Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2052 Mysterious Trial

Ye Han felt that his blood and aura were undergoing a special change, becoming very secretive, and there was no aura at all.

The same goes for the red-haired female cultivator on the other side. After a circle of gray light runes swept across her body, her aura became very secretive. Even her appearance and body shape changed a lot. Even her exaggerated figure was still original appearance.

Ye Han sensed his breath at random, and his body shape also changed, turning into a middle-aged immortal cultivator with gray hair.

Moreover, Ye Han couldn't even sense this change, it was because of some magical power that fixed the changes in him.

This token is very simple.

But no matter what, no one knows his true aura and identity...


Didn't this red-haired nun meet me twice by chance?

Tsk, it seems like there is a bit of trouble.

The red-haired female cultivator also sensed this situation, frowned slightly, and cautiously sent a message to Ye Han: "Fellow Taoist! I will keep it a secret. Please don't worry, fellow Taoist."

Of course she knew that Ye Han, a member of the immortal clan, actually came here. She happened to meet him twice and knew his true identity and appearance. Tsk! If only you had come earlier!

Ye Han glanced at her, said nothing, and walked into the valley with his head raised.

Although Ye Han didn't say anything, the warning look and the terrifying aura made the red-haired female cultivator tremble and shudder...

This guy is not someone he can provoke, he clearly looks like he is in the God Transformation Stage! !


This guy is a fairy, why did he come to join in the fun?

Thinking this way, her eyes were full of anxiety, but she still walked into the valley...

Ye Han walked in the valley, carefully pondering the man's words. Come in if you want to participate, and get out if you don't want to participate?

It means that there should be many immortal cultivators coming to participate, but why does Lord Youshen Demon come by himself? Is it to test yourself? Or do you have a special mission?

This Youshen Demon Lord really didn’t say anything to himself, he only let himself come here...

I know that now I can only take one step at a time. Whether I can survive depends on my luck and whether I can help Lord Youshen accomplish this.

If it can't be done successfully, it's useless to say anything. Now he is the meat on someone's chopping board! !

This valley looks very ordinary, not particularly spacious, but the entire valley is controlled by prohibitions and restrictions, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be released. This is not a magical power that ordinary cultivators can develop.

I don’t know why I had to wander around that day in Jianxian City for almost a month...

When Ye Han and the red-haired female cultivator walked into the valley, there was a flat land in the valley, and at the end was a cliff. There was a hole on the cliff, and a dozen cultivators were already sitting around the flat land.

These dozen or so immortal cultivators have different appearances and races, and it is impossible to tell which race they are.

Of course, these guys should have had their breath and body shape changed by the mysterious runes of the token. Their true appearance and breath will not be what they are in front of them.

Looking at these dozen immortal cultivators, Ye Han's eyes moved slightly...

The dozen or so immortal cultivators also looked at him in unison. Just from the supernatural and suffocating eyes, it could be seen that these guys were all at the stage of becoming gods.

What the hell is this token? He actually summoned so many immortal cultivators in the transformation stage? After all, this is the territory of the Immortal Clan. Gathering these god-level immortal cultivators can't accomplish much.

And on the cliff, the extremely arrogant voice came from a hole and said: "Sit down!"

Ye Han didn't care about the red-haired female cultivator's reaction and just found an empty futon to sit on.

The red-haired female cultivator also looked like she didn't recognize Ye Han at all and sat down in another seat.

Because the spiritual consciousness cannot be released, and everyone's body has been changed by the token, their aura and appearance can't tell the origin of each other at all.

Naturally, Ye Han had just ascended from the earth realm to the heavenly realm. He didn't really know more than five immortal cultivators, so naturally there was nothing interesting to see, so he just meditated and practiced on his own.

Suddenly the whole valley was quiet. Although there were many people, no one spoke.

Afterwards, the immortal cultivators in the transformation stage came in one after another.

More than an hour later.

There were originally only a dozen immortal cultivators in the valley, but now there were thirty-one immortal cultivators including Ye Han.

At this time, the arrogant voice came from the cave and said: "Okay! There are only thirty-one of you who have passed the first level test. You don't need to ask me what you want to do or what you want to know. I’ll tell you, just remember and do what I say.”

As this arrogant voice came out, the immortal cultivators in the entire valley frowned slightly, but they all remembered nothing and made no sound.

Although Ye Han also has many weird thoughts and puzzles in his heart, he knows that he is in trouble. He has been completely locked into his soul by the Demon Lord Youshen. It is not easy for him to deal with him.

Naturally, I won't lose my life because of this curiosity and trouble! !

The other guys probably came here for various reasons, and Ye Han had no way of knowing what they were. He even felt that a few of them were people like the Netherworld Demon Lord like himself.

And the voice seemed very satisfied with everyone's duties, and continued: "Very good! You are very sensible!"

As soon as his voice fell.

Groups of golden light balls flew out of the cave, and there were exactly 31 light balls, flying towards every cultivator present.

Ye Han looked at the golden light balls flying over, and saw that there was a strange fur inside, with many routes and marks drawn on the fur, which looked like a map.

The voice continued: "This is where you are going next. I can give you a hint. That place is to the north of here. When you go, don't alarm anyone. You only have two days. Those who can go there can continue to the next step."

As soon as the guy's voice fell.

Buzzing circles of golden light runes came from the cushions under everyone. These cushions actually emitted a stream of space runes and space power!

These cushions can actually be used to teleport?

Before Ye Han could think about it, there was a buzzing sound of spiritual light trembling, and his figure had been sucked into the space transmission.

The next moment!

Ye Han felt his figure appear in a desolate place...

At the same time, Ye Han felt the changes that had taken place in himself.

Hmm? What's going on? I've changed again? !

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