Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2051 Two chance encounters? !

Seeing this female cultivator, Ye Han said coldly: "What's the matter?"

This alien female cultivator didn't know what race she was from. She deliberately cultivated her body to be like the immortals to attract immortal cultivators. Her intention was not simple...

And after Ye Han carefully sensed it, he found that this woman was actually in the stage of transformation of spirits, and her cultivation was very deep. Such a cultivator also sought to establish a relationship with the immortals, wanting to become their furnace and enter the immortal land!

On this way, Ye Han had met many alien female cultivators who took the initiative to greet him...

Basically, they were in the stage of transformation of spirits. After all, the cultivators were respected by the strong. If low-level cultivators greeted high-level cultivators, especially those of the immortals, those with bad tempers would be killed directly, and no one cared.

In the immortal continent, the immortals, especially those in the immortal genealogy, had a very important status.

Seeing Ye Han's unfriendly expression, the red-haired female cultivator's face trembled slightly, and she said cautiously: "Daoyou! Do you have this?!"

While speaking, the red-haired female cultivator turned her hand, and there was a token in her palm, which was the same as the one given to him by the Ghost God Demon Lord.

Ye Han's eyes moved slightly, but he said: "I don't have such a thing! Daoyou's way of finding people is a bit special!"

As he said, he walked forward with his head held high.

The red-haired female cultivator listened to Ye Han's pointed words, her face changed slightly, and frowned and said: "Then I'm sorry to bother you, Daoyou!"

While speaking, the red-haired female cultivator frowned and put away the token in her hand, and couldn't help muttering: "What the hell is this? Let me busy myself for nothing?!"

As she said, the red-haired female cultivator turned and walked in the opposite direction of Ye Han.

Although Ye Han ignored the female cultivator, when he glanced at the token, he had already fully realized that the token was exactly the same as the token given to him by the Ghost God Demon Lord.

And when he turned around, he also heard the words of the red-haired female cultivator, and she said it to him on purpose, obviously testing something!

This made Ye Han very strange, there is not only one token? And looking at the appearance of the female cultivator, it doesn't seem like she was transformed into a fairy physique by the water of the fairyland like him.

Obviously, this red-haired female cultivator is not a member of the Ghost God Demon Lord.

What is the situation?

Ye Han couldn't figure out the situation, but he didn't act rashly to say anything to the female cultivator. After all, the Ghost God Demon Lord is a demon, and is a mortal enemy of the fairy clan...

If his identity is exposed, there is only one way to die in this Tianjian Fairy City.

Although he hasn't deliberately sensed it, he can sense an extremely powerful breath in many places. At least, there are more than five fairy kings in this Tianjian Fairy City...

They are in the four families in the southeast, northwest, and northeast, and there is a stronger fairy king in the huge palace in the middle.

Naturally, now Ye Han can only follow the token patiently, and it is also a good opportunity to inquire about and observe the activities and characteristics of the upper realm cultivators.

Ye Han gained a lot, and his state of mind also changed. He was in a good mood to practice the secret method of Taoism and nature...

Ye Han walked on this street with his head held high. There were not many immortal cultivators coming and going. It might be related to the fact that the immortals only gave birth to fetuses with spiritual roots. There were not many immortals, and most of them were immortal cultivators of other races.

In the words of the immortals, it was to accommodate thousands of races to become part of the immortals. In fact, it was just a strategy to weaken other races and strengthen their own race.

After all, immortal cultivators who have achieved immortality would not care about the survival of their races, and there are so many benefits to becoming an immortal. It is also what the immortals have always done to make some weak races gradually lose their excellent qualifications.

After turning for several hours, the token that had not responded for a long time suddenly responded again...

Ye Han's heart moved, and he went in the direction of the token. Anyway, he was not in a hurry now. For an existence like the Ghost God Demon Lord, even thousands of years would not be too long.

After all, it was their first time to comprehend the laws of heaven and the secrets of magic. Each retreat might take thousands of years.

Naturally, there was no need to be too anxious. Moreover, such a powerful existence as the Ghost God Demon Lord would take so much trouble to ask Ye Han to come to Tianjian Fairy City to do things. It would definitely not be done in a short time. If it were easy, would he still need to trouble him?

So Ye Han also adjusted his state of mind and was not in a hurry about this matter. If there was a reaction, he would follow the token reaction. If there was no reaction, he would wait and see the life of the immortals!

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days had passed.

Ye Han walked on a long mountain road. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was very abundant. This mountain was also one of the few open mountains that allowed cultivators to enter freely. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was very abundant, and there were exotic flowers and plants everywhere.

Ye Han didn't want to come here either.

But the token pointed to this place...

On the contrary, Ye Han had just reached the middle of the mountain when the communication token on his waist transmitted Zhuge Baiqing's voice: "Fellow Daoist Ye! Where are you?!"

Ye Han's heart moved, he picked up the token, and with a stroke of the spell, the communication token cut off the connection with Zhuge Baiqing.

Zhuge Baiqing had contacted him several times in the past few days, and he might be a little anxious, but where could he take her? The matter of the Ghost God Demon Lord was still troublesome...

Just after cutting off the transmission of the token, Ye Han suddenly felt that the induction aura of the token given to him by the Youshen Demon Lord suddenly became stronger, and the direction was in a small valley of this mountain peak.

Sensing this situation, Ye Han suddenly moved and turned into a ray of light, moving in that direction at an alarming speed. At Ye Han's speed, he was outside the valley in a few flashes.

As soon as he stood upright, his face moved and he looked to one side...

A figure flashed out, a red-haired female cultivator with a voluptuous figure and very eye-catching fiery red hair appeared in the distance...

Seeing Ye Han, the red-haired female cultivator was stunned, frowned, and said to Ye Han: "Fellow Taoist! Last time I saw you, you told me that you don't have that token."

Ye Han glanced at her lightly and said, "Can't I get it these days?"

As soon as these words came out, the red-haired female cultivator choked and was about to retort to Ye Han...


An extremely arrogant voice came out from the valley: "If you want to participate, come in, don't talk nonsense! If you don't want to participate."

This voice was full of arrogance and very rude.

Ye Han and the red-haired female cultivator looked at each other and walked into the valley. They had just reached a forbidden light barrier in front of the valley!

The tokens in their hands suddenly had special mana rune fluctuations...

Buzzing circles of mysterious gray runes rippled out from the token, turning into ripples of gray light that swept across Ye Han's figure.

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