Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2036 Immortal Clan Genealogy? ?

Boom... Boom... Boom!!!

The light bursting out from the Yunluo umbrella was getting faster and faster. It rushed out thousands of miles in just three breaths...

The white-haired female cultivator shouted to Ye Han: "Daoyou! Don't move!"

Ye Han frowned, and saw the white-haired female cultivator quickly pinching her fingers and chanting spells, releasing circles of amazing rune auras, which enveloped Ye Han.

Ye Han swept his consciousness and did not feel any strange and dangerous aura from it, so he did not resist...

With Ye Han's current powerful body, the white-haired female cultivator's current situation could not do anything to him.

Sure enough!

The white-haired female cultivator quickly pinched her fingers and chanted spells, and her eyes burst into a blue storm, and the rune aura burst out. She pushed hard at the Yunluo umbrella and shouted: "Collect!"

Buzz! ! ! !

Following a circle of extremely amazing spiritual runes trembling, the Yunluo umbrella suddenly closed, gathering Ye Han and the white-haired female cultivator together, almost close to the Yunluo umbrella...

This surprised Ye Han, he didn't expect this to happen.


With a bang, the rune spiritual light like a hurricane burst out from it, shocking out a violent and boundless hurricane. The Yunluo umbrella turned into a spear and rushed forward at a speed that suddenly increased several times...

A black and purple ripple storm shocked out in the air, forming a huge and hideous demon-like ghost face in front...


With a terrible suffocating explosion, the Yunluo umbrella pierced through the hideous demon face in an instant, attacking a huge hole, and boundless air waves rushed out...

And the Yunluo umbrella was not affected at all and directly accelerated again, and flew thousands of miles away after a few accelerations.


Damn it! ! ! !

In the chaotic and violent space, the three-tailed Teng Snake roared horribly and roared, and the ground was impacted by an endless and terrifying storm. Some of the monsters that were chasing were also trembling in fear.

Tens of thousands of miles away...

A shocking escape light streaked across the void.

Ye Han was wrapped in a circle of silky silk of the Yunluo umbrella, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did this silky cloth feel warm?

The feeling was too long, and Ye Han was a little distracted! But he immediately reacted. Wasn't the white-haired female cultivator too close to him?

Tsk! This dead woman took advantage of me! !

So, Ye Han's Vajra Fire God Power vibrated out.

"Ah?!" The white-haired female cultivator immediately felt a powerful attack force transmitted, screamed, and was directly shaken away...

A shocking light explosion vibrated out, and the Yunluo umbrella followed and dispersed, and Ye Han and the white-haired female cultivator both bounced out of it! !

Ye Han's body trembled and stopped in the air.

The white-haired female cultivator rolled over, her magic power burst out, and then she stopped. She couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! What are you doing?!"

As she spoke, the flying Yunluo umbrella spun in the distance, turned into a beam of light and flew back, swirling around the white-haired female cultivator, protecting her body...

Ye Han stared at her fiercely and said: "Don't do useless things. What did you say just now? And what did you do just now? Do you know who I am?"

Hearing Ye Han's question, the white-haired female cultivator choked, but she also reacted and said in surprise: "Daoyou! Are you a cultivator from the Immortal Clan?"

Although it was a questioning tone, her eyes were full of affirmation. Only cultivators from the Immortal Clan would pay so much attention to skin intimacy. They are very exclusive of cultivators outside of their race and family tree, including the Immortal Clan, and other races are even more exclusive.

No wonder he said that...

Of course, Ye Han had been taught by the Ghost God Demon Lord for a long time, and he knew the strange, arrogant, and racial cleanliness characteristics of these immortals! !

In fact, it feels okay...

Ye Han said coldly: "Is it related to you?"

The voice paused, and he said coldly: "You just said there is a strange fire? Where is it, tell me!!"

Looking at Ye Han's cold and indifferent look, the white-haired female cultivator was more certain of her guess. Although her cultivation was higher than his, she succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, but was chased by the three-tailed Teng Snake. If she hadn't met Ye Han, she might have been swallowed by the three-tailed Teng Snake...

So, the white-haired female cultivator's eyes moved, and suddenly said: "Daoyou, are you going to the Thousand Illusions Land to find the Thousand Illusions Strange Fire?"

The Vajra Fire Divine Art is not only famous in the immortals, but also in the fairy world of the elves. Although she only saw Ye Han perform it a few times, the white-haired female cultivator still recognized it at once. Ye Han practiced the Vajra Fire Divine Art.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have shouted out that she knew about the strange fire.

Because she thought that if she shouted like that, Ye Han would definitely be moved.

Now she was right, and the reason why the Vajra Fire Divine Art was famous was not because there were many immortal cultivators who practiced this immortal art, but on the contrary, there were very few immortal cultivators who practiced this Vajra Fire Divine Art.

It was because the immortals had a very famous immortal emperor who practiced this art, the Vajra Immortal Emperor! ! !

It was said that the Vajra Immortal Emperor had practiced the Vajra Fire Palace to the extreme and was one of the strongest immortal emperors in the immortals.

He once swept through the combined forces of the three tribes of the Demon Tribe, the Evil Dragon Tribe, and the White Spirit Tribe, and his battle was famous in all the worlds! !

This shows how powerful the Vajra Fire Divine Art was! ! !

But after so many years, it was said that there were only a few immortal cultivators who successfully practiced the Vajra Fire Palace.

And the immortal cultivator in front of him had such success in practicing the Vajra Fire God Art. He was only at the peak of the Spiritualization Stage, but he actually burst out with power comparable to the peak of the third level of the Void Refining Stage...

From this, it can be seen that the Vajra Fire God Art is not in vain.

And it is rumored that in order to practice the Vajra Fire God Art to a higher level, more exotic fires must be tempered to be able to refine a higher level.

So after the white-haired female cultivator recognized Ye Han's skills, she shouted at him like this...

Of course, she was not talking nonsense in a hurry.

And Ye Han heard the words of the white-haired female cultivator, his eyes moved, and he said lightly: "Do you know where the Thousand Illusionary Fire is? Don't lie to me, I have searched the entire Thousand Illusionary Land, and there is no Thousand Illusionary Fire at all!!"

Since the white-haired female cultivator mentioned this, he naturally followed this topic. Of course, he was indeed practicing the Vajra Fire God Art, and he did need exotic fire. If he could get it, it would be the best.

Anyway, the Ghost God Demon Lord didn't tell him when to arrive at Tianjian Immortal City or when to complete the mission...

In fact, the Vajra Fire Divine Art requires him to practice at a higher level, which is more beneficial to his actions.

However, the white-haired female cultivator immediately said: "Daoyou! You can't find the Thousand Illusion Fire in the Thousand Illusion Land! Because the Thousand Illusion Fire was taken away!!"

Ye Han's heart moved and asked: "Do you know where it is?"

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