Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2018 This woman is still alive? !

Ye Han frowned when he heard the message from the communication token. It was Zhuge Baiqing's message...

Is Zhuge Baiqing trapped in Broken Pagoda Mountain? Asking him for help? !

Hearing this message, Ye Han showed a strange look. According to what he had learned from reading books in the Wanshulou of the Yuwen family during this period, Broken Pagoda Mountain is a well-known dangerous place in the Tianling Realm. It is said that it is connected to another mysterious interface. From time to time, some strange towers will emerge, and there are many opportunities on these towers.

Many cultivators with good strength will go there to find opportunities.

In fact, no matter which interface, if cultivators want to obtain more cultivation resources, more protection, and more opportunities to advance, they need to go to various dangerous places to find opportunities, treasures, and opportunities to advance...

This is the eternal cultivation method of cultivators. If you can cultivate immortality by meditating and practicing in one place, then there will not be so many fights among these cultivators.

If everyone can find a place with abundant spiritual energy to meditate and practice, then there will be no trouble. Just practice.

Ye Han saw the message from Zhuge Baiqing, smiled bitterly, put it away, and did not reply to Zhuge Baiqing as usual.

He is now under the control of two super cultivators, and he has no choice. How can he save Zhuge Baiqing?

Besides, his relationship with Zhuge Baiqing is just average, and he can't risk saving people.

Zhuge Baiqing, a cultivator in the Refining Void Stage, has practiced for so many years, and he should know what danger he has encountered. He can only rely on himself. Sending a distress message should be the only way out.

Thinking of this, Ye Han continued to chant the spell with full concentration, and his magic power continued to form a series of green light whirlwind flames, sweeping towards the flesh and blood of the three-tailed Teng Snake...

As the green light and flames continued to sweep, a little bit of crystal clear blood, like transparent water drops, dripped into the divine fire pool.

Every drop of crystal clear blood of the three-tailed Teng Snake dripped into the divine fire pool, and it would emit a strong, suffocating smell of blood and a violent breath.

However, under the refining of the divine fire pool, it turned into strands of crystal clear blood and flowed into the treasure refining furnace...

Fairy Bai quickly pinched her fingers and chanted spells outside the treasure refining furnace, releasing strands of white light and mana that flowed into the alchemy furnace, and then helped Ye Han refine the sixth-level demon blood elixir.

After so many years of controlling and refining the White Dragon Guantian Zun, Fairy Bai can now truly exert the strength of a puppet in the Refining Void Stage.

Especially when helping Ye Han refine pills, with the mana cultivation of the Refining Void Stage, the success rate of refining the demon blood elixir is already very high.

And it can also help Ye Han save a lot of mana.

Now Fairy Bai is Ye Han's biggest assistant.

After all, in a place like Tianjian Immortal City, or in the place of Youshen Demon Lord and Tianxuan Star King, Ye Han could never release the Purple Cauldron and absorb the ancient human heritage of the Purple Cauldron.

In fact, Ye Han now feels like he is guarding a treasure mountain, but he dare not use it.

As time goes by, the crystal clear blood essence refined from the flesh and blood of the three-tailed vine snake is increasing, and the violent aura of the whole space is getting stronger and stronger.

This three-tailed Teng Snake, which was refined by Youshen Demon Lord, has no impurities, otherwise Ye Han would not be in a hurry to refine the sixth-level demon blood elixir.

After all, for an existence like the three-tailed Teng Snake, just refining the blood essence of this guy is also a very troublesome thing, and it consumes a lot of mana and energy.

Three months later...

Ye Han looked at the eight sixth-level demon blood elixirs in front of him, and each of them sent out blood-red information, forming the phantom of the three-tailed Teng Snake spinning in it.

This three-tailed Teng Snake, an ancient spirit beast of the Void Refining Stage, far surpassing ordinary demon beasts, was only able to successfully refine eight sixth-level demon blood elixirs despite Ye Han's refining at all costs.

However, this was beyond Ye Han's expectations. He originally thought that it would be good to be able to successfully refine three.

The eight were due to a certain amount of luck. That was because during the refining process, Fairy Bai suddenly advanced to a higher level of cultivation, which greatly increased the success rate later.

With these eight sixth-level demon blood elixirs, he would be a great help in breaking through the Void Refining Stage in the future.

And in the Wanshulou of Ye Han's Yuwen family, he read some books about breaking through the Void Refining Stage.

Although most of the opponents Ye Han encountered after entering the Heavenly Spirit Realm from the Earth Realm through the Ascension Channel were in the Void Refining Stage, in fact, even in a place like the Heavenly Spirit Realm with abundant cultivation resources and abundant spiritual energy, it is not so easy to advance to the Void Refining Stage.

There are many elixirs that can help you advance to the Void Refining Stage. Even in the Dan Building of the Yuwen Family, there are also exchangeable Shen Lian Dan for the advanced Void Refining Stage, which can also increase the probability of advancing to the Void Refining Stage.

Unfortunately, although Ye Han is an important person cultivated by Tianxuan Star King and has a very high status in the Yuwen Family, he does not have enough merit contribution level to exchange for this Shen Lian Dan.

In addition to the Shen Lian Dan, there are other elixirs that can also increase the probability of advancing to the Void Refining Stage, such as the Sanchong Wanyao Dan, Qingling Powder, etc.

Unfortunately, these elixirs are very rare and very valuable. When one appears, countless immortal cultivators and families will compete to exchange it.

These elixirs have appeared in the auction house of Tianjian Immortal City...

It is not easy for Ye Han to get one now.

So Ye Han can only consider improving his alchemy skills and refining one himself.

What makes Ye Han feel more relieved is that after successfully practicing the fourth level of Vajra Fire God Art and breaking through the limit of his physical body in the Zhentian Tower of Tianxuan Star King, his life span has increased by thousands of years again. Now he still has nearly ten thousand years of life span, enough time to practice and advance to the Refining Void Stage.

However, Tianxuan Star King should not give him this time...

Sure enough, after a few months.

Ye Han received an order from Tianxuan Star King.

"Ye Han! A new tower has been born in Pota Mountain! Go find something for this star king! Someone will help you!"

Ye Han looked at the content of the communication talisman in his hand and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that Zhuge Baiqing asked him for help not long ago and said that he was trapped somewhere in Pota Mountain, and Tianxuan Star King actually asked him to go to Pota Mountain.

It seems that he has to go to Pota Mountain by himself.

Sure enough, not long after, the Yuwen Patriarch sent a message to ask Ye Han to go to the Yuwen Family Hall...

Ye Han walked into the Yuwen Family Hall and saw a familiar figure as soon as he entered: "This woman is still alive?!"

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