Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 4 Qingxuanmen

At noon, Erwazi woke up.

Last night, he was so excited that he fell asleep only when it was almost dawn...

He also had a beautiful dream. He dreamed that he had become a god, wearing a golden armor, stepping on the stars, flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, and killed the monster with one finger. He was so majestic.

"It would be great if the dream was true." Erwazi said to himself with unsatisfied feelings.

Suddenly, he sat up immediately, turned over the hay under him, and saw that the silver and those things were all there, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He put the silver in his pocket and picked up the copper plate.

It was heavy in the hand, with many beautiful patterns on it. On one side was a strange dragon shape, and on the back were two ancient characters Qingxuan.

Erwazi had learned ancient characters from Mr. Lan Qing, and he knew both of these characters.

"I don't know what it does." Erwazi played with the plate for a while and then put it away.

Then he picked up the book again. The cover of this book was actually made of leather and there was no name. He opened it and saw that it was written in ancient characters, Qingxuan Gong.

Erwazi took a look at it, but he couldn't understand the content at all. The meridians, qi, and Dantian were all very unfamiliar to him.

After reading a paragraph, Erwazi felt his head was a mess and he felt dizzy...

When Mr. Lan Qing taught, he knew it after teaching it once. He couldn't understand the content of Qingxuan Gong at all, and his head was dizzy.

Finally, he picked up the small tripod that had turned into a stone. Looking carefully, there was no mud on it. It was just like a stone, and the small lid couldn't be opened at all.

Although he felt that silver should be the least valuable thing among these things, he couldn't understand what any of these things were.

Silver was the most useful thing to him.

"Wang Laocai's cows were all killed by monsters. This Qingniu Village can't stay." Erwazi frowned and said to himself.

In the past, I was afraid of starving to death when I went to the city, but now I have silver, I am not afraid anymore.

Okay, let's go to the city to explore.

Erwazi had a plan in mind, stood up and was about to go out.

This cloth seems to be very special.

He suddenly touched the cloth that wrapped these things. It was buried in the ground for so long, but it was still brand new, without any signs of filth and decay. He reached out and touched it. It was smooth and soft...

This is a good thing.

Erwazi confirmed it in his heart.

Then he took out all the things, wrapped them with this piece of cloth, and went down the mountain...

After walking for more than an hour, Erwazi walked out of the forest and reached the hillside behind Qingniu Village.

Erwazi looked at the village, thought for a while, and walked towards Wang Laocai's home.

But it was a bit strange. The village was quiet, and there was not even a dog barking.

What's going on? Where are the people?

Erwazi thought with a vigilant face, and he didn't see anyone?

Did something happen?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry a little, after all, he had just experienced a magical thing yesterday.

When he arrived at Wang Laocai's house, he vaguely heard someone talking. It was Wang Laocai talking to his wife.

His heart skipped a beat. Wang Laocai's cows were all killed by monsters. How could he dare to see Wang Laocai?

So he crouched down and stuck to the wall.

Wang Laocai's wife said, "Erwazi, that bad boy, didn't come back all night, and the cow is gone, why don't you go look for him?"

"I want to look for him, but the Qingxuan Sect immortal said that all of us in the village can't go out for three days."

"Then we don't want our cow? Erwazi doesn't know whether he's dead or alive."

"Tsk! This kid lost his parents when he was young, and now his whereabouts are unknown. I'm so worried."

"It doesn't matter if the cow is gone, but he has to come back alive."

"Do you think he went into the mountains?"

"It will be troublesome if he goes into the mountains. After three days, I will ask someone to go into the mountains to look for him."

"Without the cow, we will be in trouble in the future."


Erwazi was hiding at the foot of the wall, and he was confused when he heard it. He didn't expect Wang Laocai to have a conscience and worry about him...

"Forget it." Erwazi took out a silver ingot from the package, looking reluctant.

Although the villagers said that Wang Laocai was rich, he was actually only slightly better off than the other villagers. He was also a farmer who farmed and herded cattle. Losing five cows was a disaster for his family...

He was alone, and thanks to their shelter, although he was not well fed, most people in the village were not well fed, so it was good enough for him to share a bite.

Just now, Wang Laocai and his friends mentioned that the immortals had kept them from going out for three days, and he immediately remembered the goddess.

He did not dare to show up, and gritted his teeth, and put the silver in the pot in the kitchen, and wrote a few words on the pot lid with a charcoal stick.

The cows were eaten by wild beasts, this is your compensation, I have left Qingniu Village.


He did not want to leave his name, but Wang Laocai wanted to go into the mountains to find him. He did not know whether the big monster in the mountains had been killed by the goddess, and it was too dangerous to go in.

Tell them where he was going, so that they would not look for him randomly.

This ingot of silver weighs ten taels, which can buy five cows in this era, and it can be regarded as a way to thank them for taking care of him.

After putting the silver in Wang Laocai's house, he thought for a while and went to Mr. Lan Qing again.

Mr. Lan Qing was the only one in the village who treated him well, and he also wanted to ask Mr. Lan Qing something.

What should I do when I go to the city? What is the Qingxuan Gong in that book? Mr. Lan Qing is the one who has read the most books in the village. He may know.

However, when he arrived at Mr. Lan Qing's place, the door was closed.

"Mr. Lan Qing!" Erwazi called in a low voice. There was no sound inside. He climbed over the wall and looked through the window. Mr. Lan Qing was not inside.

Erwazi asked curiously, "Where did Mr. Lan Qing go?"

After turning around, he found that many things had been taken away. Mr. Lan Qing seemed to have moved away.

Although he felt a little regretful that he could not see Mr. Lan Qing again, he looked at the sky and knew that if he did not set off, he would not be able to reach the city at night.

Erwazi stood in front of the big crooked tree at the entrance of the village and looked at Qingniu Village.

After a long while, Erwazi said without a trace of nostalgia: "Goodbye, Qingniu Village, only when I leave here will people call me Ye Han!"

As he said that, Erwazi left Qingniu Village with his bag on his back...


In the evening, Ye Han arrived at Wutong City in the wind. The city wall was more than ten feet high, and there were a lot of people coming in and out.

Ye Han followed the crowd and entered the city. There were vendors, all kinds of snacks, and strange things inside, which dazzled him...

"I must become a city dweller and make a name for myself here." Ye Han looked at the prosperous city and swore in his heart...

He had no idea how to become a city dweller. Anyway, he would stay in the city first.

However, he had been walking for a whole day and was already hungry. He had to find something to eat.

Although he had ten taels of silver on him, he didn't dare to spend it. He had observed for a long time that others bought things with copper coins. Ten taels of silver was not a small amount in the city.


"Hmm? Isn't that Mr. Lan Qing?" As he was walking, Ye Han suddenly found a familiar figure.

The other person was wearing a square scarf and a green dress. He could recognize him from the back. It was definitely Mr. Lan Qing.

He was delighted and hurriedly chased after him. Mr. Lan Qing was knowledgeable and a scholar. He must know a lot. He didn't find him in the village, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Mr. Lan Qing walked very fast. He chased him for more than ten feet and found that he walked into a huge three-story building with a few words on it, Yihongyuan.

There were also Yingying and Yanyan at the door, and women dressed revealingly...

What was this for? Ye Han was curious and followed him in.

"Stop!" A burly man stopped Ye Han and drove him away, "What are you doing here, kid? Go away! This is not a place for you, kid!"

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