Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2 Purple Cauldron

Erwazi had a dream. He dreamed that he was lying on a warm bed, and two figures were talking to him.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not see their appearance. He only felt that they looked familiar, their voices were gentle, and there was a rattle sound beside his ear...

It hurts...

The blurred picture shattered, and bursts of pain came from the back of his head. A strong smell of blood came, mixed with a somewhat disgusting and smelly smell. Yes, it was even stinkier than the cowshed...

He opened his eyes and suddenly saw a cow's eyes staring at him. He was shocked and almost jumped up.

But he calmed down and stopped moving.

Because it was indeed a cow's head in front of him. It was Wang Laocai's cow, which was dead. There were two cows lying on the side, and he was also caught in it.

Huff... Huff...

Then he heard a heavy breathing sound of a wild animal. Is the breathing sound more scary than that of a cow?

Erwazi usually sleeps in the hay house next to the cowshed. Cows will also make heavy breathing sounds when they sleep, but this sound is much more terrifying than that of cows.

He quietly looked up and saw an astonishing scene.

There was a faint light above the cave, and a huge monster that was bigger than three or four cows combined was lying there with its back to him.

This monster had dark red scales like snake scales on its back, and circles of black hair thicker than fingers on its neck. Its abdomen rose and fell with its breathing, and a fishy wind rolled up in the cave.

What kind of monster is this?

This... this is too big.

How could I be here? !

Erwazi's face changed, and he suddenly remembered that he was knocked unconscious by a violent impact, and it might have been knocked unconscious by this monster.

He bit his lips tightly to prevent himself from making any sound. If he alarmed this guy, he would be dead...

This big guy bit all of Wang Laocai's cows to death, and dragged him into the cave, knocking himself unconscious and putting him together with the dead cows.

God! This terrifying guy is hoarding food.

Erwazi understood. He had heard from the old hunter that some fierce beasts would capture prey and store it for food.

I was also stored as food.

No, I have to find a way to escape.

This guy is sleeping...

Erwazi thought to himself, and got up quietly and quietly. There was a tingling pain on the back of his head, and he didn't dare to look at the monster.

He held his breath and moved his body quietly. Suddenly, he saw that there were white skeletons all around, some of monsters and some of people...

Seeing this scene, Erwazi felt a chill on his back and his hair stood up.

Don't be afraid when you encounter a wild animal, because you will die if you are afraid.

Erwazi remembered what the old hunter had said to him before, and bit his lip. The severe pain made him calm down.

Don't be afraid, Erwazi, what is there to be afraid of! Being alive is the most important thing!

Encouraging himself in his heart, he moved carefully, one step at a time, and slowly moved towards the cave entrance.

While moving, he carefully observed the huge monster. The monster had a horn on its head with some strange patterns on it.

On the top of the monster's cave, there were several fist-sized, glowing stones.

This stone must be a treasure.

Erwazi looked at the glowing stone and thought to himself that it must be the gem that Mr. Lan Qing had talked about...

However, forget it. This monster could easily step on him to death. Don't take the risk...

For this gem, risking waking up this monster, is that too much?

Resisting the greed in his heart, Erwazi quietly moved his steps and walked towards the cave entrance.

He was about to reach the cave entrance.



He felt the ground soften, there was a sound of bones breaking, and there were some hard objects that hurt his feet...

His hair stood up all of a sudden, and Erwazi stared at the monster.

Fortunately, the monster was still sleeping and didn't seem to hear it.

Erwazi breathed a sigh of relief, looked down, and found a piece of soil on the ground, and some bones under the soil.

I was scared to death, if I woke this guy up, I would be finished.

Erwazi quietly lifted his foot, and the thing that hurt his foot, like a stone, actually emitted a faint purple light.

What is it?

Erwazi quietly squatted down and gently pushed away the soil.

Suddenly found that it was a small purple jade tripod, only the size of a walnut, and it was covered with mud.

This thing must be very valuable.

Thinking in his heart, Erwazi grabbed the purple jade tripod without hesitation and stuffed it into his pocket.

With this thing, he went to the city to exchange money and silver, maybe he could live a good life?

Feeling the heavy purple jade tripod in his arms, Erwazi was a little excited.

However, it was still important to escape.


At this time.


Erwazi suddenly felt the purple jade tripod in his arms vibrate.


The glowing stones on the top of the cave suddenly shone brightly, turned into dots of light, flew out, and flowed into the purple jade tripod in his arms.

What...what's going on?

Erwazi's face changed drastically, and he ran out of the cave.


The sleeping monster suddenly woke up and let out a terrible roar. The whole cave trembled, and the sand and dust in the cave were shaken to fall.

The monster was like a small mountain, and it could crush him into a meat pie with one foot...

Erwazi wished he could grow two more legs, so he ran out and rushed out of the cave. The moonlight was shining brightly outside, and bones were everywhere...

Boom boom boom...

A burst of heavy footsteps rushed out of the cave.

It's over, I definitely can't outrun this guy.

Erwazi was very worried. The monster was so big that even cows were bitten to death. How could he possibly outrun it?


Seeing a big rock next to the cave entrance, Erwazi had an idea and rushed over without hesitation, turned over and hid under the big rock.

Just hid.


The monster let out a frightening roar, rolled up a violent storm, rushed out of the cave, made an astonishing roar towards the valley in front, and rushed out crazily...


This monster was going crazy, constantly hitting those big trees, and all the huge trees were broken...

Erwazi hid behind the big rock and huddled up, not daring to let out a breath.

Fortunately, he was hiding here under the big rock. How could he, a child, outrun this big guy...


Erwazi didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.


The huge monster came back again.

Erwazi's face turned dark.

How did it come back? Have you discovered me?

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