Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2083 Blood Sacrifice Summoning!!

You should know that now the two of them have paid a big price and sacrificed their future chances of becoming immortals, so that they can advance to the cultivation level of half of the Refining Void Stage.

Although Ye Han's cultivation level is the Great Perfection of the Transformation Spirit Stage, his aura is very terrifying, which makes them feel very dangerous, but after all, the gap in realm is definitely not so easy to make up.

However, before their two consciousnesses sensed what happened in front, Ye Han actually felt what happened in front, which means that Ye Han's consciousness cultivation is far superior to theirs!

This situation naturally surprised them quite a bit, no wonder he was the one that the mysterious existence valued the most.

Before, they were still very dissatisfied with this guy, although because of the trap of the Ghost Dao Immortal, they lost face and had to submit to Ye Han.

But in their hearts, they still looked down on Ye Han a little. After all, the gap in cultivation level cannot be explained in a few words. In the growth process of immortal cultivators, the status of immortal cultivators is basically distinguished by the level of realm.

It can be said that they have been practicing for thousands of years.

Although there are some very powerful beings who can cross the border and kill opponents, they are after all extremely rare sons of genius, and there are only one or two among the millions of immortal cultivators.

And now Ye Han is one of them.


Ye Han shouted: "Let's hide first, the opponent is coming in our direction."

As he said, he slapped his storage bag with his hand, and array beads flew out one by one. As he pinched his fingers and chanted the spell, these array beads emitted circles of spiritual light runes, forming a defensive array that concealed the breath, appeared in the air, and flew down to the valley below with Ye Han's figure.

As Ye Han flew down to the valley below, Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai also flew down.

Surrounded by a whirring cloud and mist, the figures of the three people completely disappeared in the array. Along the way, Ye Han had used this defensive array that concealed the figure many times. Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai certainly knew how powerful this array was. With their cultivation, they could not find the existence of this array.

Over the years, Ye Han has been reading books on formations and runes from the Tianling Realm in the Wanshulou of the Yuwen Family, which has made him improve a lot in formations. At least he has broken through the formations that he could not make any progress in the Xingchen Continent. He has made a big leap.

However, it is a pity that Tianxuan Star King does not have much time for other things. He did not have time to comprehend many books in the Wanshulou of the Yuwen Family before he was sent out to the so-called Pota Mountain to look for some prehistoric stone tablet.

Otherwise, if he is given enough time, his formations, runes, elixirs, refining tools, puppets, etc. will have made considerable progress.

I don't know, these things are not useful just by reading books. You have to go through constant attempts and comprehending to make enough progress.

However, he has gained a lot, and Ye Han is not the kind of person who is not satisfied. At his level of cultivation, every little progress is a big step.

As the three people hid in the formation, not only did they not reveal a trace of breath, but their defense was also amazing.

At this time.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Clang clang clang!

A series of roaring explosions and the sound of metal clashing continued to erupt in the distance. With the continuous roaring explosions, the space was filled with extremely terrifying roaring light explosions, colorful and rippling, and the sky was filled with hurricanes.

There were also sword lights, knife lights, gun kings, and other magic weapons attacks, and the boundless storms that came out of the attacks changed the color of the world.

Suddenly, the whole sky was filled with terrible aura of heaven and earth, and boundless storms surged...

In the sky, a huge flying boat warship was in the shape of a huge octagon, with aura storms bursting on it, and golden light bursting on it. A group of immortal cultivators wearing golden armor were besieging a group of immortal cultivators with blood surging and murderous auras.

These cultivators, with blood surging and murderous auras, were dressed in strange clothes with colorful lights flashing on them, looking very extraordinary. They wore strange masks with colorful stripes on them, and there was a very strange blood-colored rune in them.

Seeing this scene.

Ye Han's eyes moved. Immortal warships? Are they chasing immortal cultivators? Looking at the blood surging in these people, could it be the Blood Sky Clan mentioned by Yu Wenhong and Bafang Cailai? !

Sure enough, Yuwen Hong's voice came to Ye Han immediately: "It's the Immortal Clan! How do they deal with the Blood Sky Clan? And they sent out the Galaxy Battleship!!"

Bafang Cailai also transmitted: "And it seems that they have already taken down the Blood Island, so powerful!!"

Ye Han was also surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Immortal Clan was attacking the Blood Sky Clan's Blood Island. The reason why Bafang Cailai said that they had already taken down the Blood Island...

Because those masked Blood Sky Clan cultivators are the ritual envoys of the Blood Island.

They will never leave the Blood Island at ordinary times.

Because their minds and souls have been locked in the altar on the Blood Island, and they are practicing in a special way to achieve the purpose of immortality.

It can be regarded as a relatively special race among the races in the Tianling Realm.

Of course, it is not the most bizarre. There are many more bizarre races that use incredible ways of practice and survival in this world.

In the books of the Yuwen Family Wanshulou that Ye Han had read, there were many such things recorded.

Ye Han also read about the Blood Sky Clan's Blood Island there, but the record was not very clear.

The current situation is very intense. The Immortal Clan has dispatched thousands of immortal cultivators, among which there should be more than a dozen in the Refining Void Stage.

The rest are also immortal cultivators in the Spiritualization Stage, bursting out with very amazing formation light explosions, chasing and killing the dozen immortal cultivators of the Blood Sky Clan! ! !

There were terrifying storms and roaring explosions for thousands of miles...

It seems that the Immortal Clan must kill these guys. Although several immortal cultivators have fallen, they are still chasing and killing them madly.

At this time, more than a dozen immortal cultivators of the Blood Sky Clan suddenly gathered together, and a burst of terrifying blood energy burst out from their bodies in a rapid spell.

Boom boom boom, a boundless and terrifying blood storm shook, and the blood light bursting out from the bodies of the dozen or so Blood Sky Clan cultivators splashed out like a tide, forming blood-colored runes that rippled and vibrated in the air...

Seeing this scene.

Ye Han's face changed drastically: "Not good! Let's run away!"

As Ye Han spoke, Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai's faces also changed drastically.

Not good!

Blood Sacrifice Summoning!!

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