Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1428 Demon Clone? !

That is, the reason why the body of Baotian Demon Lord is like him is that this guy got a trace of his blood and energy to cultivate a body! !

Why is this so?

Ye Han didn't know exactly where he got his blood and energy from, but after this guy got his blood and energy, he actually used it to cultivate a new body...

It is obviously not a magical power that the Demon Lord's clone can have. It must be that the Demon Lord used some unknown method to let Baotian Demon Lord's original body cast some very powerful spells, so that this new body can have such powerful magic power, and it can recover quickly.

Otherwise, how could the injured and escaped Demon Lord's residual soul recover in such a short time and reach a higher level.

As for how this Demon Lord got a trace of his blood and energy...

It may be that when I fought with the Demon Lord, the blood and energy were collected by that guy, or it may be that I was injured in other places and was stolen by that guy by some unknown means...

In short, this matter is not too important. The important thing is that this guy's body has similarities with his own blood and energy.

This gave Ye Han a new idea, which was to find a way to separate the demon king's body from his soul.

Refining his own evil body clone.

Although Ye Han has been cultivating his clone, it is a normal clone cultivated by using the rebirth gourd. It has already taken shape and has one tenth of Ye Han's current magical power...

Of course, such magical power is still useful for ordinary cultivators below the Jindan stage, but it is impossible for the Yuanying stage.

So Ye Han does not need to use that thing when the clone is weak. After all, if a weak clone is killed, the loss is not ordinary. Not only will he lose the rebirth gourd, but also many treasure materials...

His original body will also suffer a lot of backlash, so before the clone is not strong enough, there is naturally no need to let it go out to take risks.

Ye Han wanted to use the body of the demon king in order to refine a new body...

Because he found that through continuous practice of the evil body technique, his body originally rejected the evil spirit, but because Ye Han's body opened up new meridians and evil pills...

So he still successfully cultivated the evil ghost body.

But Ye Han felt that opening up new tendons and evil pills was not a good thing for him.

So he has been studying how to separate the evil meridians and evil pills from his body.

But just separating them in vain would not only hurt his vitality, but also be too wasteful. This could be used to refine the evil pill and evil body technique of his own clone...

So he was thinking about whether he could refine a clone and transfer the evil meridians and evil pills possessed by the human body to the clone.

But his Rebirth Gourd, a celestial spiritual treasure, can only cultivate one clone...

If he wants to cultivate a second one, it is not an ordinary difficulty, unless he finds another celestial spiritual treasure like the Rebirth Gourd or other treasures of the same level.

This is not that easy!

Ye Han also thought about cultivating one by taking over the body of a cultivator or killing a monster...

But there is a new problem, because it requires the other party's spiritual roots or blood to be very compatible with his own...

This is something that can only be encountered by chance, because such requirements and restrictions are too difficult. Ye Han's spiritual roots are so complicated now, five elements spiritual roots plus thunder spiritual roots, ice spiritual roots...

Such an existence may not find a similar person in several interfaces.

And the similar blood is even more ridiculous, which means that he has to give birth to his own child with a woman...

Then taking over his own child, isn't that even more ridiculous?

So these two situations are more difficult for Ye Han than finding a Tongtian Lingbao...

However, after discovering the secret of the Demon Lord's body, Ye Han found that his problem was actually solved magically.

Although I don't know how the Demon Lord got his blood and what kind of magical secret method he used to reshape the body, it is very similar to his blood and meridians, and it is simply a part of his body peeled off.

These are not important anymore. What is important is that this demon king's body is so powerful, and his blood is similar to his own. Isn't that the material for the clone that is delivered to his door?

Thinking of this, Ye Han's consciousness moved and drove the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! The boundless rune aura of the formation was constantly stirred in the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower, forming countless rune imprisonment forces, which continued to surge into the demon king's body...

On the other side, the magic-forbidden chains began to penetrate into the demon king's body, releasing countless imprisonment runes inside, impacting the demon king's soul...

However, it is not so easy to separate the demon king's soul from the body. At least it will take Ye Han a long time...

However, Ye Han does not need to do it himself. As long as the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower absorbs the spiritual energy of the world in the purple tripod space and drives the boundless mana, it can suppress the resistance of this demon king...

It is only a matter of time before it is completely stripped away.

Seeing the chains penetrate deep into the demon king's body, the demon king's expression became very painful.

Ye Han didn't care. He used his spiritual consciousness to drive the puppet in the purple tripod space to plunder the demon king's body for the spoils of war and treasures...

The most precious of all is, of course, the Demon Lord's Blood-red Spear of the Heaven-reaching Demon Treasure.

This is the Heaven-reaching Demon Treasure. Although its power is not as strong as the Hand of God and Demon, it is also a very heaven-defying treasure.

Moreover, for Ye Han, his Hand of God and Demon has very pure golden demonic energy. If it is used to drive the Blood-red Spear of the Heaven-reaching Demon Treasure, it may be more powerful than the Demon Lord's...

However, relatively speaking, he must also practice several spear techniques, or spear intent techniques...

On the contrary, this is the Blood-red Spear and the Demon Lord's breath of blood recognition, the breath of refining. It is not easy to completely refine and dispel it.

In addition, there is nothing else that Ye Han can look at. There are many natural treasures, which are used to refine and strengthen treasures. There are many good things...

Ye Han's body is also practicing, and the purple-gold light runes on his body are trembling, and his body has become like a purple-gold metal figure...

However, Ye Han did not practice for long.

Because! Red Dragon Girl was really going to break through, so after beating him up, she told Ye Han that she was going back to Black Water Sect to retreat and break through to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul...

Red Dragon Girl looked at Ye Han flying away and said to herself: "Luckily, you allowed me to be reborn...!"

As she said this, Red Dragon Girl turned into a beam of light and flew away!

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