Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1427 New Ideas

Ye Han looked at the Red Dragon Girl who was meditating and practicing. The astonishing pure white aura was swirling around the Red Dragon Girl. The figure of this Red Dragon Girl was really amazing...

Why! Absolutely! But it’s also absolutely torturous!

He has used the formation of Yin and Yang dual cultivation, and has used many methods he has learned over the years.

But the red dragon girl didn't have any advantage at all.

On the contrary, because of this dual cultivation, the Red Dragon Girl actually had to break through the bottleneck of cultivation. Once she broke through the bottleneck of cultivation, she entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But he didn't expect that although the Blackwater Sect, the Bishan Sect, and the Qianshan Sect were united to form the Three God Sects under the leadership of the Blackwater Old Demon, because of the fall of the Blackwater Old Demon in the Ascended Immortal Palace...

The Three Gods Sect fell apart, the three sects disbanded and turned against each other, and the Bishan Sect and the Qianshan Sect also wanted to settle accounts with the Red Dragon Girl. The Blackwater Sect was in a very difficult situation at that time.

But he didn't expect that the Red Dragon Girl would not only stand up and destroy the old demon Blackwater's powerful family in the Blackwater Sect...

She also formed an alliance with the Qingxuan Sect. The most astonishing thing is that in the next hundred years or so, the Red Dragon Girl not only advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage, but also formed an alliance with the Qianshan Sect of the Bishan Sect in the past few decades. In the battle, we have the upper hand...

The point is, the Red Dragon Girl has clever methods and has won over many immortal cultivators from the Bishan Sect and the Qianshan Sect. When the demon army attacked, she finally persuaded the two sects to join forces with her and surrender, becoming the Black Lord. A member of the waterbender.

This is also the reason why Red Dragon Girl now calls herself two sects.

This made Ye Han couldn't help but tease Red Dragon Girl. Now that he was practicing dual cultivation with the Black Water Sect's sect leader, he asked Red Dragon Girl to take care of her...

In fact, when immortal cultivators reach the Nascent Soul stage, they have already become very indifferent to the dual cultivation of men and women. Only those who are truly dual cultivators will be so addicted to this dual cultivation.

However, if the soul desires can be combined, this emotional catharsis will still have a special feeling.

The lifespan of an immortal cultivator is very long, but due to the fact that a successful immortal cultivator is in danger of losing his life at any time, natural disasters, man-made disasters, demons, monsters, catastrophes, and natural punishments may kill the immortal cultivator at any time.

Cherish the moment and live together by fate, so why care about the day and night between mortals, the love between me and me, and the sticky worldly emotions?

Ye Han also asked Red Dragon Girl about the whereabouts of some familiar people in Qingxuan Sect.

The most important ones are naturally Zhang Qingshan, Han Yuwan, Yulan Fairy and others...

It's a pity that the Red Dragon Girl said that Zhang Qingshan didn't know what happened to him. Like him, he hasn't come back to Qingxuan Sect for hundreds of years. But Han Yuwan, who is now a very powerful monk in the late Jindan period of Qingxuan Sect, Known as the first person under the Nascent Soul...

He is as famous as the Seventh Elder back then.

And Fairy Magnolia has also returned to Qingxuan Sect. She has reached the Golden Core stage and has made great progress in formations. She strengthened the forbidden defense of Tianyuan Defense Line...

Although he was defeated by the demon army, it was because the demon king spent a great price and sacrificed tens of thousands of immortal cultivators to summon the bloody demon to break the defense...

In the previous years of attacks, the Demon Lord was unable to do anything...

It can be said that in Tianlan, Fairy Yulan's formation is so powerful that no one can match it!

Some people even believe that Fairy Yulan's formation methods are ranked among the best in the entire Fengtian Continent.

It is worth mentioning that in this offensive battle of the demon army, in addition to the defense positions of the four Nascent Soul stage old monsters of the two major sects, they also had a plan to have the elite cultivators of the two sects join forces to form a secret formation. The army is attacking the Demon Lord’s rear...

The seven elders of Qingxuan Sect, led by Mingjing Yuanyingqi, Fairy Yulan, Han Yuwan, Yin Mo and other Jindanqi are also among them...

However, they encountered danger during the battle. If Ye Han hadn't appeared in time, they would have been in trouble.

Because they all sent messengers to Taoist Qingxuan to ask for help, then the situation must be bad...

This made Ye Han a little worried. The Red Dragon Girl told him that Taoist Qingxuan and several other Nascent Soul stages had already gone to rescue the Seventh Elder and the others. With Fairy Yulan's formation, there would be no problem.

This made Ye Han feel relieved.

However, during the dual cultivation with the Red Dragon Girl, Ye Han discovered the secret of why the Red Dragon Girl suddenly became so powerful. Sure enough, it was she who killed the old demon of Black Water and got ten points in the Ascension Palace of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Clan. An incredible legacy...

However, this inheritance and Ye Han's skills also complement each other, which is also a pretty good harvest for Ye Han...

That was the improvement of the Tianlong Ba Ti Kung Fu. It turned out that the Tian Long Ba Physique he had practiced before was not a complete kung fu, and there were still three levels of kung fu that were not available at the end.

This time, the Red Dragon Girl completed the technique for him, which gave Ye Han the opportunity to continue to improve his body-training technique...

Moreover, it will be of great benefit to the backlash of the Juehan Divine Sword in his right hand. Once the practice is successful, the backlash of the Juehan Divine Sword will be much smaller in the future.

Therefore, Ye Han also took out a bottle of multi-treasures containing blood essence, bone refining marrow, and used it to refine his own qi and blood.

It is worth mentioning that the blood essence and blood of the demon beasts he is using now is the blood essence and blood of ancient ancient beasts. The bone refining marrow is the bone refining marrow extracted from the bones of the Desolate King in the Desolate Land!

As long as he continues to practice the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique, he should be able to pass it. Under the effect of the bone refining essence and the blood of the ancient beast, the fifth level of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique has been successfully cultivated...

By then, his flesh and bones will be strengthened again, and his flesh alone will not be ordinary terrible...

While practicing the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique, Ye Han entered the Five Elements Soul-Suppressing Tower in the Purple Cauldron Space with his spiritual consciousness...

I saw that the flesh and soul of the Baotian Demon Lord were imprisoned in the magic-forbidden chains, and his body kept trembling, as if in great pain...

And the reason why Ye Han spent so many means to imprison the flesh of the Baotian Demon Lord was, on the one hand, because the Baotian Demon Lord was a real demon, and it was extremely difficult to kill him completely, otherwise he would not have let this guy escape and be reborn twice...

And killing this guy's clone would also anger the real Baotian Demon Lord, and if he made him take action against him, that would be troublesome.

On the other hand, Ye Han had his own plan. After Ye Han imprisoned the Demon Lord Bao Tian, ​​he found that the reason why the Demon Lord Bao Tian looked very similar to him was not just because they looked alike, but because of a special reason.

And this special reason gave Ye Han a new idea.

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