Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2084 Blood Sky Clan

These damned Blood Sky Clan are just extremely crazy guys. Seeing that they can't win, they actually sacrificed themselves and summoned the secret method of the Blood Sky Clan, the evil blood demon summoning. This thing is not ordinary horror.

There have been many bloody cases in the world of immortal cultivation, and their island restrictions are very powerful. Ordinary immortal cultivators dare not provoke them...

This time, the immortals actually dealt with them. I really don't know why.

But this excitement is not something they can get involved in. The world of immortal cultivation has long had an iron rule. When encountering a large-scale battle between immortal cultivators, or when high-level immortal cultivators take action. Immortal cultivators who have no ability should not get involved, and don't get close, so as not to lose their lives.

Immediately, the terrifying and boundless blood-red mist continued to spread in the air, and the sky within a radius of hundreds of miles was blood-red, forming countless terrifying runes. The blood light continued to twist in the sky, and began to tear the sky into a huge hole.

Then came a terrifying and brutal aura, which came out from the huge cracks and holes in the sky. Six blood-red pupils like the sun shone through the cracks in the space. The boundless aura of terror made all the cultivators present feel terrified.

In the giant flying boat, a command was shouted: "Arrange the formation!!"

As the voice came out, the immortal cultivators flew away at a high speed, forming an extremely huge formation...

How could Ye Han and the other two have the heart to stay and watch the fun?

Many times, in the fights between cultivators, those who died were just joining in the fun, and this aura was so dangerous, if they didn't leave now, when would they leave?

Ye Han controlled the formation to hide his figure and breath, and rushed forward with Yuwen Hong and Lei Ting Bafang...

And in the back, there was a terrifying roar and explosion, the whole world was blood red, and the terrifying breath surged out...

Then there was a roar and explosion like a storm, the spiritual energy of the world was agitated, the sound of collision and explosion continued to impact, and the world was in chaos.

Ye Han looked back, the sky was full of roaring and exploding space storms, the whole world seemed to be reversed, and hundreds of thousands of feet of terrifying blood light heads continued to impact and surge in the space, and brilliant golden light was surrounded by it, hitting the sky and cracking the earth, and the brilliance of the three suns in the sky was covered.

The horror of the race war in the Tianling Realm is really extraordinary.

If this war happened in the earth, at least half of the Fengtian Continent would be killed...

This is not over yet!

As they ran rapidly, the storm became more and more terrifying from behind, and even a scream from a cultivator of the Immortal Clan was heard.

Then there was a thunderous explosion, and a terrifying roar erupted in the space...


Kill my people!!!


And Ye Han and the other two fled even faster.

Fortunately, they were covered by the formation arranged by Ye Han. As they ran all the way, those guys were dealing with the evil blood demons summoned by the cultivators of the Blood Sky Clan through sacrifice. Otherwise, they would be in trouble...

After all, the other party had higher beings around them. Could it be that the Immortal King took action?

Very likely...

A quarter of an hour later.

They had already run thousands of miles away, but they could still see the terrifying blood-red storm surging in the sky.

And they had reached a vast front, and the vast sea was full of surging blood-red waves.

The three of them stood on a huge beach in front of the sea, and Ye Han had already put away the formation.

Yuwen Hong said with emotion: "It seems that the Blood Sky Clan has somehow provoked the extremely domineering Immortal Clan. Now, the entire race is gone."

Bafang Cailai said disdainfully: "It is not a pity for a race like the Blood Sky Clan to die. Maybe the rumor a few years ago is true. The Blood Sky Clan's clan king fell, which led to today's disaster!"

Hearing this, Yuwen Hong said in surprise: "Fellow Daoist Bafang, there is such a rumor? The Blood Sky Clan's clan king is a fusion stage cultivation, and has such a long life span, how could he fall?"

Bafang Cailai shrugged and said: "I only heard rumors occasionally. What is it? It's not something we can control? But it's true If there is a clan king with the cultivation level of the fusion stage, no matter how domineering the immortals are, they must consider the cost of angering an immortal king. "

The voice paused, he looked at this vast sea area and said: "And this sea area is the Xuetian Sea Area of ​​the Xuetian Clan. There were many forbidden formations in the past, but now it seems that most of them have been broken by the immortals. It seems that we don’t need to go around it. It’s faster to fly directly over."

Then Bafang Cai looked at Ye Han and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, what do you think?"

Ye Han thought for a while and replied: "Let’s fly over from this sea area. Maybe we can still pick up some bargains. The main force of the immortals should not come back. Let’s go."

That’s right! Ye Xing judged that the main force of the immortals should be chasing these few Xuetian people, and the immortal kings are likely to take action, so it is naturally impossible to be in the Xuetian Island area of ​​the Xuetian Clan.

And in this chaotic situation, it is not certain that we can still pick up some bargains.

Hearing this, Bafang Cailai said excitedly: "Fellow Daoist Ye! What you said is exactly what I want. I mean the same thing. Let's go."

Yes, Bafang Cailai obviously knows much more about the Blood Sky Clan than Ye Han...

And he can clearly hear the hidden meaning in his words.

Yuwen Hong also said: "Then let's go, but we must be careful. If there are any Blood Sky Clan members who slip through the net or encounter the Immortal Clan, we will be in trouble."

Ye Han and Bafang Cailai nodded and said: "Okay."

As they spoke, the three of them accelerated and flew towards the Blood Sky Sea.

This place had obviously been through a great battle. There were still very terrifying mana fluctuations in the air, traces of the breath and destruction of the treasures, and a very strong smell of blood.

And just as Ye Han and Yuwen Hong thought, Bafang Cailai actually felt very familiar with this sea area, and did not lose his way, and flew all the way forward.

Unfortunately, there were no slips along the way, and no Immortal Clan members, until they flew for more than an hour and flew over a million miles of sea.

A vast and boundless island appeared in front of us, covered with huge and boundless blood-colored pits, which were constantly spewing blood mist...

Is this the Blood Sky Island of the Blood Sky Clan?

What is that? So terrifying? !

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