Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2035 Three-tailed Teng Snake

Ye Han didn't expect that this damn guy had such terrifying magical powers! !

It's like he's waiting for his attack in front...

At the same time, Ye Han also saw that there was a huge black crack on this guy's huge face, which was twisted like a whirlpool, and the flesh and blood were blurred, making it look even more ferocious...

Obviously, this terrifying black whirlpool crack was the one that Ye Han hit this guy in the face with just now using the Vajra Fire God Technique!

No wonder this guy was so angry and bit him at Ye Han...

court death! ! ! !

Ye Han let out a roar, and suddenly held the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword with both hands, and his sword power was instantly injected into the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword.

Dageng Shenwu's swordsmanship and the Sword Emperor's divine sword are fused together.

All of a sudden! !

An extremely shocking and suffocating buzz of terrifying sword intent erupted from Ye Han's body. The flame breath of the Vajra Fire God Art transformed into a god and Nascent Soul recited a spell and kneaded...

At this moment! !

Ouch! ! ! ! That terrifying and suffocating bloody mouth instantly shattered the void space with a radius of more than ten thousand feet, and rushed towards Ye Han's crazy bite...


go! ! ! !

The white-haired female cultivator let out an astonishing cry, and her magic power exploded violently like a rainbow. A Yunluo big umbrella treasure appeared in the violent tide, and as the Yunluo big umbrella rotated, boundless terror erupted. The whirlwind storm exploded like a boundless hurricane, impacted thousands of feet, and bombarded the huge bloody mouth! !

It actually hit him faster than Ye Han.

With a violent and boundless roar, the storm collided with the extremely huge mouth continuously, crushing and impacting, creating ripples with extremely terrifying impact, ripples that shook the heaven and earth, and the suffocating storm rolled The impact is coming...

A shrill scream roared out of the guy's mouth, and he couldn't help but twist his bloody mouth...

And just in an instant! !

kill! ! !

The Sword Emperor Divine Sword in Ye Han's hand was shocked and shocked in an instant, and an astonishing and suffocating sword light was emitted, which was ten thousand feet long. It contained the sword intention of the Supreme Sword Emperor, and with the sword energy of Da Geng God's enlightenment of swordsmanship, it shot straight into the sky... …

The ten-thousand-foot-long sword light turned into a sword that was more than ten thousand feet in size, and the sword's power was so powerful that it crushed and impacted the monster's head.

Ouch! ! ! With a roar that shook the earth, the monster's teeth suddenly turned into diamond-like shapes, shocking and penetrating countless black runes, spinning a space-distorted light blade in it...

This guy was obviously aware of the danger, so he tried desperately to use his magical powers to stop him at this critical moment...

Die! ! ! !

Ye Han let out a roar, and the magical light exploded to the extreme at this moment. This terrifying and suffocating sword light directly pulled the world into two halves, and the space continued to tear apart wherever it passed! ! !

There was a loud and terrifying explosion of light that shook the earth and the earth. The entire radius of a hundred miles was filled with extremely terrifying violent explosions, spreading and impacting in all directions...

A terrifying storm continued to spread, causing the heaven and earth to twist and shatter at this moment.

The space cracks released by the monster were cut off in an instant, twisted and collapsed, and finally bombarded this guy's teeth full of terrifying rune auras...

Metal collisions like a violent storm, countless space cracks and sparks bursting out together, a terrifying hurricane for hundreds of miles, ripples of shock, and the sword light has already cut into this guy's huge body. On his face, black and purple blood also splattered out...

A shrill scream roared from the mouth of this terrifying existence, followed by an astonishing storm of space ripples that erupted in the air.

There was a terrifying storm, and the huge bloody mouth drilled directly into the void. The huge body, which was the tail of three huge fins, disappeared directly into the void... …

With a bang, the bright diamond sword light directly crossed the void world, spreading and impacting towards the distance...

Terrifying ripple storms grew in the void space wherever they passed, but the extremely huge monster beast that attacked was cut off in three pieces by this terrifying sword light!

If it had happened before, Ye Han would definitely have taken away the corpses and souls of these three monsters...

But now is not the time to delay, that bastard guy was not cut by himself, he was just injured, and he became even more furious.

He had just used the Diamond Fire Divine Art with all his strength, and now he had used the sword technique with all his strength. He had already exhausted all the purple cauldron and his own mana. He also quietly used the third-turn demon blood elixir to replenish the aura of the purple cauldron.

Only then could he display such terrifying magic power twice in a row.

Is this guy really in the stage of becoming a god?

When the white-haired female cultivator saw this scene, her eyes widened. This immortal cultivator was clearly at the God Transformation stage. Although his aura was much more powerful than the average God Transformation stage, he was able to release such terror. The magical attacks, fists, physical bodies, and sword skills are all at the level of the Void Refining Stage...

But how could it be that it was only in the stage of becoming a god? How could the immortals release such a natural talent?

The point is that after these two magical powers were used, this guy's aura was even scarier than before.

It's so strong! ! !

However, although she repelled the scary guy, the white-haired female cultivator was not happy about it.

The white-haired female cultivator shouted: "Go! That's the ancient monster three-tailed Teng Snake! It's not so easy to kill."

As she said that, she pointed her finger, and the treasure of the Tianluo Umbrella immediately shocked out a violent and boundless hurricane, sweeping her and Ye Han's figures, turning into a huge wave and rushing towards the distance.

Ye Han originally wanted to use other escape magic, but the treasure of the Yunluo Umbrella used by the white-haired female cultivator turned out to be a pseudo-immortal treasure.

The speed of this flying section was actually increasing continuously, much faster than his speed...

At the same time, he also found that the white-haired female cultivator was actually burning and exploding her own lifespan and blood essence to drive the Yunluo Umbrella, otherwise how could it be so fast?

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes moved slightly. In fact, the white-haired female cultivator could have escaped from fighting with the ancient monster three-tailed Teng Snake just now without taking action.

This guy didn't.

This made Ye Han's heart move. Perhaps, this white-haired female cultivator was still a...

At this moment.

A terrible roar came from a distance. Now it continued to roll and surge. The three-tailed Teng Snake was about to rush up again! !

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