Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 3 Goddess Fairy?


Boom boom boom...

The huge monster turned back and rushed back, and the ground was trampled and shook.

The monster looked very frightened and was about to rush back to the cave.

I saw a figure flying in mid-air, chasing the monster.

Erwazi's eyes widened when he saw this scene. What is going on? Such a big monster was actually being chased?

"Where are you bastards?" The figure squeaked, pointing its finger at the monster...

A sword light flew out from behind the figure, turned into a sharp sword light, and flew towards the huge monster.


The monster let out an earth-shaking roar, and the horn on its head trembled with circles of bloody characters, and it fiercely pushed towards the sword light that was flying over.


The horns collided with the flying sword light, causing a violent metal collision. The storm stirred up, flying sand and rocks, which was very shocking.

Who is this? Can you actually fight monsters?

Erwazi's face changed, and he had no idea what was going on. He braved it and quietly poked his head out to take a look.

I saw a beautiful woman wearing a green dress, standing on a lotus flower, flying continuously in mid-air, clicking with her fingers.

A long sword flew out in the air dizzyingly, turning into streaks of cold light, constantly attacking the monster.

The monster's horns were like red-hot irons, and it kept shaking its head, causing the sword's cold light to reverberate out.

The two sides were constantly colliding and colliding with each other, shaking up the storm in circles...

Erwazi's eyes almost fell out of his head when he looked at this scene.

Is this what Mr. Lan Qing said, is it immortal?

The monster howled in fear, suddenly gave up and rushed back to the cave, fleeing crazily into the distance.

"Don't even think about running away!" The beautiful woman roared angrily, and the lotus under her feet was shocked into a white light. She chased after her, and the sword light flew out one after another, chasing the monster...

Both sides chased each other and ran away in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the roar of the monster in the distance and the woman's roar, Erwazi froze in place.

He never thought that the kind of goddess Mr. Lan Qing mentioned would appear here.

All this has far exceeded his imagination.

It would be great if I could have such skill.

Erwazi suddenly had a great yearning for the flying sword used by the woman's flying escape.

However, he didn't dare to chase after him to see the situation, let alone he couldn't catch up.

It's more important to escape.

Erwazi was about to leave when suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. The monster couldn't defeat the god and would definitely not dare to come back.

Gritting his teeth, he returned to the cave. The small purple jade tripod he just picked up from the cave must be a treasure.

There are so many bones inside, it must be something left behind after someone was killed by the monster...

There should be something else.

Erwazi returned to the cave, took out a fire folding bag from his clothes, and opened it. The fire illuminated the cave. Qi Qi looked at the small purple jade cauldron that he had found on the dirt floor and dug it up.

First I dug out some bones, then I turned over a piece of cloth, and after digging again, I found it was a bulging package with something inside.

Don't be greedy.

Erwazi warned himself, quickly covered the hole, grabbed some bones and threw them on top. It looked like there were no flaws at all.

He didn't dare to stay too long. He didn't know when the powerful goddess would come back. Anyway, it was better not to meet her.

Carrying the package, Erwazi came out of the cave. The fire was extinguished, and he could only go out into the valley in the dark.

After leaving the valley, Erwazi did not dare to go down the mountain in the dark. The forest at night was very dangerous.

There should be a hunter's abandoned hut nearby. When he came to look for cattle, he saw it nearby and decided to stay there for one night until dawn.

I found the hut. No one had been inside for a long time. It smelled of decay, but it was relatively sturdy and not afraid of any wild beasts.

Hunters used to live here at night just to hunt at night. Since the hunters who went into the mountains to hunt could not come out, this place has been abandoned.

Erwazi closed the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the wooden bed.

"This time I'm really lucky and have a good fortune." Erwazi breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to himself.

As he said that, he took out the small purple jade cauldron from his arms and complained: "It's all my fault, okay, why bother moving it!"

When he took out the small cauldron and saw it, he was dumbfounded. The small cauldron that originally emitted purple light had turned into a stone. It had turned into a small stone cauldron.

"What's going on? It's obviously not like this." Erwazi looked at Xiaoding over and over again, his face confused.

However, he remembered that this thing suddenly vibrated, and the light from the glowing stones on the top of the cave was sucked in by the small cauldron.

It should have become like this after absorbing those lights.

Erwazi put down the small stone cauldron and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he put it aside. Then, he picked up the package and dusted it off.

Unwrapping the package, following the moonlight, I saw that there were two ingots of silver inside.

"I'm rich!" Erwazi was overjoyed.

These two big ingots of silver are worth ten taels each. Even Wang Laocai couldn't sell five cows for ten taels. He made a fortune!

He couldn't understand the other few things, a seemingly copper sign, a book, a jade slip, and nothing else.

Even though there was moonlight, I couldn't see clearly what was written in the book.

After tossing and turning for most of the night, he was tired and lay on the bed. He felt a little cold, so he covered himself with the wrapped cloth...

However, he tossed and turned, but he couldn't fall asleep.

His mind was full of wild thoughts. For a moment, he thought that it would be great if he could be as powerful as that goddess...

He also thought that he could take these silver and these things and go to the city to live a good life...

Anyway, he couldn't fall asleep.


The beautiful woman walked out of the cave and said with an unhappy face: "Damn, who got there first."

As she said that, she pointed her slender jade finger, and a white lotus flew out. Her figure floated up the lotus and flew into the sky.

"I don't believe you can run far!" The woman muttered to herself, and the lotus under her feet trembled with a spiritual light, and she began to search around in the mountains and forests.

As soon as she flew out of the valley, the woman's eyes emitted a cold light and looked towards the hut in the mountains and forests...

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