Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 178 Wood Elf Liquid

According to Lin Hongde and Wang Hongying, this bottle of spiritual liquid was obtained from an ancient secret realm and was very valuable.

Ye Han took two top-grade magic weapons and ten mid-grade Qi-refining pills, which were worth nearly four thousand spirit stones, to exchange for this bottle of wood spirit liquid.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Han's hand, and the Thorn Ring appeared in his hand. This top-grade magic weapon helped him a lot in many life-and-death duels.

Moreover, the Thorn Ring has been completely refined with the Refining Treasure Technique. With his own cultivation level improved, he can use this Thorn Ring better.

He has already mastered two of the three magical powers on the bracelet. The first one is the Thorn Cage, the second one is the Thorn Fist, and the third one, the Thorn Breaking Method, is about to be successfully comprehended.

If the power of the Thorn Ring continues to rise, even if he becomes a foundation-building cultivator, it will still be of great use.

Relatively speaking, this bottle of wood spirit liquid is not enough. If it is dispersed and added to the six wood spirit flying swords, the increased power is not much, and he has not completely refined the six flying swords, so the power is temporarily limited.

So he decided to use this small bottle of wood spirit liquid to enhance the thorn ring.

Ye Han picked up the wood spirit liquid and opened the bottle. A very pure wood spirit energy with an amazing vitality surged out.

The thorn ring in his hand immediately responded, and the leaves on the vines trembled slightly.

Ye Han dropped a drop of wood spirit liquid on the thorn ring, and the wood spirit liquid immediately penetrated the thorn ring.

The leaves on the thorn ring trembled slightly, emitting green runes, and the Tianling vine that refined the thorn ring seemed to come alive, and the breath also expanded.

Seeing this, Ye Han continued to drip wood spirit liquid. The withered Tianling vine on the thorn ring actually slowly glowed green, showing signs of coming back to life...

Ye Han was greatly surprised. The wood-type spiritual energy is the spiritual energy that contains the energy of life, so the immortal cultivators who practice wood-type skills generally have a much longer life span than the immortal cultivators of the same level...

However, everything has its pros and cons. The wood-type skills are more difficult to practice because it is a reaction to the induction of vitality.

Ye Han continued to drip wood spirit liquid on the thorn ring. As the thorn ring continued to absorb the wood spirit liquid, the Tianling vine on the thorn ring actually began to grow...

In a short while, the leaves on it doubled, and the vines grew one-third larger, and even grew some branches...

Such a magical scene was not expected by Ye Han. He felt that the power of the thorn ring should have increased a lot, and it was more than he imagined.

It seems that the actual value of this bottle of wood spirit liquid is much higher than the value judged by Wang Hongying and Lin Hongde...

After all, this bottle of wood spirit liquid was obtained from a secret realm in an ancient land, and they actually don't know what its specific functions and effects are.

Just thinking that Ye Han needs this wood spirit liquid to exchange for more things, he agreed to give it to Ye Han.

In fact, this kind of exchange will not only take what each needs, but also test the luck and manpower of the cultivators. If it is not good, it will naturally suffer.

Ye Han felt that the progress of the Thorny Ring was a bit beyond his expectations. It seems that he still made a lot of money.

After a while, the whole bottle of wood spirit liquid was completely absorbed by the Thorny Ring...

However, the Thorny Ring did not completely absorb these wood spirit liquids, and it was still growing slowly.

Ye Han felt the amazing breath of life emanating from the Thorny Ring. If it could completely absorb these wood spirit liquids.

This Thorny Ring may break through the limit of the upper grade and reach the legendary top-grade magic weapon.

The value can increase the value of the Thorny Ring by ten times, and the real power should increase by about twice.

Then I will make a lot of money this time.

Of course, the specific situation still depends on whether this thorny ring can reach such a level...

The thorny ring is absorbing the wood spirit liquid, and Ye Han does not put it into the storage bag but wears it directly on his wrist, and waits until the wood spirit liquid is completely absorbed before putting it back...

Then Ye Han took out the divine pill that he exchanged with Wang Lan. This pill exudes a special pill smell, which makes people feel very comfortable.

During this period, Ye Han also studied the sword formation in the Qingxuan Sword Technique a little bit, but to perform the sword formation in the Qingxuan Sword Technique, the spiritual consciousness must be able to control six wood spirit flying swords to arrange it.

Now he can only control four wood spirit flying swords with all his strength, mainly because his spiritual consciousness is not enough.

That's why Ye Han is so anxious to improve his spiritual consciousness. Although the Qingxin Gong can also improve his spiritual consciousness, the progress of cultivation is too slow.

So Ye Han took the divine pill and began to refine it slowly.

What was surprising was that when he was refining the divine pill, the purple cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness also emitted a faint purple light spot, which radiated and merged into the divine pill...

Ye Han felt that this purple light spot could increase the medicinal power of the divine pill a lot, and more importantly, it could promote his absorption.

This is really amazing.

After Ye Han absorbed and refined this divine pill, he felt a lot more relaxed in his head, and his spiritual consciousness actually grew by more than 20%.

This is not just a small improvement, but a huge improvement. You should know that the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator is extremely difficult to cultivate, especially for a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage. As a result, Ye Han's spiritual consciousness increased by more than 20% because he absorbed a spiritual pill. That is equivalent to practicing Qingxin Gong for more than a year to achieve this effect.

This is just a medium-grade spiritual pill.

Ye Han felt that he needed to get some more pills or treasures that could increase spiritual consciousness.

He decided to get some pills or treasures that could increase spiritual consciousness the next time he went to Qingyun City...

Sure enough, after the spiritual consciousness was improved, Ye Han could freely control the six wooden flying swords...

Time is like water, flowing like water, and it will never come back.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Ye Han took the initiative to walk out of the cave, and after a while, he came to the door of the Seventh Elder's cave...

Ye Han said respectfully outside: "Master!"

After a while, the voice of the Seventh Elder sounded in the air: "Ye Han, what do you want?"

Ye Han said: "Master! I want to go to Qingyun City to buy some necessary cultivation items, and I came to say hello to Master."

Yes, the Seventh Elder told Ye Han that if he wanted to go down the mountain, he must say hello to him.

Ye Han thought about making an appointment with Han Qiushui in Qingyun City, and then went to Tianningfang to see if there were any wood dragon roots over 300 years old. Now two months have passed, and he wants to go there, so he came to say hello.

I don't know if the Seventh Elder will let him go down the mountain.

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