Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 177 Small Exchange Meeting

Ye Han attended their exchange meeting for the first time and became curious to see how they exchanged.

Because there are only a few of them here, the exchange method is not complicated. If you have any cultivation items that are in short supply, you can put forward your cultivation resources and see if the other people have the treasures of heaven, materials, and earth that others need. If you are willing to exchange them, If you change it, it's basically the same price.

Of course, it mainly depends on whether you are willing or not.

If that doesn't work, you can also directly use spirit stones. Basically, chain energy pills and spirit stones are hard currency that can be directly exchanged for treasures, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures among low-level monks.

Wang Lan took the lead and said: "Everyone, I have been practicing recently and want to increase the power of the magic weapon I mainly use. I want fire iron, or the beast crystal of the fire-type monster. Whoever has it can exchange it with me for what I need. "

Several other people looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating that they didn't.

"Senior Brother Wang Lan, the fire iron and the beast crystals of fire-type monsters you want are rare things, and we don't have them."

Ye Han thought about it for a moment, and then something moved in his mind. He had seen a piece of beast crystal from a fire-type monster in Master Montenegro's storage bag, but what should he exchange it for?

He really found that he had many things that he needed urgently.

Seeing the others shaking their heads, Ye Han said, "Senior Brother Wang Lan, I do have a piece of beast crystal from a fire-type monster."

After saying that, he patted the storage bag, and a fist-sized, red beast crystal with a faint red light and the aura of a monster appeared in his hand...

The value of this thing is not low. He remembers that when he and Zhang Qingshan obtained the water dragon beast crystal for the first time, they sold it for thousands of spirit stones.

However, in terms of quality and level of monsters, this fire monster crystal is still far behind.

Seeing that Ye Han actually took out the beast crystal of the fire-type monster, everyone showed horror and envy. This beast crystal is worth at least a thousand spiritual stones, but they didn't expect Ye Han to be able to take it out.

But when I thought about it, Ye Han was the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder. How could he become the registered disciple of the Golden Core Elder without any real ability?

Wang Lan looked at the beast crystal in Ye Han's hand with surprise in his eyes, and said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, can you show it to me?"

Ye Han threw it over casually: "Of course."

Wang Lan took it and looked at it over and over, full of desire. If this beast crystal is integrated into his own magical weapon, it can increase the power of his magical weapon by more than 30%. If they go to find the treasure in that place, More confident.

So Wang Lan said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye wants to exchange for something, as long as he has it, he will definitely exchange it with you."

Ye Han is the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder, so of course it is impossible to do anything to Ye Han.

But he must get the beast crystal of this fire monster. If it doesn't work, he can exchange it with Ye Han for the spirit stone. Although he doesn't have many spirit stones on hand, he can borrow it from a few people.

Ye Han said directly: "Senior brothers, if you have something that can increase your spiritual consciousness, or a great treasure that can increase the power of the wooden flying sword, you can exchange it with me!"

Yes, although he has practiced the Qingxin Kung Fu, this technique does not improve his spiritual consciousness very quickly. It is a technique that requires long-term persistence. He is now studying the sword formations in the Qingxuan Sword Technique of the Wood Spirit Flying Sword. .

He is still unable to use the six Wood Spirit Flying Swords, mainly because his spiritual consciousness is quite poor, so he should quickly strengthen his spiritual consciousness.

After hearing Ye Han's words, everyone looked at each other in confusion. Whether it was something that increased the cultivation of spiritual consciousness or a treasure that increased the power of the wooden flying sword, it was a rare thing.

Wang Lan thought for a moment, patted the storage bag, and a small bottle appeared in his hand. He said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, I have a middle-grade spirit pill that increases the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. It is suitable for the first time you take it." The cultivator of this elixir will gain a little more, but the value of this divine elixir is only five hundred spirit stones. How about I give you another five hundred spirit stones?"

Ye Han nodded without hesitation and said, "No problem, Senior Brother Wang Lan! It's settled."

Ye Han knew about the Spirit Pill. Although five hundred spirit stones could be purchased, they were very rare. If there were spirit stones, they might not be available, and it was one of the relatively scarce pills.

Anyway, the beast crystal of this fire monster is of no use to him now, so he can just exchange it for it.

Anyway, everyone gets what they need.

As the transaction between Ye Han and Wang Lan was successful, others also took out the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that they wanted to exchange, and exchanged them with others...

On the contrary, Ye Han had quite a lot of treasures and treasures that he could not sell, mainly the treasures he got from the Red Lady and the Black Mountain Master. He did not go to Han Qiushui in Qingyun City to sell them.

It would be nice to be able to take it out and exchange it for what you need.

Ye Han really had everything they needed.

Seeing that Ye Han was so generous and did not ask for a price, they couldn't help but secretly guess that there were other reasons why Ye Han was accepted as a registered disciple by the Seventh Elder.

According to rumors, Ye Han only came to Qingxuan Sect with the Qingxuan Order, and his background must be extraordinary.

After some exchanges, Ye Han got several treasures he needed.

The spirit pills exchanged with Wang Lan were exchanged with Wang Hongying and Lin Hongde for a small bottle of wood elf liquid that can increase the power of wood treasures, and with Wang Chunyang they were exchanged for two middle-grade body refining pills that enhance physical training.

Liu Jingzhi needed an earth treasure, and Ye Han also exchanged it for him.

However, he didn't have what Ye Han wanted, so he directly exchanged it for eight hundred spirit stones.

After the exchange meeting, everyone in Wang Lan got what they wanted. Although Ye Han didn't get many things, he also dealt with some of the things he wanted to deal with and was quite satisfied.

Now Wang Lan and others are not ordinary enthusiastic about Ye Han.

Previously, it was because Ye Han was not as good as them in cultivation, but he was the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder.

Now and after he has a lot of treasures, he can hold such an exchange meeting and exchange treasures with Ye Han, so he will naturally be very enthusiastic about Ye Han.

Everyone's attitude towards Ye Han was much better than the previous time...

Of course, they wouldn't have any bad thoughts towards Ye Han on Qixuan Peak. After all, they were in the sect, and Ye Han's identity was there. Wasn't the idea of ​​attacking Ye Han seeking death?

After the exchange meeting, Ye Han said goodbye to the others and went back to his cave.

After entering his cave, Ye Han took out all the things he had exchanged this time.

The Spirit Pill needs to be refined, and he can't take the Medium Body Refining Pill now, so he first took out the bottle of wood spirit liquid that increases wood treasures.

This bottle of spiritual liquid can increase the power of wood treasures, if used to enhance them. The number of Liumu Spirit Flying Swords is not enough.

So he decided to use it to strengthen the thorn ring. He didn't know how strong the thorn ring would become after using the wood elf liquid.

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