Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2071 Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai

In an endless expanse of overlapping layers, there are huge cliffs that are crisscrossed and crisscrossed, and there are huge pits below. From time to time, the roars of ferocious and furious monsters can be heard.

In the air, three beams of light are flying across the sky above this endless cliff at a very fast speed...

Ye Han looked at the red-haired female cultivator on the side, and felt a little emotional. This woman was the red-haired female cultivator who greeted him when he first came to Tianjian Immortal City.

Later, when Tianxuanxing King called for the trial selection, he met her again at the entrance of the valley.

He originally thought that according to the cruelty of the second level of the Desolate Valley, he felt that the red-haired female cultivator must have died in the second level.

After all, only six of the thirty-one cultivators survived the second level, and the main test was the physical body. Female cultivators have always been at a disadvantage in the body training.

Of course, if the races are different and different, they cannot be mixed up. In the books that Ye Han has read, there is also a race called the Female Barbarians, where the female cultivators have very strong bodies and very few single people.

There are even rumors that they are hermaphrodites. Ye Han naturally doesn't know what's going on.

Because this race does not exist in the Tianling Realm.

So Ye Han always thought that the red-haired female cultivator had already fallen, but this time, when the ancestor Yuwen asked him to talk about the arrangement of the Tianxuan Star King.

This red-haired female cultivator has already arrived. She is one of the helpers arranged by the Tianxuan Star King for him, named Yuwen Hong.

This Yuwen Hong is of course not a real cultivator of the Yuwen family. She should be arranged by the Tianxuan Star King like Ye Han.

Because this Yuwen Hong should be a cultivator of the red-haired tribe, or a cultivator of the red demon tribe, which is originally a relatively weak race, and it is impossible to be a half-immortal tribe of the Yuwen family!

The other young man, with a bald head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a golden armor, with very thin ears and speaking in a muffled voice, was another helper, Bafang Cailai.

When Ye Han heard his name for the first time, he wondered if he had heard it wrong. How could someone give such a name?

However, Bafang Cailai explained in a muffled voice that he was a cultivator of the Zhuijin clan, and such a name was hard to come by.

If Bafang Cailai was from the Zhuijin clan, it would make Ye Han understand a little. This race has a talent, which is to find extremely rare metals or spiritual veins, and they are also very keen on finding these treasures. This is their means of survival, and they pay attention to good and bad luck. They believe that if their names are very auspicious, they will bring good luck.

This is also what Ye Han saw when he was reading these books, and such a strange race is very important, not just the Zhuijin clan.

It is the appearance and silly look of Bafang Cailai that reminds Ye Han of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan.

If you think about it, although his soul is controlled by the Ghost God Demon Lord and there is the threat of Tianxuan Star King, he can barely gain a foothold in the Tianling Realm.

I don’t know what happened to Mr. Liu, Zhang Qingshan, and Mr. Lanqing who separated from me.

But intuitively, they should still be alive. At least, if Mr. Liu is there, although he is with the very weak Zhang Qingshan and Mr. Lanqing, the mysterious Mr. Liu seems to know a lot about the Tianling Realm, so they should be much safer than him and Ye Tianyu.

Speaking of Ye Tianyu, Ye Han has been trying to restore his life span over the years, but no matter what method he uses, the effect is extremely weak, just making his soul linger.

This has also become one of Ye Han’s knots. After all, he still hasn’t figured out what’s going on between Ye Tianyu and himself.

It was the Tianxuan Star King who asked Bafangcai to go to Pota Mountain with Yuwenhong to ask Ye Han to find something.

According to some descriptions and records about Broken Pagoda Mountain that Ye Han had seen, it was unknown what was going on with Broken Pagoda Mountain. Every thousand or hundred years, some towers that had not been explored would appear...

This time, Ye Han was going to bring Bafangcai and Yuwen Hong to Broken Pagoda Mountain to look for a fragment of the prehistoric stone tablet there, which was said to be likely to appear in the new tower.

Of course, it was impossible for the old ancestor Yuwen to know the purpose of the Tianxuan Star King.

However, Ye Han intuitively felt that the purpose of the arrangement made by the Tianxuan Star King this time might not be to let him find some treasures, but to test his ability.

After all, if he really wanted to find some wild stone tablet in Broken Pagoda Mountain, it would be easy for the Tianxuan Star King to get it himself with his cultivation.

Even if he didn't do it himself, it would be much easier to let the Yuwen family send more people.

So, Ye Han clearly knew that the Tianxuan Star King probably wanted to test him, and there were still things to arrange for the later plan. After all, the Tianxuan Star King spent so much energy selecting him, so of course it was a very important thing for him to do.

It is normal to test him for the sake of caution.

However, how did the Ghost God Demon Lord know the arrangements of the Heavenly Star King? This is very strange.

Ye Han felt that he was trapped in a very big conspiracy. If he was not careful, he would be dead. It turned out that this path of cultivation was also very normal.

After all, it involved two super cultivators in the fusion stage, and they were not ordinary fusion stages.

The Pota Mountain they were going to was not close. At their current speed, it would take more than ten days to fly there, and they would have to pass through many dangerous places.

The red cliff below was one of them.

Or it was true that what was said would come true.

Just when the three were about to fly out of the Red Ghost Cliff.

A terrible roar came from a huge pit mountain range on the Red Ghost Cliff...

The whole sky was shaking and surging with an endless storm, followed by a large area of ​​black and gray ghost fog, emitting a cold and icy breath, rushing out from it, and the area within a hundred miles became cold and gloomy.

Feeling this situation, the faces of the three people moved slightly.

Yuwen Hong looked at Ye Han and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, there is no need for us to linger here! Let's go!!"

As he spoke, Yuwen Hong was about to speed up and fly away...

But Bafang Cailai's eyes suddenly flashed, and his slender ears trembled slightly. The frequency of vibration was very exaggerated, and there was a buzzing sound. It was obvious that he was performing some secret method.

Suddenly, Bafang Cailai said happily, "Wait a minute! Two fellow Daoists! There are good things below."

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