang Sanlei couldn't help but say: "Two junior brothers! What is the origin of this Ye Han? How could he have a cave?"

Li Zongqing thought for a while and said: "I remember that this cave has been abandoned for a long time, but I know that this cave belongs to the Seventh Elder, the master of our Qixuan Peak! This Ye Han is actually using this cave, I think it must be given to him by the Seventh Elder."

Wang Fulai said with envy and hatred: "Damn, what is the origin of this damn Ye Han? We can only use the master's cave at ordinary times. Zhang Qingshan must have flattered Ye Han, so he advanced to the eleventh level of cultivation in such a short time!"

The three of them have a master in the sect. Although they spent some money to meet a foundation-building cultivator as their master, they usually have to serve the master...

Only after serving the master can they get a little reward from the master, which allows them to practice in the cave for a day or two.

They know that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave is completely different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in ordinary caves is several times that of the outside.

And this Ye Han's cave is in the middle of the Seven Mysterious Peaks. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth may be much more abundant than that of his master's cave...

No wonder Zhang Qingshan advanced to the eleventh level of Qi Refining so quickly.

This damn Zhang Qingshan is really lucky.

But although they are indignant and envious, they dare not act rashly before they figure out Ye Han's true identity.

The three of them talked for a while, and it was impossible for Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han to come out of the cave for a while...

Zhang Sanlei said helplessly: "Let's go, let's go! Master has given us a lot of things to do!"

"Let's go, let's go."

The other two also said to themselves and turned to go down...

The three of them walked and guessed with their own thoughts, what is the origin of this Ye Han, and he actually owns the cave of the Seventh Elder?

They just walked down the cliff and walked a short distance.


"You three stop." A majestic and indifferent voice sounded on the side.

The three of them were stunned, and their faces showed displeasure. Although their status in Qixuan Peak was not high, they had the presence of their master, and the formation they formed together was quite powerful.

Those below the eleventh level of Qi Refining Stage were rarely able to deal with them.

However, they also felt something was wrong when they heard the man's tone, because the man's voice was old and a little familiar.

The three of them stood there, looking around but didn't see anyone, so it was obvious that the other party was not here.

Being able to transmit sound with magic power and still prevent them from finding where he is, this cultivator's cultivation must be extraordinary.

At least he is a cultivator above the foundation building stage.

The three of them have been in the world of immortal cultivation for so long, of course they know who they can provoke and who they cannot provoke. Anyone with a higher cultivation than themselves cannot be easily provoked.

Moreover, this is within the Seven Profound Peaks, and he must be a manager above the foundation building stage!

Zhang Sanlei immediately replied respectfully: "Excuse me, who is the senior? What do you want to see us for?"

The other party said coldly: "You don't need to care who I am. I have something for you to do. If you do it well, I will reward you handsomely."

As soon as his voice fell...


A small bundle fell from the sky and landed in front of them. It automatically unfolded and there were three daggers emitting faint spiritual light inside.

Seeing the daggers in the bundle, the eyes of the three people suddenly lit up and took a breath of cold air.

The three looked at the dagger in front of them with surprise: "Is this a mid-grade magic weapon?"

The other party continued: "What I asked you to do is very simple. Tell me the truth about Ye Han! Don't let him live so freely in Qixuan Peak."

The other party's voice was full of displeasure...

After hearing this, Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai's faces suddenly changed. The true situation of Ye Han?

Is there anything special about this?

And the other party was so generous, he gave away three mid-grade magic weapons at once, which is worth a lot of spirit stones.

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